OCT. 2017
WEEK 2017
26th to Sun. 29th Oct. 2017)
Theme: “A TRANSFORMED LIFE” (Col.1:13)
Col. 1:1-25; 1 Pet. 2:9-12; 1:17-18; Matt. 7:15-20;
Col. 2:11-14; Rom. 6:11; Amos. 9:11; Acts 15:16-17
We are found in the society where evil and
good exist, a mixed multitudes; beliefs, character, association, actions which
tend to control our existence. In the Christendom, a lot of doctrines and way
of worship are evidence; which one are we to follow. Religious noise are made
by many but yet the live of Christ is not felt in them (2 Tim. 3:5). The
disheartening thing is that the youths are the worst hit; bringing worldliness
into the church. In this, many engage in a lot of spiritual activities and
works of the ministry but yet have not been regenerated; the individual still
have a lot of deposits of the devil and you find it difficult to differentiate him/her
from the unbelievers. This points out to lack of a transformed life. Also, in
the society the devil has released lots of his weapon against the youths
leading to premarital sex, early death, masturbation, prostitution, robbery,
fraud etc. These are cankerworms that has ravaged the youths leading to a lot
of moral depravity, bad dressing lifestyle, immoral music, pornography etc.
This programme aims at unleashing the vices of the enemy to the youths and
deliverance from them all made possible by the power in the blood of Jesus
A transformed life is one who is
delivered from the kingdom of darkness and hath been translated (transformed)
into the kingdom of light. It portray a genuine born again youth whose life has
been changed from the lifestyle prevailing in the world (1 John 2:15) and cleaved
unto the way of God. This also points on a lifestyle of self denial, total
consecration and living like Jesus Christ our Saviour. A transformed life
represents God in all aspect in today’s moral depravity and spiritual
There are hopes laid up in heaven for a
transformed life understood through the word of the truth of the gospel (Col.
1:5; 1 Pet. 1:4-5).
It is God’s will for us to be unblameable in
His sight (Col.1:21-22). Therefore, a transformed life brings forth
fruits and is filled in knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding (Col. 1:6, 9-10). The people called out of darkness into light
are them with consistent fellowship with God. There fruits are righteousness
and holiness.
In summary, some of the attributes of a
transformed life include;
It is one begotten by Jesus Christ 1
Pet. 1:3-5
Dead to Sin Rom. 6:11
Instrumental in building other lives Acts
15:16-17; Amos 9:11
A body of Christ 1 Cor. 12:12-31
A bride of Christ Eph. 5:23-27
A branch of Christ Jn.
Life in the
You are
welcome to this youth week 2017 in Jesus name. We give thanks and praise to the
Almighty God who has graciously gathered us together to be refreshed in His
presence. For us to receive from the Lord as we except, we should take note of
the following;
That our God
is here with great blessings for all, and therefore we should be highly
That God
answers and visit those that call upon Him in truth and Faith; therefore we
should give ourselves to prayers (Psa. 102:17).
That the
Lord unto whom we have gather is a Holy God; therefore Holiness must be our
watch word (1 Pet. 1:15)
That the
Lord God is walking in our mist to deliver our enemies unto us, but will turn
away if He sees any uncleanness. Therefore our nakedness must not be seen (exposed) Deut. 23:14
That God hears every conservation, therefore
nobody should speak any idle word or jest Eph. 4:1-3
That God
pours out His blessing where there is unity and oneness; Therefore we should endeavor
to keep the unity of the Spirit in the blood of peace (Ps. 133; Eph. 4:1-3)
That our God
is a God of principles, rules and orderliness; therefore we must walk by the
same rule doing all things decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40; Phil. 3:16)
if we walk by these rules, our God unto whom we have gathered will bless us
to 6:00am is morning wash; 6:00- 7:00am is Devotion and 7:00am – 8:00am is
clean up/sanitation
– 11:20am
– 1:00pm
– 4:00pm
– 5:30pm
– 7:00pm
– 8:30pm
– 4:30am
and Registration
Night rest
Worship, Praises and prayers
Message 1
Message 2
Health Seminar
(1:00pm to 2pm)
Academic Seminar
(2:00pm to 3pm)
Worship, Praises and prayers
Message 3
Sex & Christianity (The
Scourge of Promiscuity among youths)
Quiz (3:00pm to 4pm)
Question and Answers
Revival Hour
Night rest
Sunday Order of Service
Worship and
of faith/Vows/Offering
Welcoming of
Words from
the Lord
Some of the major characteristic associated with the
developmental stages of adolescents (teens and twenties) are the issues of
independence and search for role models. These go a long way to sharpen the
youth for whatever career/ambition, moral and spiritual inclinations,
physical/mental disposition and social status (lifestyles and all manner of
conservation) he might adopt tomorrow. They also influence his choice of peers,
programmes, mentors and teachers hobbies, places of visits/gathering etc. (cons. Matt. 24:28; Rom. 6:16).
