Tuesday 31 December 2019



BIBLE SHARING (7/10/2018)


            “And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who             believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does           not believe will be condemned-     Mk. 16:15-16”

            “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise; Prov. 11:30”

God considers anyone who wins souls as wise. God Himself has been involved in the work of soul winning right from the beginning. When Adam sinned, God went ahead to look for him and made plans to redeem him (Gen. 3:9-15, 21). Jesus also declared that the reason why He came to the world was to seek and to save that which was lost (Lk. 19:10). Furthermore, His main purpose for leaving us here in the world up till now is to win souls *(Mk. 16:15). It is therefore clear that (Mk. 16:15). It is therefore clear that the i8ssue of soul winning has always been God’s concern. It was for this reason He sent Jesus Christ, His only begotten son into this wicked world to die on the cross to save the souls of men. He has now given everyone He has saved the ministry of reconciliation. This is our responsibility in this world and we must carry it out diligently and faithfully.
We therefore intend, through this study to search the scriptures over this subject matter in order to gain a deep understanding of this commission given to every believer so as to help our obedience in this regard. Pray as you study along that the Lord may give you understanding and open your eyes to see the need for soul winning, and give you compassion for the lost souls of men, to win them to Christ.

1. What is soul winning?
Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Rev. 21:8; Isa. 59:1-2; Lk. 19:9-10; 15:1-10; Mrk. 16:15-16; 2Cor.l 5:18-20

Soul winning is deliberately looking for lost souls to bring them to salvation and win them to Christ. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And death, eternal judgement in hell fire is the punishment for sin. Sin is the cause of the quarrel and separation between God and mankind. But Christ came 8into the world to save sinners and win them, reconciling them back to God. This is soul winning. He came to seek and to save those who are lost in sin and separates from God; and He has committed to us the same ministry of reconciling people back to Him. So, Soul winning means looking for sinners where they are in order to reconcile them to God through the instrumentality of the gospel.
But it takes someone who has been reconciled to God to reconcile others to Him. This is the first step to take since a rebel cannot reconcile anther rebel to God. First, you must be reconciled to God. Have you been reconciled back to God?

1.  What is Soul winning?
2.  Why did Christ commanded all believers to go and win souls?
3.  Why do believers do not engage in Soul winning?


BIBLE STUDY (11/10/2018)


a) Every child of God has been commanded to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mk.16:15-16, Mk. 5:19-20, Lk.9:1-2, 2 Cor.5:15, 18-19.

Only believers are commissioned to preach the gospel. The first ministry one receives as a child of God is the ministry of reconciling men unto God. Immediately the demon-possessed man of Gadara was delivered by the Lord, he sought to follow Jesus wherever He goes. But Jesus told him ‘Go back to your friends and tell them what great things he Lord has done for you.’ Show them the way of salvation. As you have experienced God’s salvation yourself, show them the way.

The fact that you are still young in the faith and that you d not know too many Bible  verses is not an excuse .Simply go and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you.   Also, the fact that you are not an evangelist by gifting is not an excuse. Even though you are a pastor or a prophet, you must not neglect personal soul-winning.   Every child of God is commanded to go and preach the gospel. It is an obligation.         

b) Angels are not ordained to preach the gospel.
1Pet. 1:10-12, Acts10:36, 30-33.

Even though angels desired intently to look into these things and probably partake in them, it was not given to them.  You can see how glorious it is to preach the good news.  God has ordained that the gospel be preached by the children of men.   We have the ministry of reconciliation .We are stewards of the mystery of the gospel committed into our hands, and it is required o a steward that he must be found faithful.  Pray that you will be found faithful in this regard.

3.   Vital Preparation and Equipment for Soul Wining

a)   Right standing with God.
Psalms 66:18; Rom. 2:21-24; 2Cor .5:18; 2Cor.3:5; Acts19:13-16

A sinner cannot win another sinner to Christ. Demons do not obey unbelievers; instead they teach them lesson as they did to the sons of Sceva.  You cannot lead another person to a Savior you do not know.  You cannot also reconcile a man with a God with whom you have not been reconciled. Only those who have been reconciled with God can reconcile others God. The first thing to d to be qualified for this glorious assignment is to repent, turn away from your sins and be reconciled to God. Then you will be useful in God’s hands to turn sinners from their sins to righteousness and bring them back to God.

