Tuesday 31 December 2019


I Will remember my song in the night;
I will meditate with my heart and my spirit ponders.
Will the Lord reject forever? And will He never be favorable again?
His loving kindness ceased forever? Has His promise come to an end forever?
Has God forgotten to be gracious or has He in anger withdrawn His compassion
Then I said, “It is my grief, that the right hand of the most high has changed”
Psalm 77:6-10
The need for revival in the church of Jesus Christ has become more intense now than ever. It is a prayer in the hearts of God’s people that our generation in particular will experience revival to set her free from the present state of decadence. Several brethren who serve God in this generation especially the very young have been deceived into thinking that increase in religious noise characteristics of our time could be the revival they have been waiting for. But as we look at the meditations of the Psalmist , we discover what parameters He looked up to but could not find, before he concluded that revival was needed urgently. A time when God’s promises seemed to have been suspended and His favour withdrawn, a time when God’s hand; the right hand of His power appears to have changed; necessitates a  revival longing. It is something we must take individually and personally. If all the emptiness and lack of God’s power in our hearts fail to lead us to a personal burden, then revival will continue to tarry. Let us like the Psalmist conclude that it is our grief that the right Hand of God has changed. If concern and care are not wrought in our hearts in a time like this, we need to cry to God to send light to our dark hearts.
Our mentor is also seeking for men who will share in this burden. He has come to bring men and women to show them the will of the father and His work. We must arise now and bow our shoulders to bear the revival burden.
Our calling is into a duty, to bear God’s burden that leads to revival. The question to answer in this camp remains: Will you lay down your life for me? (Jn 13:38a).
We pray the Lord to raise for Himself men and women who are ready to labour to give birth to revival. We will surely find our place in the Lord’s vineyard if we are willing and ready to bow our shoulders to bear the burden.
We also pray the Lord to open our eyes to see the rest that leads a man to yielding his shoulders to bearing God’s burden all the days of His life.
It is on this note that you are welcome to this camp, praying that you find an expecting heart within you to receive the Lord’s revival burden. Surely this will give you a 2019 you will not regret. God bless you as you soberly wait on the Lord during this camp carefully avoiding all distractions in order to receive help from the throne of Grace. Amen


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