Today, we see young men and women climbing with
determination on the ladder of their careers to become great intellectuals,
professionals, successful men and women in business, sports etc and stars in
diverse skills/trades. There are many others following the path of ungodly
politicians, false religious leaders, etc not minding the evils, falsehood, etc
associated with it. Are there not others gradually moving into crime, robbery,
kidnapping, ritual killings, etc., because of the fame, flamboyant lifestyles
and public acceptance of those involved in them? We see some others at the
bus-stops as touts, area boys and girls, and some others under the bridge,
smoking, indulging in prostitution and making great wealth illicitly; the lit
can continue. The clear fact is that youths seen in any of the above mentioned
may have seen at least one person in that path whom they consciously or
unconsciously or mistakenly began to look up to and walk in his or her steps,
making such their models, while they themselves also become models to those
coming behind them who would equally tread their path.
Whatever the choice a youth makes from all we have
considered, whether successful or regrettable [as men would score], none of
them can guarantee COMPLETE pleasure, sense of achievement and satisfaction
while living and after life here. Unfortunately, those who admire and applaud
them are ignorant of this truth. Many famous, envied and wealthy people here on
earth are unknown and have no record of a single greatness beyond this point. Many
secure, heavily guarded and protected and apparently happy people covered with
sorrow and sadness in the now and swiftly marching without guard and security
into everlasting sadness, darkness and loss. Yet, and most unfortunately, their
admirers and followers are ignorant or feign ignorance of this truth. But then
the BLIND (however successful and great they might appear to the eye) will
definitely lead the BLIND into the ditch (Matt.
But God in His infinite mercy has carved out this period to
satisfy youths who crave for completeness, excellence and uniqueness that go
beyond the shores of time and bring them into the path where they shall become
ENVIABLE, SOUGHT – AFTER youths and MODELS of their time.
On this path, we hear of one incomparable Model with
testimonies of complete, all round growth in time and after here, inviting all
and sundry to walk IN HIS STEPS. He says; “Come
unto Me.., I am the way…, Learn of Me…, Where I am there you will be also.”
How thrilling and assuring? It shall happen at Youth Week 2017, for the Lord God has set up the fire of His Word,
presence, power, Spirit and glory to ignite, burn off every dross, purify,
purge and produce REPLICAS of the great and incomparable Model (Mal. 3:3-6; Isa. 25:6-12).
So will you be a partaker and participant at this meeting?
Reason it out with the Lord now before we proceed into the meeting proper.
to consider:
Message 1: A Wholesome youth;
Message 2: Combining spiritual and Physical challenges to
serve God
Message 3: Crossing the Rubicon
Revival hour: Raining down the power of the Pentecost”
Academic Seminar
Health Seminar
The Scourge of
us this day, is a question that
must be answered,
but not in
a haste or
without serious and
in-depth consideration. This
is because many
people in time past
have had to
answer similar questions
but before long,
went contrary to the
answers they offered
or gave. This is the
reason the Lord
is approaching us
from a new angle and
language that anyone
that must answer
must do so
with every consciousness in
him and an
understanding of its
implications (Cons. LK. 14:28-32). The
question is “will you
cross the Rubicon
cross the Rubicon
is a common phrase
among youths especially
students. It refers
to Julius Caesar’s
case of the
Rubicon River to
wage civil war
with Rome on
January, 10, 49 BC.
River Rubicon is a small
river in Northern
Italy; it marked
the boundary in
ancient times between
Italy and Gaul
(the frontier boundary
of Italy ). There
was a law
then that forbade
any general with a standing
army from crossing
this river and entering
the Roman heartland.
To do so was considered as treason.
Meanwhile, Caesar had
been ordered to
resign and disband
his army because
his increasing popularity
seemed to pose
a threat to
the ruling poers.
Caesar, not willing
to surrender his
political ambition and
power must needs
cross the River
to confront the
power in-charge. This
was a time
of serious decision- either to
submit to the
command or cross over
to confront the
power, that be
but that would
mean opting for
a civil war,
marking a point
of no return.
On coming to
the banks of the
Rubicon , he meditated
and thought deeply
of his next
step , he said
to his troop ‘still
we can retreat!
But once
let us pass
this little bridge, - and nothing is
left but to
fight it out
with arms!’ Soon, on
sighting a challenging
incidence, ran to the
river and sounded
the ‘Advance’ and
crossed to the
other side declaring
NOW CAST, marking the
point of no
return. This began the civil war.
account has not been
given for us
to justify Caesar’s
action but to
actually illustrate what
happens in many
lives and help
us and understand
what it takes
if we must tread
in the steps , the
Lord is directing us to.
We shall now
briefly consider what
the Rubicon is
to us; what
happens before the
Rubicon; crossing the
Rubicon and what
is obtainable across
the Rubicon.
What The Rubicon Is To Us Today.
Rubicon is the
boundary between darkness
and light, bondage
and freedom, sin
and righteousness, ignorance
and knowledge, levity
and gravity, fear/unbelief and
faith, ‘it doesn’t matter’/ compromise and
commitment/ consecration. It is that
strong and seemingly
formidable wall between
death, sorrow, eternal
gnashing of teeth
and life, peace,
and everlasting joy.
It is that
strong line demarcating
life influenced by the
WORLD and life
influence by the
WORD. There, is a strong struggle
between indecision and
decision. It must
be noted that
that the Rubicon
could be made
up of men,
spirits and/ or circumstances.