BIBLE SHARING (14/10/2018)

3.   Vital Preparation and Equipment for Soul Wining

b) A readiness to ‘GO’ and to ‘SPEAK’ (preach)

Mk.16:15; Ps119:46; Isaiah52:7, Eph.6:5, Rom10:14, Acts.8:1-6;16:6-10, 1Cor.9:20-23(LB)

The disciples of old were prepared to preach the gospel at all times whether it was convenient or not. Even severe persecution could not discourage them from preaching. The command is ,’Go…and preach…’. it is important t arm yourself in your gospel at all times. Be ready to go, any time the opportunity arises. Look out for opportunities to preach and actually create them a God leads you.

c) Prayer: Ezek.18:4; John3:27; Acts6:4; 13:6-12; Eph.6:12; 2Cor.10:3-5; Matt12:29; Jer.4:3.
 Every soul belongs to God. Ask Him for that soul you want to preach to, and He will give him or her to you. Again, the devil fights to retain the souls of men under his control. Salvation of souls involves spiritual warfare, much of which is done and won in the place of prayer. It is necessary to pray before going out to preach the gospel.

d)  Prepare to preach the word of God; preach Jesus. 1eter1:23; Mark16:20, Lk.8:11; 2Tim2:15-16, 2Tim 4:2; Acts 8:27-35.
Preach God’s word; the word of God is the seed even for a soul to be saved. And all scriptures speak about Jesus Christ. You can preach Jesus from any scripture in the Bible. Quote scriptures as the spirit of God directs you. It is also not every scripture that talks about si8n and salvation that you must quote. Watch out in your heart for the ones that the Lord who knows that soul will give you. Explain it as simply as possible. Do not look down on the simplicity of the gospel. It is still the power of God for saving people. Your word should be a true testimony of what you know concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.

e)    The Holy Spirit. Acts1:8; John 15:26-27; 16:7-11; 1Cor.2:13; Zech.4:6.
Stand with and n the Holy Spirit and be properly connected with Him in your heart to receive utterance (Spirit-given-words) and direction as you preach. Power to effectively witness about Christ and win sinners to the Lord, comes from the Holy Spirit. He is the only one who has the power to convict sinners and bring them on their  kneels to the Savior. Believe in Him and depend solely on Him.

1) At what time where the disciples asked to preach?
2) What are they asked to preach and what does it do to the soul?
3) They are to make disciples of who?  Him? Yourself? Church?  Group?

BIBLE SHARING (21/10/2018)

3.   Vital Preparation and Equipment for Soul Wining

f) Compassionate heart. Matt. 9:36, Rom9:1-2, Matt 14:14; 1Cor.13:1-3

Preach with compassion and not out of compulsion. Remember that you were once in darkness and in such a situation of ignorance and helplessness before, but the grace of God found you out. Be compassionate towards the unbeliever and preach the gospel to him from a compassionate heart.

g)  Wisdom from God.
Eph 3:10-11; 1Cor.2:7,13(NIV, NLT), James.3:17-18; 2Tim2:24-26.
We need the wisdom of God to communicate the gospel message to each person. Depend on the Lord to speak through you. He will give you the right words and the right illustration to explain the gospel.

The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is God’s powerful method for changing men. Christ has paid the entire price required to save all mankind and as many as believe the good news of salvation in Christ Jesus shall be saved. But how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
The preaching of the gospel has been committed into the hands of every believer.  As powerful as angels are, they are not allowed to preach the gospel. Unto us the ministry of reconciliation has been committed. You must justify this grace of God given unto you. You must not die a debtor. As you prepare your heart at all times to win souls, preach the gospel, God will guide you and hand over some souls to you. You will not find them difficult to win. Pray that you will not disappoint God in this holy assignment.

1.  Explain some of the equipment we must possess for soul winning as discussed earlier and now?
2.  Why must we preach the gospel?
3. Are there certain group of Christians allowed for soul winning? Explain

BIBLE SHARING (28/10/2018)

