Sunday 29 December 2019


Teenager’s Bible Sharing (23/6/2019)

TEXT:           Gal. 5:22-23; John 15:1-8
Memory Verse: Gal. 5:22-23  
Fruits are good for the body. In fact, the medical people say that when you eat good fruits, they help to protect your body against disease. This is because you derive what is known as vitamins and minerals from eating different types of fruits. It is these vitamins and minerals that help the body to fight against diseases.
God has blessed us with different types of fruits. We have oranges, mangoes, bananas, apples, lemon, paw-paw, pineapples and others. Different trees bear different fruits. However, a mango tree will only bear mango fruits and not pawpaw. As it is in the physical, so also it is in the spiritual. When a sinful child repents and becomes a friend of Jesus, his sins are washed away through the blood of Jesus. God then expects him to live as a new person and bear the fruit of the new life. His new life will show the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is nine-in-one. No part must be missing in the life of a true friend of Jesus. That is why it is not called fruits of the Spirit but fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit includes;
1.         LOVE                        1 Jn. 4:8, 16; Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor. 13:4-8, 13
God is love. He gave us His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our bad ways. As you accept God’s love and become a friend of Jesus, He fills your heart with His love so much that you can share with others. To love others is to show care, do good and seek for the good of other people. You will treat others the way you want them to treat you.
2.        JOY   Rom. 14:17; 1 Thess. 5:16
When you understand that God loves you and truly know that Jesus paid for your sins; joy comes into your heart. When you are passing through trials and problems, you will always remember God’s word and His love. Then your heart will be filled with joy and then you will share this joy with others.

N/B:    Just as natural fruits give us vitamins to live healthy, the fruit of the Spirit in us as believers makes us to live for Jesus.
The fruit of the Spirit in us such as love, joy etc helps us to draw others to Jesus

1.         What are the importances of fruits in our body?
2.         What are the difference between the fruits we eat and the fruit of the Spirit?
3.         How did God show His love for us?
4.         Mention the fruit of the Spirit you can see in your life?

Activity:          Mention other fruit of the Spirit not mentioned today.
Home Work:  Let your live show to others at school and at home what the fruit of the Spirit is.

Find the meaning of the words:          Gentleness, Temperance, Meekness, Goodness, humility

Bible Reading: (Monday to Sunday) Gal. 5:1-End

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (30/6/2019)

TEXT:           Gal. 5:22-23; John 15:1-8
Memory Verse: Gal. 5:22-23  
3.        PEACE          Isa. 26:3; Heb. 12:14a
Peace is a deep assurance in the heart that all is well because we serve a loving, wonderful God. When we commit ourselves to God and trust Him completely, He gives us perfect peace. We then have peace with God, peace with other people and peace with ourselves.
4.        LONGSUFFERING          Eph. 4:2
This means endurance, patience and being slow to be angry. You will not want to pay back evil for evil. You will wait for your turn and be happy with whatever God provides for you.
5.        GENTLENESS       Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:12
You will not want to hurt someone or give him or her pain. You are quiet and not a talkative or troublemaker. You put others first.
6.        GOODNESS            Matt. 21:12, 13
This makes you to be good to people. You will also be kind to share the word of God with sinners and also share what you have with others
Note: Turn away from your bad ways and accept Jesus into your heart. You will then be able to bear the fruit of the Spirit.

N/B:    Just as natural fruits give us vitamins to live healthy, the fruit of the Spirit in us as believers makes us to live for Jesus.
The fruit of the Spirit in us such as love, joy etc helps us to draw others to Jesus

1.         What are the differences between gentleness and craftiness?
2.         What do you understand by long suffering?
3.         What are the things seen in someone’s life that makes him/her to possess goodness as a fruit of the Spirit?
4.         How can one possess the fruit of the Spirit?
5.         Give examples of a gentle person, a good person and one that has longsuffering?

Activity:          Mention other fruit of the Spirit not mentioned today.
Home Work:  Let your live show to others at school and at home what the fruit of the Spirit is.
                        Draw a tree showing the nine - in - one fruit of the Spirit.
Lesson:           A Christian child is known by the fruits he bears in his life.
Prayer thought: My life must show the fruit of the Spirit

Find the meaning of the words:       Self control, Deep assurance, Humble, Moderate

Bible Reading: Monday: Eph. 3:17-19; Tuesday: Eph. 5:8-11; Wednesday: Eph. 4:23-25; Thursday: Col. 3:12-14; Friday: Col. 3:15-17; Saturday: Jh. 15:1-4; Sunday: Jh. 15:5-8

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (6/7/2019)

TEXT:           Gal. 5:22-23; John 15:1-8
Memory Verse: Gal. 5:22-23  
7.         FAITH          Rom. 3:3; Heb. 11:1
This means absolute trust in God and His word. You believe God that He would do all that He has promised even when you have not seen it.
8.        MEEKNESS            Num. 12:3
To be meek is to be humble. Even when you are taking first in your examination or your parents are rich, you will not show off. You will put yourself in the position of others.
9.        TEMPERANCE     1 Cor. 9:25; Titus 1:8; 2:5
This is self control. Many children cannot control themselves when it comes to food, cheating in examination, buying things, playing games and watching films. As a Christian child, the bible wants you to be moderate in all that you do.
A sinful child cannot bear the fruit of the Spirit. He needs to be sorry and turn away from his bad ways, confess them to God and ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus and receive Jesus into his heart to be his personal Saviour and Lord. Then he can receive the grace of God to bear the fruit of the Spirit.
1.         Why is it called the fruit of the Spirit and not the “fruits of the Spirit?”
2.         Mention the fruit of the Spirit we have?
3.         Do you have the fruit of the Spirit? if no, Why don’t you have It and how can you          have it?
4.         Can anyone have only few of the nine-in-one fruit of the Spirit without having others?
5.         If you have lost the fruit of the Spirit, how can you get it back?
N/B: The teacher is to pray for the children who are born again to have this fruit of the Spirit?

1.         Mention the nine fruit of the Spirit?


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