Biblical examples of Rubicon include:
The wall of Jericho
(Josh. 6:1-2); Sin of Achan (Josh. 7:1-5); Red sea (Exo.14:1, 9-10;
Isa.59:1-2; cons. Num. 14:1-4,
26-30; Rev. 3:15-16; 21:8,27); indecision
(1Kgs.18:21; Act. 26:27-28)|; unbelief
and ignorance (2 Kgs.5:1,
9-12); etc. They are numerous.
So then, shall
the youths in
this meeting remain
in this wilderness
because of the
dreaded Rubicon or
shall they like
Caesar and his
troop declare that the DIE IS CAST
at the sound of ‘Advance’?
The Side of the RUBICON:
Believers and
unbelievers (saved and
unsaved) have diverse
Rubicons before them and
these having not
been crossed over, keep
them still roaming
about at the
same point there
by remaining unsaved,
some claiming to have
become of God, hardly
possess any Christian
virtue, the truly saved amongst
them never coming
to an appreciating
awareness of the great
King , not discovering
where the master’s
feet have treaded
to place theirs
unsaved youth is
enveloped with the
darkness and uncertainty
that have come
upon the world (Isa.
60:2), groping therein without
any care about
the saviour and
gift of salvation
and deliverance from God (Jn . 3:19-20; Rom.
6:23). On this
side are the
evil trend and
trait of craftiness
and plot amongst
youth explore diverse
and technologically induced programmes
and perpetrate immoral
acts, deceits, theft, riots, etc (cons. Ps. 2:1-3; Prov. 1:11-14, 16; Isa. 59:3-8;
Rom. 1:25-32). It is a side of
indiscriminate relationships between
youths of opposite
sex, damning lifestyle and
unhealthy competition for attention and
acceptance causing many
to deceive and
be deceived (cons. Gen. 27:6-27; 2Kgs. 9:30). Here
we find youths
who halt between
opinions - a little part to God , to
peers and whosoever
is in vogue at
that point in
time. (LK. 16:13; cons. Gl. 2:11-13; 1Kgs. 12:8), yielding wordily
wisdom of ‘give to
Caesar’s’ and to God
what is God’s. We
also find the
self-righteous, the religious
on this who
cling to the
‘moral’ and ‘good’
life but not
pleasing nor able
to meet with
God’s standard (Isa. 64:6; Phil.3:4; Isa. 55:8-9;
this side of
the Rubicon, we
see many Christian
youths who either
realized nor accepted
that the kingdom of God
violence and only
the violent take it
by force and so find
themselves giving their
lives to Jesus every
now and again
but with no
strong will to
stand against all contrary
influences, activities, wooing,
temptations and old
friends (Matt. 11L:12; Prov. 1:10; 1Jn.
2:15-17;Rom.12:12; Eph. 4:27; James.4:7;
cons. 2 Cor.8:11).
truly saved youth
on this side
finds his committed
and consecration dwindling
as the weather
becomes boisterous, as
he interacts with
other Christians who
know nothing about expediency
nor high calling,
neither have counted
anything but dung
for the Excellency
of the knowledge of their Lord. (Rom. 8:35-39; Phlip. 3:7-10, 14; cons 2Tim.
and many other
things are like
the water of
Rubicon or ingredients
or materials mixed
together to raise
formidable and impenetrable
walls keeping these
youths with the
same story and
testimony. But then
how long shall
we remain on
this side of Rubicon? (Deut. 1:6-8; 2:3; Josh. 18:3)?
Before we answer, what actually is
across this Rubicon.
What is Obtainable across the Rubicon?
Many times a good knowledge of what happens
after a very serious step of action is taken goes a long way to propel one to
act. We have understood what a Rubicon is and have seen what it is like
dwelling on that side of the Rubicon and also seen the need to cross over. Briefly,
let us see a few of the benefits across the Rubicon because they are
The first thing you encounter is
the open hands of
the master and
saviour Jesus Christ,
or whose invitation
you are coming
(Matt.11:28; Rev. 3:20; Jn. 5:5-6;8:12; LK.15:17-20). Embracing Him
in total repentance
and submission transforms
the sinner and
the saved youth
(Gal.1:3-4; Eph.2:1-5).
is a change of
status-quo being a
sinner to being
saved , bondage to freedom (Eph.2:1-5;
Rom. 8:1; LK.15:22-24). There are benefits
of things that
accompany salvation (Matt.
6:33; Deut. 28:1-14; Ps. 91:1-16),
and opportunity for
further Christian experiences
and gifts from
God (1Thess.5:23 ; Josh.5:2).
The heart of
the enemies will melt and
fear for your
sake (Josh.5:1). He
will guide and
direct you and
launch you into
his steps (cons. Jn. 8:12 ;Ps. 73:24). The blessings are
not just for now
but eternal bliss is available
at the end (Rev.
21:1-7). It is incredible joy
and glory across the Rubicon.
Crossing the Rubicon, How Easy?