Since mankind fell into the sin of disobedience in the Garden of Eden, they strayed out of the presence and purpose of God. They got lost. God began to look for them.
            And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam   and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the             trees of the garden.
            Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” Gen. 3:8-9
This is how God has been looking for every human being on earth since then. Each person is lost and unfortunately cannot trace his way back into the presence of  God by himself except through the gospel. We shall therefore examine the need for soul winning in this study, praying that God will open our ears and eyes of understanding to perceive God’s heart-cry for the lost.
The need for soul winning cannot be over emphasized. God attached such a great importance to the salvation of souls that He expressed the need very clearly in the scriptures.
1. The terrible condition of a sinner
Rom. 3:23; Eph. 2:12; 2 Cor. 4:4; Prov. 4:19; Matt. 9:35-36
Take note of the scriptures above. What did you see in Rom. 3:23? A sinner is short of the glory of God. God’s glory is far from him. He is not up to standard. It is impossible for him to see and experience the glory of God. It is too far from his reach. What a terrible situation! A sinner is eternally separated from God (Eph. 2:12). He is separated from God not only in this world but also in the world to come. He has no hope, no share in the blessings allocated to God’s children. He has no God in this world. When he prays, he has no hope that God will answer. He is alien to the covenants of promise.
Not only that, a sinner is blind; he has been blinded by the god of this world (the devil). He has no capacity to see and understand the glorious gospel of Christ on his own. He has no light of life because Christ is the one who gives light to everyone who comes into the world. It is such a pathetic situation that he is unable to see God’s provision to save him from his sinful situation. The way of a sinner is like deep darkness so much that even when he stumbles, he does not know what make him to stumble. He does not know that it is the devil setting traps on his way. He cannot see. There is no light in him. So when he stumbles he continues to grope in darkness. Does that touch your heart? That is the true situation of a sinner.
The crowds that Jesus saw in Matt. 9:35-36 were harassed: they were troubled and attacked by the devil with sickness and all manner of troubles. They were harassed by their sins. They were harassed, yet helpless. There was no one to really help them because an unbeliever is without God in this world. His sins have separated him from God. A sinner is like a sheep without a shepherd. There is nobody to care for him and find him green pastures where his soul can rest and be refreshed. What a terrible state!
That is the true situation of a sinner. That is the situation of your unbelieving parents, brothers, sisters and relatives. If you look around you, you will see your neighbors in this situation, being harassed yet helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Compassion will make you do something to find solution to the problems of men; and the solution is in the gospel. Do not fold your hands and remain untouched. Preach the gospel.

1. What is the need for soul winning?
2. Why and what makes a sinner blind from our study?
3. How can anyone be harassed and helpless by their sins though having the riches of the world?
BIBLE SHARING (4/11/2018)

2.         God’s judgment is certain
Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:8; Rom. 2:8-9; Jn. 3:36; Prov. 11:29; Lk. 16:19-25; Heb. 12:16-17
God’s judgement is certain. Every sinner is short of the glory of God. No sinner shall enter the kingdom of God. No sinner shall go unpunished. God’s anger and wrath hangs over every sinner day by day. He stands condemned at the end of the age. God will not lower his standard because of any man. He is not a respecter of persons. There is a time somebody can cry unto God for mercy and He will hear. This is the dispensation of grace. His mercy is abundant now over the children of men. But a time is coming when God will refuse to show you mercy even though you cry to Him. In the day of His wrath, He will not have mercy but show judgement. So this is the time to plead for mercy on behalf of the unsaved and the backsliders to reach out to them with the gospel. We will also not always have the opportunity to preach the gospel forever. Work hard now that it is day, for night is coming when no man will be able to work. And time is coming also when it will be too late for the sinner to repent even if you labour to pray for him or preach to him.
3.         God has made provision for salvation
Ezek. 33:11; Jn. 3:16; Matt. 1:21; Lk. 14:15-24; Mrk. 16:15; 2 Cor. 5:18-19; Lk. 16:27-31; 1 Cor. 9:16-17
God has prepared the solution for the salvation of men. Even though it was mankind that sold himself into the hands of the devil in Eden, God has made all the necessary arrangements and He has paid the price to ‘buy us back’. He gave up Jesus, His only begotten son as a sacrifice for our sins. He has done all that is needed. His super is ready. The death of the son of God on the cross of Calvary for mankind must not be wasted.
But people cannot come unless they are bidden and brought in. God therefore sent His servants (you and I) to go and invite them to come in. Even if the refuse to come and give excuses, that is not enough to hinder us from obeying the master’s command. God says we should compel them to come in, that His house may be filled. His supper is made ready. Compel them by prayers; compel them by the words and wisdom given to you by the Holy Spirit. His solution for our troubles is fully prepared. If people do not come in, it will be wasted. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation.
Necessity is laid on us. People are groping in darkness, being harassed and tossed to and fro by the devil, yet they are helpless. Pray that the Lord will find you faithful in this great commission of soul winning.
1.         What is the judgement of God concerning every sinner?
2.         How can we avert God’s judgement upon the life of any sinner?
3.         When shall soul winning becomes ineffective and useless?
4.         What provision has God made concerning all mankind to be saved?
5.         How can we compel sinners to come and eat the master’s supper from our study even if they        are not interested?

