Sunday 29 December 2019


Teenager’s Bible Sharing (26/5/2019)
TEXT:                        Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:7; Gal. 6:6-9
Christian giving first entails one giving ones soul and entire life to God, in full realization that all the one owns and possesses belong to God, by virtue of the fact that the one has given one’s all to God. It is the person who has given or surrendered his life totally to Christ that will be effective in the principle of Christian giving and receiving. It should always be remembered that it is by God’s grace and enablement that we are what we are, and that all we have, we received from God 1 Cor. 4:7. A man’s degree of closeness to God depends on his level of openness and willingness to give to God whatever God demands of him no matter the difficulty that may be involved. Gen. 22:1-2; 10-12, 15-17. God Himself taught us to give by giving His best for us Jn. 3:16; Rom. 8:32. One way of receiving freely and bountifully from God is by giving freely, cheerfully and bountifully also, both material and non-material things as the Lord may need

We can give to the Lord in the Following ways;
·         Tithe paying
·         Offering
·         Making vows
·         Seed faith
·         First fruits
·         Giving to the less privilege
·         Praises and thanksgiving
·         Consecration of oneself and service
·         Special support for church projects, missions and its ministers
·         Release of materials or properties for the service of God

1.         TITHE PAYING
It means giving to God one tenth (1/10) of whatever a believer earn as income or profit in business or a monetary gifts you get which carries special blessings for the giver and fearful curses for whoever denies God Lev. 27:30-32; Gen. 28:22; Heb. 7:1-2; Gen. 14:18-20; Mal. 3:8-10

2.         OFFERING  
This means giving unto the Lord in diverse manners which are not your tithes. It is giving out of free will which may be cash or material things etc Num. 7:10-12. One can also give by consecrating oneself, service or property to God Luk. 2:36-37. Coming to church early, coming for rehearsals, fellowships and practices are also mediums of giving God your time

Apart from this, a child of God should not be stingy, you can give to your friends or share with them what you have Acts 4:32-34. We should also give God praises, thanksgiving and appreciate Him for what He has done for you and your family. Heb. 13:16; Prov. 28:27; 19:17

1.         What is Christian giving?
2.         Mention different ways we can give to the Lord?
3.         What is tithe paying?
4.         What is offering?
5.         Explain the different ways you can offer to God?

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (2/6/2019)
TEXT:                        Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:7; Gal. 6:6-9
3.         SEED FAITH
Eccl. 11:1-6; Lk. 6:38; Isa. 32:20;
When you consider a tree or an orange fruits, before it grew, the farmer will plant a seed of orange which grows and bear an orange fruits. In like manner, seed faiths are things; (material things, money, possessions, cloths, etc) that we sow to God in other to receive a particular blessing from Him.

It draws God to move in a situation and one of the medium to provoke God to action.

4.         COVENANT VOWS
Judges 11:29-39; Deut. 23:21-23; Num. 30:2; Eccl. 5:4-6;
Vows are promises made to the Lord for what He has done or what you expect from Him. Hannah made a vow unto the Lord in 1 Sam. 1:11, 20-28; and fulfilled it. Jephthah also made a vow unto the Lord and He fulfilled it. This is an important medium of provoking God to move in your situation. There are various ways to vow unto the lord, it is a covenant you make with the Lord, you can vow material things or services to God; coming to church early, helping out in the house of God, praying certain times, reading certain number of the bible, preaching the gospel to friends or one form of consecration to the work of God.

The bible made it clear that it is better thou should not vow, than vowing and not fulfilling it for it is a sinful act and an abomination unto the Lord (Deuteronomy 23:22)

Having considered all these medium of giving, others discussed in our previous teaching are very essential as one consecrating his/her life to God in all aspect of life and giving His services to God.

Furthermore, Christian giving is acceptable to God when it is given;
Cheerfully (that is without grumbling and complaining (2 Cor. 9:7), willingly (not by force) Exo. 25:1-2, no conditions attached, no selfishness (draw favour from your leader/pastor), not looking at your friends

When you give to God, God’s servant or minister uses it by the direction of the Spirit of God and you should not complain about it. We should also endeavour to give God the best in all. Gen. 4:3-7; Mal. 1:6-8

We must not forget that the offering of sinner/the wicked is abomination to God, especially when it is brought with filty hands and heart; therefore, mend your ways, make peace with God, your brethren and neighbours before offering unto God Prov. 21:27; Matt. 5:23-24

Lastly, whenever we give to God, we shall as well receive from Him directly and indirectly from others Lk. 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:5-12. Above all let us not just give unto God because we expect some things back, but because He is God and is very worthy of our love, and bountiful gifts. He will not forget our labour of love to Him Rom. 11:33-36; Heb. 6:10

1.         What is Christian giving and receiiving?
2.         Mention different ways we can give to the Lord?
3.         What is Seed faith?
4.         What is a Covenant vow?
5.         What makes our giving acceptable to the Lord?


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