It is not easy, for there is a
helping hand . The
invisible hand of
the Lord is stretched
out ready to
lift whosoever is willing
across the dreaded
river or fortified
wall of Rubicon (Jn ,16:8 ; Matt. 14:28-31). Jesus, the son
of God has accomplished all
that is needed
through his death
to cross you
over (Isa. 53:4-12; Jn. 19:30). All it
takes is a
deep and conscious
consideration of the
step you intend
to take and
understanding that it
is an irreversible
decision unlike at
other times whatsoever
the consequences (cons.LK. 9-62; P hil.1:21;
Acts .21:13). All
you need is a
total repentance, confession, acceptance
of the
Lord Jesus and an irrevocable surrender,
decision and commitment
to get into
and walk IN
HIS STEPS (Ps.34:18 ; 51:17 ; Is. 66:2). Now
that you have
come to the
bank of this
dreaded river Rubicon, look
straight and see
his saving hands
of Jesus the Lord
stretched to catch
your hands. As you
hear the sound
‘Advance’ run into
his saving hands
with weeping and
submission and in
a moment, you
will find yourself
at the other
side. There, you shall come
to know him
better and more
and more.
Lesson two:
generally, have had
cause to choose
who to admire
and look up to.
This is a prevalent characteristic of youths.
They have models
they aspire to
be like and
for the ambitious
ones they do
all they can
to tread in
the shoes of
such and break
records to excel
beyond them (dressing,
prowess in any
field of specialization (football,
music, academics, politics,
entertainment, etc); physical
appearance, leadership ability
(diverse peer group- human
right activities, ‘approved’
or unapproved touts
operating at the
bus -stops, airports, immigration
offices, ports, etc
on different levels,
religious groups, etc).
Many youths go
about wearing shirts
and rings displaying
their attachment to
football stars or
clubs, others carry
it about them.
Evidently their lives,
career, perception are
moulded and extended
towards those of
their models (cons. Acts.
22:3 ; 22:25, 27, 28) and
some youths become
great and famous,
while some fall
out just like
those they look
up to. The
achievements may be
accepted and applauded
by man but
God’s measurement looks
unto out for GOOD SUCCESS
which carries with
it completeness in all
areas. This is the
reason the Lord is
bringing to us
his choice of
model who is not
just a
model but an
incomparable model, one in
time and
beyond time, trend,
technology, discoveries and
whom circumstances cannot
outwit (Matt. 2:13-16; 27:62;
28:1-6). He is
a model from the foundation
of the world
and approved through
eternity (cons. 1Pt.1:20 ;Gen. 3:15; Rev. 5:1-14).
is the Lord
whose shoes and
path any youth
who desires life
and peace today,
tomorrow and eternally
musts step into
and thread. So, let’s hear
and learn more
about Him.
This Jesus! Who Is
our first teaching,
every participant who
crossed the Rubicon
at the sound
of ‘Advance’ into
the waiting hands of Jesus
right now has
one thing or
the other to
say about him
experientially. God is
indescribable and so
his son is
actually indescribable (Isa. 46:5;
40:18, 25,28; 55:8-9; cons. 1kgs.
19:9-13; Rom. 11:33). He is
the Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and
the ending, the first
and the last (Rev.1:8, 11,17;22:13; Isa.44:6). Popular
saying one may
say, but these are the
declarations from a
FINAL authority, the ‘description’ summary
of his personality
and one who
accomplished all task
and not one
who is still
on course or
competing for recognition
or victory while
alive or dead (Rev.1:8,17,18; cons. 1Kgs. 20:11). What does this mean? Imagine being enveloped by this
Jesus and He-in dwelling in
birth, death and purpose
were talked about
from the time
the enemy thought
he had thwarted God’s
purpose altogether (Gen. 3:15), Through the
passage of time,
it looked as
though it would
not be but
the Lord kept renewing
the information (Deut. 18:15, 18; Ps.2:1-7; Isa.7:11-14;
53:1-2; Lk.1:30-31). At the appointed
time, the child came
amidst glorious having
the enternal mandate of
the Lord God on him
LK.2:8-11,13-14,25-38) with testimony
of COMPLETE development (mental/intellectual,
physical, spiritual and
social) (LK.2:52). What does this
mean? Walking In His
Steps guarantees the
fulfillment of God’s
eternal mandate and
purpose for that
youth notwithstanding the
passage of time, milestones and
obstacles (Isa.46:9-11).
Jesus, a man with virtues
that endeared Him to
God and
Man and brought
spirits and circumstances
to bow at
His feet with
testimonies of His works bearing
witness to who
he is (Jn.8:29; 12:19; Matt. 8:27; Mk.
His Relationship With
God, though God, He
submitted in His
humility, to be begotten
and made like
men, who He
created that He may
die on their
behalf for the
forgiveness of their
sin and salvation (Ps. 2;7; Phil.2:5-8; Jn.1:14). He
may die on
their behalf for
the forgiveness of
their sin and
salvation (Ps.2:7; Phil.2:5-8; Jn.1:14). He lived
by precept and
practice, loving the Lord
and doing all
to obey and please
Him (Jn.4:34; 6:38; 5;19-20,30;
8:29). He honored the father in the
face of temptation (Matt.4:1-11). He maintain
an unbroken relationship
with God in
prayer (Matt.14:23; LK. 6:12) and
service (cons. Jn. 4:31-34; 2:13-17).
His relationship with
his father was so
wonderful that Jesus
told Philip that “He
that has seen
me has seen
the father” (Jn.14:6-9). God
confirmed and approved Jesus in all ways (cons. LK.3:19; Matt.3:16-17; 17:1-5;
Jn.12:27-30; Acts.2:22; 10:38). We cannot enumerate
them all.