BIBLE SHARING (11/11/2018)

4.         The gospel is God’s only solution to man’s problem          Rom. 6:23; 1:16; Acts 4:12
The wages of sin is death. It was sin that brought all the death situations to mankind. To be saved therefore, the penalty for sin (death) has to be paid and that was what Jesus Christ did for us by His death on the cross. Philanthropic or social works cannot save or permanently solve man’s problem; the problem is internal, not external. Such works may only be at best, a temporary solution to the external problems that sin brought to man. Only in the gospel lies the power to save people. The gospel is God’s comprehensive equipment for changing men. It is God’s power for the salvation (from sin, from Satan, from sickness) of those who believe.
The gospel of Christ is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes (Rom.1:16 NIV). It is God’s powerful method for changing men. It is good news indeed. When properly preached, it brings a miraculous change in people’s lives and makes them new.
Each time you are to preach the gospel of salvation, God will normally give you a message if you ask Him. Matt.10:7; Jonah 3:2; Lk.9:60; Acts 2:22-41; 3:15-26.
God was particular about the message Jonah should preach. Jesus commands His disciples to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. We are not to preach our church denomination, neither are we supposed to preach our pastor or our own lives. We are not to preach miracles or any other thing. If you preach miracle alone without the gospel of salvation, people may be healed but not saved; so they will still die and go to hell. We are to preach Jesus. He is our message. Preach Christ and Him crucified and raised from the death for us, and you will see the power of His resurrection backing you up to save, heal and deliver people.
That was the message the apostles preached and many souls were saved. Preach Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and many souls shall be saved by your hands as well.
1          Why can’t moral living and doing good like philanthropic works save man from sins?
2.         Explain God’s instrument in changing a man’s life?
3.         How can anyone that has experienced God’s miracle like healing, prosperity and yet still not
4.         Explain the message that should be giving for any soul winning?

BIBLE SHARING (18/11/2018)

The gospel message we preach should therefore be centered on Christ, the Savior and should contain the following ingredients as much as possible, no matter which part of the bible we preach from:
1. The need for salvation
Let your message show the need for the sinner to be saved.
Rom 3:23; Isa. 59:1-2; Rom 6:23; Rev 21:8; John 3:3-6; Rom.8:5-8 (NKJV, GNB) Gal.5:19-21.
Discuss the need for salvation from these scriptures. How will you explain it in such a way that the sinner will see it?
If there is no need for people to be saved, then there will be no need for the Savior and for the preaching of the gospel. But because all have sinned, all need the savior. However until a man sees his need, he may not receive the solution you offer him.
 It is therefore important to clearly show the sinner, even from the scriptures, his need to be saved and to be set free from his sins and sinful nature.
2. The cost of salvation
Jn. 3:16; Isa. 53:4-10; Rom. 5:6-8, 17-18; 2Cor. 5:21 (NKJV, LB); Heb. 2:9-10, 14-15; Heb. 9:22.
Even though it is free for anyone to be saved from sin and from the power of the devil, it is not really free for God, the giver of salvation.
a) What did it cost to save us?
We were lost in sin and we could not save ourselves. It cost God a deal for us to be saved. His love for mankind made Him to send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the world to pay the price for our sins by His death on the cross. It was not for Himself or for His sins that Jesus Christ died .Christ who had no sin was made sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. It was an exchange of life that God was arranging not an improvement of the old.
It is impossible for our human nature to please God, no matter how much a human being tries. Until a man dies he cannot be free from sin. So death is the solution to the sin problem, to terminate the self-life (the human nature). So Jesus died for us in order to terminate our human nature and receive a new life, Christ’s life and be able to live to please God in this world. Therefore it cost God His only begotten Son to effect our salvation.
              But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners,                                                                                                                        Christ died for us. Rom 5:8.
                For God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins. Then in exchange, He         poured God’s goodness     into us 2 Cor. 5:21 (LB).
If God allows us to die individually before we can be free from sin, then after death we shall face judgment (Heb. 9: 27). Instead of this, God because of His love for us gave His only Son to die our death and set us free from our sins. Our sins and our human nature (self, the flesh) were laid upon Him and He bore the punishment by His death on that cruel cross. He was crucified for our sins. By the blood He shed at the cross of Calvary we have the privilege to be forgiven our sins and by His death on the cross, we are set free from the grip of the flesh. Therefore for God, the salvation of mankind was very costly and a sinner must be made to understand this very clearly.
1.             Explain any of the ingredients that the gospel (message) should contain?
2.             Why does a sinner needs salvation?
3.             How can you practically show a sinner that he/she needs salvation?
4.             What is the implication of the death of Christ to the salvation of mankind?

