Sunday 29 December 2019

God of 11th Hour

CALVARY HOUR (26/11/2019)

TEXT: GEN. 18:10-14; GEN. 21:1-7,8; Jn.  11:1-4,15, 17-27, 38-44
Gen. 18:10-14; 21:1-8; Jn. 11:1-4, 15, 17-27, 38-49
This message will be coming under four (4) points.
·         God of 11th hour who can never be late, Explain?
·         Examples of those who He granted 11th hour miracles
·         Hindrances to 11th hour miracle
·         My heart cry Now
When we talk of God of 11th hour who can never come late;
·         we are taking about God who can never be late in anything;
·         The God who cannot make mistake
·         God who cannot promise and fail
·         The Lord in which anytime He does His things is always early
·         If He decides to come by 1pm instead of 12 noon, He is still early
·         He decides to use you at the age of 75, 80, 90, 100 years, it is not still late
·         What all the people of the world cannot accomplish in one year, He can accomplish it in 1 Year.
·         Any time He chooses to answer your prayer is early to Him
·         He is the Lord who has power to command things that are not as though they were
·         The Lord who can give you a miracle(s) that will look like a lie(s); I am a living testimony
·         Abraham and Sarah; Gen. 18:10-14; 21:1-8
·         God fought and divided the red sea before Israel; Exo. 14:14-31
·         God rolled away reproaches of Egyptians from Israelites Jos. 5:9
·         God remembered Noah and caused his dry ground to appear Gen. 8:1, 13
·         God remembered Rachael and removed her reproach Gen. 30:22-23
·         Bone of Elisha raised the dead, 2 Kings 13:21
·         God turned the captivity of Job and restored all He lost Job 42:10-12, 16-17
·         God cause the fire meant for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to consume their enemies and gave them promotion; Dan. 3:22
·         God caused the lion that were made to eat Daniel to eat his enemies Dan. 6:24
·         Jesus raised a widow son who was carried to be buried to life Lk. 7:11-16
·         Mary conceived and bore a son without the help the help of a man Lk. 2:1-7
·         Lazarus came back to life when all hope were lost Jn. 11:1-4
·         Dorcas was raised to life after death
·         Jesus came back to life after three (3) days.
·         James Onuoha was restored to life when all hope was lost;
·         You are the next person
·         Unbelief and doubt
·         Dwelling in the past (This prevents your happiness and 11th hour miracle)
·         Comparing yourself to others (This or that person..................................)
·         Unforgiveness and bearing grudges
·         Murmuring and complaining
·         Stinginess to release yourself to God and what you have to Him
·         Not opening your mouth to cry out like blind Barthemeaus

If there are those who still needs 11th hour miracle, they should rise and cry out.
1.      Any heavenly or earthly foundation holding my fruitfulness and multiplication and my good; collapse so that I can possess my possession – pray
2.      The God of 11th hour who resurrected Abraham and Sarah body and the organism, resurrect my own now
3.      The Lord who removed the reproach of Abraham and Sarah and gave them new name and cause them to laugh; do the same to me; In the name of Jesus
4.      All the Pharaohs’, Nebuchadnezzar, Goliath and Herod who should die for me to cross my red sea and river Jordan; die in Jesus name
5.      Lord who divided the red sea and river Jordan for Israelites to cross without their help, prayer and fasting; divide my own now.
6.      The Lord who rolled away the reproaches by Egyptians for the Israelites to Excel, Do so to us now.
7.      The God of 11th hour who remembered Noah and dried his mountainous flood for his dry land to appear; remember me and dry my own flood for my dry land to appear.
8.      Lord who remembered Rachael and removed her reproach; remember me and remove my reproaches – mention them
9.      The God of 11th hour who caused the borrowed axe to swim from the river – Oh lord all my axe in the river, all my properties in the river. Cause the river t vomit them; in Jesus name
10.  The Lord who cause the bone of Elisha to raise the dead man – oh Lord all the deadness in my life, cause them to be alive.
11.  The Lord who turned the captivity of Jacob and restore all he lost – Oh Lord restore all I have lost in the name of Jesus
12.  The Lord who cause the fire meant for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to consumed their enemies; - All the fire meant for me, consume all my enemies, In Jesus name
13.  The Lord who caused the Lion meant to eat Daniel to eat his enemy – Oh Lord, all the spiritual and physical Lions meant for me and my house, begin to eat all our enemies In Jesus name
14.  O Lord, every altar where they are sacrificing for my death and blood – let the altar drink the blood of the owners while I close their graves.
15.  Lazarus came back to life when all hope are being lost – O Lord all the grave holding my rising in the name of Jesus Christ collapse for me to rise In Jesus name
16.  All those who have vowed that I will never live to see the end of the year, die In Jesus name
17.  Whoever is holding my breakthrough, holding my promotion, favour, replace me In Jesus name
18.  Whosoever has been paid to kill me; stop and quench my joy, dancing and rejoicing – In the name of Jesus, replace me now
19.  All the vows and decrees made from my father’s house, mothers house, maternal home, paternal home to remove me out of the way; catch fire now In Jesus name
20.  O Lord, as Mary the Mother of Jesus conceived without the help of a man – O Lord grant me 11th hour miracle that looks like a lie
21.  O Lord, all the accident meant for me and my house this year – back to sender In Jesus name
22.  O Lord, whatever is holding me to release all I have to you – Destroy them all In Jesus name
23.  All the lands that open their mouth to swallow my blood and that of my children, family – swallow your owner In Jesus name
24.  Whosoever from the air, water, grave, altar, shrine, east, west, north, south preparing end of the year sorrow and regrets, tears, weeping etc for me and my house – receive double In Jesus name
25.  Lord, as the grave did not hold Jesus from resurrecting – all the grave, pit, man, woman, foundation holding me from fulfilling my ministry – collapse and catch fire In Jesus name
26.  O Lord, from today, I receive the giving grace to give you all – I give you all In Jesus name.


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