His Relationship With
Man, Jesus left
indelible marks in the lives
of all that
encountered him. Men that
lived in darkness, ignorance, bondage and sin
saw the light
and came into
Father-son relationship with
God as
He ministered and
thought the gospel
of the kingdom (Matt.4:14-22; LK.5:1-3; Jn.3:1-21; 4:5-26,
28-30). Through in-dept teachings
and example, He
made disciples out
of those that
followed and listened
to Him and
prepared same for
the Kingdom of God (Matt.5:1-2; 13:10-11). The sick,
blind, lame, troubled and diseased rejoiced on
meeting Him because
their needs were
met according to
the testimony of
the scriptures (Lk.4:16-19; Matt.4:23-25; 12:22;
LK.7:11-16). His love and
compassion were manifested
over all.
Socially, Jesus
interacted with the
high and low
without compromise, fear
or favour but
held the banner of
righteousness and God’s
kingdom high (Matt.19:16-24; Jn.5:5-8; LK.15:1,2).
All those who
were stamped ‘condemned’ were
recovered for God’s
kingdom-the publican, the tax
collector, the harlot-Were
all transformed (Matt.9:9-13; LK.19:1-10; 7:36-50;
Jn.8:3-11). His presence
at social gatherings
left a difference
and testimony (Jn.2:1-3,6:10). On
daily basis, He proves
that His invitation
is to all
and none will
be cast out (Matt.11::28-30;
Jesus is the greatest intellectual (Heb.1:9). By
heavenly wisdom, He
solved the puzzles
in the lives
of man, discussed
with the intellectuals
of this world
and answered the
crafty (LK.2:46-47; Matt.17:10-13; 22:15-22; Mk.1:21-22). With
parables, incidents and other things
they were conversant
with, he drove
home his message
and doctrines to
the learned and
illiterate, the disciples
and the Pharisees
such that none
had any excuse
for not understanding (Matt.13:31-35; Mk.13:28-31; cons.
Jn.7:40-48). God commands
that we hear
Him and many
came out to
hear Him at His
time (Matt.17:5; LK .5:1,15).
has never spared and
will never spare
the evil spirits
nor ugly circumstances that
came the way
of those who
called upon Him,
knowing He came
to destroy their
works (1Jn.3:8; Mk.5:1-18; Lk .5:4-6; 7:12-15; Mk.1:23-27; 4:35-41). They were
all subject to
is the embodiment
of all godly
virtues and good
works made available
to us. He is
complete. He is the star to be desired
and followed. He is the incomparable model. Every
youth heart should
be panting and yearning with
a cry “O! To
be like thee!”. He has
promised to work
at their disposal
simply because they
are not able
or do not bother
to climb the
mountain so as
to transform their
lives, homes and circumstances.
All these are
waiting for those
who know what
it is to
climb the mountain.
Jesus needed to
send His disciples
out for this
reason after empowering
them (LK.9:1-2; 10:1,9,17:19).
He commanded that His followers
should occupy till
he comes. As
they spend the
night (including the
literal night) on
the mountain to receive
His glory and
get into extra
ordinary experience, they
descend on the
plains by day
with power and
anointing to declare
the irresistible words
in their mouth
to youth, men,
women, circumstances and
spirits bringing miracles, calm stormy
seas and stop
the activities of
the wicked (kidnappers, ritualists, oppressors, etc. (Lk.4:18-19; Mk.16:17-18;
Is.49:1-2; Jer.1:10).
Jesus did
it by the
power and Spirit
of God in
Him (Acts.10:38; Lk.4:18-19;
Jn.3:34). He charges
the Watchman youth
to walk in His
steps and do
greater works than
he did (1Pet. 1:21;
Jn.14:12). It means dwelling on
the mountain continually.
He has sent
what it takes
to dwell on
the Lord’s mountain –the
spirit of supplication
(Zech. 12:10; 4:6-7; Rom. 1:8).
Calvary Youth, Get Ignited!
Who shall trod in the path he has trodden?
Who shall walk in His steps?
Who is that Calvary youth
who desires to
be enviable, a
sought-after youth and
walking as a
model of his time because
of the fire of
his Saviour upon
him? Let such
a youth get
ignited and be
empowered to climb
the mountain that
he may do
exploit on the
plains to the
glory of the
Lord and the
rejoicing of the people
(Act.2:1-4; 4:31). Get ignited
now as the Lord is
passing the fire
around. This is your chance!
Jesus had technical skill in carpentry. Paul
was a tent
marker, Aholiab and
others did the
work of the
Tabernacle, etc. (Mk.6:3:
Act.18:1-3; Gen.6:13-16; Exo.35:25, 30-35).
Note: * No student (secondary
school or higher
institution) or those
in business should make
light of this
opportunity. Apostle Paul
was a legal
practitioner but needed
to give it
up to be
a tent marker (he
may not have
learnt this skill
as an adult).
You may
already have a
skill, this seminar
will surge great energy into you
(mentally/emotionally) to able
to propel you
into new and
higher levels of
achievement and to
take a new
You may be
challenged into a new technical skill for greater heights.
Jesus prevailed
and excelled mentally, socially, physically
and Spiritual. You can tread his path now
and walk in
His steps.