BIBLE SHARING (24/11/2018)

The gospel message we preach should therefore be centered on Christ, the Savior and should contain the following ingredients as much as possible, no matter which part of the bible we preach from:
2. The cost of salvation
Jn. 3:16; Isa. 53:4-10; Rom. 5:6-8, 17-18; 2Cor. 5:21 (NKJV, LB); Heb. 2:9-10, 14-15; Heb. 9:22.
Even though it is free for anyone to be saved from sin and from the power of the devil, it is not really free for God, the giver of salvation.
b) What does it cost a sinner to be saved? Eph. 2:8-9; Rom 10:8-10; Isa 64:6
For a sinner, salvation is free. No amount of money can be sufficient to buy salvation. There is nothing for anyone to pay in order to be saved from sin and Satan. There is nothing more for anyone to do or to pay to be saved; Jesus paid it all. By grace we are saved through faith. It is not of works, lest any man should boast. Salvation is free and therefore available to both the rich, and the poor. Just by believing in your heart that Christ died for you and was raised from the dead for your justification, you shall be saved. This must also be made clear to a sinner as you preach the gospel message.
c) Discuss how you will make a sinner to understand all these?
3. The role of the blood and the cross of Christ in our salvation
1 Pet. 1:18-19; 1 Jh 1:7; Heb. 9:22; Isa. 53:6; Rom. 6:6-7; Col. 2:13-15
Discuss your personal experience in this.
The blood of bulls and goats cannot wash away our sins. No amount of soap can wash us clean from sin either. By the blood of Jesus shed for us on the cross, we have forgiveness and cleansing from sins; and by His death on the cross, Jesus Christ destroyed the power of self and Satan over us and liberated us from their grip. A sinner should be told as part of the gospel message; that he no longer needs to remain in sin and in the grip of the flesh and Satan.
1.  What does it cost for any sinner to be saved?
2. What is the implication of the blood of Jesus to the life of any sinner?
3. What significance does the cross of Christ show to save man from his sins?
4. Using Nicodemus and Cornelius, Explain the criteria to be saved for a sinner?

BIBLE SHARING (2/12/2018)

The gospel message we preach should therefore be centered on Christ, the Savior and should contain the following ingredients as much as possible, no matter which part of the bible we preach from:
4. How to be saved
As we preach the gospel message, a sinner must also be clearly told how to be saved. The following scriptures may be of help in doing this:
Mark 1:15; 1 John 1:9; Prov. 28:13; Rom. 10:8-10; Mark 16:15-16; Rev. 3:20; John 1:12                               
Discover that to be saved, a sinner has to believe the gospel in the depth of his heart, repent from his sins, confess Jesus Christ as His saviour and Lord even with his mouth, and receive Christ into His heart.
Discuss how you will explain this to a sinner so that he can be saved.
5. Giving an invitation to Salvation
Matt. 11:28; Rev. 3:20; Acts 2:38-40; 26:27-28
Make a definite and sharp conclusion of your preaching by asking and challenging the sinner to surrender his life to the Lord Jesus Christ right there. This is often referred to as altar call.
Note how Jesus gave the invitation and how the disciples did it as well. Do not help him to postpone his decisions even though he is free to make his choice; you do not know tomorrow. Do not end a gospel message without giving the sinner opportunity to make a choice either to repent or refuse, lest you become a fisherman who neglects to draw the fish he hooks out of water. Do not forget to pray with him as he receives Christ.
1.  From our teaching; how can a sinner be saved from his/her sins?
2.  Why should you challenge a sinner for an altar call to receive Christ after preaching to him?
3. What should be our reaction towards any sinner that refuses to receive an invitation to be saved or hear the word of God?


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