§ The
multitude of souls
trooping down to
hell because they
rejected God salvation,
and/or because they
gave heed to
religious errors; God’s
righteous judgment on
the wicked (Rev.20:12-14; 21-8);
§ The
imminence of the
return of the
bridegroom/salvation of the
church (Rom.13:11-13)
§ The
soon coming destruction
of the earth
and works therein
(2Pet.3:7, 10);
§ The
certain visitation of
God upon His
people (Isa. 3:10; 52:8; 56:1)
The Voice of The Passionate Calvary youth
(Isa. 40:3; 52:8)
A true Calvary
youth because of his
zeal for God,
love for the
souls of men, and
the vision he is
seeing will naturally
turn to be
the voice in the
wilderness which will
passionately cry out
to all and sundry to
prepare the way of the Lord. His
message to sinners
will be turn
from sin and
vain religion to God
and truth (cons.
Act. 17:1-4; 16-31). He
will call upon
the backsliders to
return to God (Jer.3:21-22);
and will admonished
the church to
prepare for the
return of the
Bridegroom, and get
himself committed to
that (Rom.13:11-13; 2Cor.11:12; Gal.4:19).
he will tell
the weary believer
to look up
for redemption is
near, and that
the salvation of
God is about to be revealed
Apart from
crying the people , the
youth also cries unto
the Lord to
remember and fulfil
His promises upon
Zion (Isa.62:6-7)
We have
received this rare
privilege of being Calvary youths that are watchmen over
the walls of
Jerusalem. We therefore
should not hold
our peace, but
rise to a
great height of
knowing and doing
the will of
God, Love for God
and the people
we are watching
over, cry out passionately to
return them to
God and hold
unto God to
hold Jerusalem, a
praise on the
It is
this type of
union that will fulfill
Divine purposes of
marriage which include:
meeting the need
for happy and
joyful partnership, procreation,
and serving God
acceptably as a unit
of two people,
and make heaven
at last.
Lesson three:
Procedure For Marriage/Relationship (Gen.2:18,21-23)
It should be
recalled that God
himself authored the
first marriage. It then follows
that anyone seeking
for joy and
bliss in marriage
must seek and
do follow God’s
leading (Rom.8:14). The
Lord has promised to lead
His own (Psa.25:9-10; 32: 8; 73:24). While
seeking for the
will of God,
a sincere child
of God must
be sincere, humble, meek
and avoid the following : infatuation, undo closeness with
its attendant lust, idles
in heart, prejudices (tribal, social status, wealth ), carnally determined
standards, other ugly
principles and bench
marks (Ezk.14:1-4).
Our God is
the God of
orderliness (1Cor.14:33,40).
Marriage in divine
order must follow
the scriptural procedure
laid down by the church.
Such rules which
make for sanity
in the house of
God like not
approaching the sister
directly but through
the marriage committee
with the consent
of one’s pastor, maintaining safe
distance during courtship, etc must be
strictly adhered to.
God desires
that we have
peace in every
thing that concerns us. While one
can begin to
chart the course
of happy union
in marriage through
though prayer, it
is advisable, that
we should not
allow our heart
to be overcharge
or infatuated with
marriage, but rather
give attention to
our academic, other
careers, and build
up ourselves in
the Lord.
Lesson four:
Pro.7:6-27; 1 Cor.6:18; 10:7-8; 2 Tim. 2:22
form of illicit relationship between
opposite sex or same
sex: fornication, lesbianism,
homosexualism, and such
like. Promiscuity like cankerworm has
eaten up the
moral fibre of our
society and has pervaded the youth
leaving them wide open
to all sorts
of evils including
divine judgment.
Promicuity: the causes: (Rom.
A greater
percentage of illicit acts between
opposite sex are by consent. Only a few
of them are acts of assault or violation (rape). Against
this backdrop, the
primary cause of
high rate of
promiscuity among youth is
deprived, carnal nature
of fallen man. However,
promiscuity among youths
is aggravated or induced
by any or
combination of the
Undue closeness
(especially during courtship
or dating)
(indecent, provocative, seductive outfits)
Peer influence
(1C or. 15;33);
Demonic influence
Dysfunctional homes/ poor upbringing / negative
parental influence
Perversions in
the media
hood about sex
and relationship
Erotic and
sensational literatures / music
exposure to (unholy) sex
Education system
Idle mind
Cutural practices that
promotes promiscuity
Desire to
meet real needs
or wants and desire for
luxuries which are
not readily affordable
Crave for
unmerited position
Misconceptions about
love and crave
for it
devalued system of the
Promiscuity: The consequence (Gen. 34:1-27; Sam. 13:1-17;
Prov.5:1-11; 6:22)
Gui1lty conscience / shame
alienation from God
Loss of prestige,
honour, dignity
Demonic possession
Unnecessary anxiety
and worries, frustrations
Lack of
concentration in career, failure and drop out.
Ancillary criminal
act- stealing, robbery,
assault and rape
Spread of
HIV/AIDS and other
Abortion of
dreams and ambitions
pregnancy and possibly
abortion with associated
problem in procreation
after marriage
Untimely death
Eternal doom
in hell fire
The cure (1Cor. 6:18; 2Tim . 2:22;
Tit. 2:11-14; Jam. 4:8)
Repentance from
all sins including promiscuity and turning
ones heart and
life to God;
Seek sanctification of
Consistency in watching,
prayer, study the
word of God and fellowship;
Consecration of
one’s self to God’s
Flee every
appearance of sin
Break off from
every link of sin of
promiscuity including friends,
associations, books, media,
etc (psalm. 101:3);
Go for
counseling and deliverance if
ones feels being
demonic influence or
if one finds
it difficult to
break off from
acts of promiscuity
Trust in
the Lord for
every need
Be diligent in
career and work –make no room for idleness.
Chastity (Piety)
is a virtue
which has reward
both in life
and eternity (Gen. 49:26). The Bible
is replete with testimonies of
youths who in
the midst of
perverseness and moral
corruption separated themselves
to live holy life unto God.
The Daughters of Lot,
Joseph, Jephter’s daughter,
Samuel, Daniel, blessed virgin Mary, the
daughters of Phillip the
Evangelist are a
few of them. Through
the grace of
God, we can live above
the evils and
pervasions of our
day. Let our slogan be “HOLINESS UNTO THE
Lesson five:
Eccl.3:1; LUK. 1:80; 2:40
The Lord
is interested in the totality
of our wellbeing- spiritual, physical and
social. As youths
who are growing
up, we are being
confronted daily with
barrage of changes and
challenges that are
associated with them.
The most critical
and sensitive challenges
are those associated
with them. We
therefore need to
be informed about
them so as
to be well
prepared for them
and manage them
of puberty
Puberty refers
to the onset of
adolescence, which generally
occur around the
age of eleven
to twelve years
for girls and
around thirteen to
fourteen years for
boys. It comprises of
a series of
physiology and psychological
changes which converts
children to adults
capable of reproduction.
These include growth
spurts’ alteration in
body proportion and
development of sex
The onset of
puberty is not an abrupt event. During
the years leading
to puberty, there
is a gradual
increase in the
release of hormones
(chemicals) from the
pituitary gland and
the base of
the brain insufficient
concentration making the sex organ
to develop. this
is what is referred to
as onset of
Growth spurt
This is a sudden
and rapid shooting up in
height. There is
variation in ages
as well as
in the order
of events in
puberty. Girls generally starts
growth earlier than boys. For
a brief period,
girls may be
taller than boys
of the age.
Girls may start
their growth spurt
at about eleven
years but grow
fastest between twelve
and thirteen year
and may slow
down by the
age of fourteen.
Growth of bones
There is
a rapid growth
of bones at the
early and middle
years of puberty,
which later slows
down. At this stage,
muscles grow up
and stretch covering
the growing bones. In
the early stage
of puberty, the legs
and arms grow
un- proportionately, almost
twice as those
of the trunk.
That is why
the adolescents look
leggy; the head
continues to grow
during the adolescence, the overall
shape of the
face changes altering its
Puberty in girls
(The physical
characteristics or changes
of the adolescent)
puberty in girls
begins with
§ Enlargement
of the breast
§ The
development and maturity
of the reproductive
organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes,
uterus and vagina)
§ Increase
in weight since
the height increase,
§ Hip
region expands or
broadens due to
growth of the
bones of the
pelvic girdle and
the thin layer
of fat develops
under the skin;
that is what
gives girls feminine
§ Ovulation
and menstruation start;
§ Growth
of hair in
the armpit and
pubic area;
§ Presence
of acne and
pimples on the
face and probably
the back.
Managing the changes
§ Adolescents
needs extra nutrition
to sustain their
rapid growth rate,
One should however
avoid excess eating
to prevent early
onset of obesity;
and also avoid
malnutrition which may
affect growth causing
low weight which
may affect bodily
function like the
start of menstruation;
§ The
first menstruation tends to
be irregular, sometimes
accompanied by headache, irritability and
craps. Girls needs to
be told of
this and as well prepare for it
otherwise they will
find menstruation very
upsetting. If a
girl begins menstruating
early and is
unprepared, it will
come as a nasty
surprise. Girls should
therefore for the
event and also
know that it is a
natural happening.
§ Once
ovulation and menstruation
start, sexual intercourse with
an opposite sex
can lead to
pregnancy. Adolescents
should avoid that
for sexual intercourse
outside marriage and its consequence
do not only
contravene societal expectations,
they violate the
law of God
and constitute offence
unto Him.
§ Adolescents
should cultivate the
attitude of self
discipline, self control and
consideration for others
especially in their
§ they
should maintain good
grooming and personal
physical hygiene especially
during monthly menstruation.
These involves:
Bathing at
least two times
a day,
Using sanitary
pads and not
cloth during menstruation;
(Sanitary pads helps
prevent soiling of
cloths easily, and
production of fowl
Sanitary pads
should be changed
regularly to avoid
unpleasant odour;
Sanitary pads
should be used
once and discarded;
Good body
cream and perfumes
can be used
to look fresh
during menstruation;
Clothes and underwear’s should be
changed and washed regularly
during menstruation;
§ Girls
should try to
adjust emotionally by
understanding that it is a
natural happening;
§ Analgesics
can be used
to control some
extremes pains so
as to allow for
normal daily activities
§ As
believers in Christ,
all false information
about how to
control menstrual pain
like having sexual
intercourse should be
discarded; and
§ Above
all, “ remember now
thy creator in
the days of thy
youth…”(Eccl.12:1, 14).
Our academics are one of God’s priority and therefore is
needed and necessary to be wholly engaged in the work of God without
distractions and affect lives. Knowledge is essential and gives you an edge in
live as spoken by the Word of God. Solomon understood this power and asked for
2 Chron. 1:11-12.
Knowledge brings wealth and God did not only gave Solomon
wisdom but wealth follows suit. The bedrock of every knowledge is fearing God; Prov. 1:7 because it takes understanding to fear God Pro.
God knows the power of excellence and allows it to come upon
us as His children. This made Daniel to excel extra-ordinary well in all field
and endeavours of life Dan. 1:17-21. The Spirit of God is a
Spirit of wisdom and receiving Him means receiving knowledge, understanding and
To properly conquer your environment, studying should be
taking seriously as excellency is part of godliness. Academic excellency is a
gift to believers and shows your life as a testimony for others to come closer
to God.
Effective means producing a result that is wanted or
intended. Reading can be likened to a conversation between the reader and the
writer of a passage through written or printed science.
Study is the act of applying the mind in other to acquire
knowledge as by reading. It is the devotion of time and thought to get
knowledge. Skills is the ability to do something well.
Effective studying habits
¢ How you approach studying matters
¢ Where you study is important
¢ Bring everything you need, nothing you don’t
¢ Keep healthy and balanced meal
How to improve your study
¢ Aim to think positively when you study,
and remind yourself of your skills and abilities.
¢ Avoid catastrophic thinking.
Instead of thinking, “i’m a mess, i’ll never have enough time to study for this
exam,” look at it like, “i may be a little late to study as much as i’d like,
but since i’m doing it now, i’ll get most of it done.”
¢ Avoid absolute thinking.
Instead of thinking “i always mess things up,” the more objective view is, “i
didn’t do so well that time, what can i do to improve?”
¢ Avoid comparing yourself with others,
because you usually just end up feeling bad about yourself.
¢ Do
not disbelieve yourself or see task to be very difficult
¢ Trust
in God, pray and understand this: I can do all things through Christ that
strengthens me- Phil. 4:13
Motivation for studying
¢ Personal
¢ Prestige
¢ Preparation
for future
¢ Personal
study schedule
¢ Doing
exploits for God
¢ Affecting
lives positively
¢ Doing
the works of God effectively
for personal study
¢ Provide
time for each subjects/bible study
¢ Allocate
time based on the difficulty of the subjects
¢ Provide
time for group discussion
¢ Allocate
time for leisure and rest
¢ Stick
to your time table
¢ Make
notes for revision while studying
¢ Pray
before any study
¢ Draw up your personal time table
¢ Form discussion groups
¢ We
are to spend up to 70% of our time reading (our books and bible)
¢ Books
and bible are to be our best companions
¢ Expanded
eye span.
Involve seeing beyond letters and words at a time
Birds of the same feathers / flock together.
S - Survey
Q - Question
R - Read
R - Recite
R - Repeat
R - Review
Purpose of reading
¢ To pass an examination
¢ To get an understanding of the main idea in the book
¢ To find specific information about a subject of
¢ To have an indepth understanding of a material for
the purpose of recalling
¢ Reading has in its purpose; motivation and interest.
¢ What motivates a person to want to read is also his
purpose for wanting to read.
¢ Students are to read to obtain information and ideas
in other to pass their exams and update their knowledge for the future, develop
themselves and make them be always updated of events, news around them.
¢ Also we are to cultivate reading habits by your decisions
in reading texts and other passages.
¢ Reading is very essential to be able to understand
the hidden riches God has prepared for us and also to serve God effectively
according to knowledge
is time?
It is quantity measured by a clock,
a period an occasion or moment.
Questions of thoughts:
¢ What do you do after school?
¢ What activities do we do in 24 hours?
¢ How can you manage 24 hours and produce the best?
What is management?
Control and operation of the thing, place or person. Effective
means ability to work well and produce or yield good expected results.
Effective time management is bringing forth good results
within a period or occasion. The act or process of planning and exercising
conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities,
especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.
Effective Time Management is bringing
forth good results within a period or occasion. The act or process of planning
and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or
skills are required for effective time management?
¢ Setting clear goals,
¢ Breaking your goals down into discreet steps
¢ Reviewing your progress
towards your goals
¢ Prioritizing - focusing on urgent and
important tasks rather than those that are not important which don't move you
towards your goals;
¢ Organizing your work schedule
¢ List making to remind you of what you
need to do when
¢ Persevering when things are not
working out like in difficult subjects
¢ Avoiding procrastination.
¢ Time is limited
¢ You can accomplish more with less effort
¢ Become more successful in your career
¢ Reduce stress
¢ Self-discipline is valuable
¢ Free time is necessary
on using time:
¢ Blocks
of study time and breaks
¢ Dedicated
study spaces
¢ Weekly
¢ Prioritize
your assignments
¢ Postpone
unnecessary activities until the work is done!
¢ Identify
resources to help you
¢ Write
examples for that difficult subjects
¢ Use
your free time wisely
¢ Review
notes and readings just before class
¢ Review
notes just after class
In conclusion, time management should not be toiled with.
Managing your time makes you to be able to read effectively and achieve
success. It gives you the platform of attending to your numerous activities and
works with ease without affecting one or the other. It also makes you to set
your priority and be an effective Christian as you can integrate properly your
Spiritual and academic, physical, social life to how our Lord Jesus wants it to
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