Sunday 29 December 2019


Teenager’s Bible Sharing
Adapted from Junior Sunday-school, Deeper Christian Life Ministry


Luke 4:1-12 (3/3/2019)

Our God is a mighty and powerful God. He saves and keeps His children from temptation. When the wicked ones are planning evil against the children of God, He will always fight for His own. God fought for the children of Israel and defended Joseph from the enemy. Our God is still the same today (Hebrews 13: 5b). He will fight for you if you will give Him your life and call on Him in time of trouble.

SOURCES OF TEMPTATION   Luke 4:3,6,9,10; James 1:13;
Temptation is the suggestion of the devil to disobey the word of God. Temptations come in order to make you to stop loving Jesus. Satan is the source of temptation and he tempts you to make you sin against God. If you listen to the devil you will not make heaven. Temptation itself is not sin but yielding to it is sin. In our text, Jesus was tempted to disobey God but He overcame the devil. Jesus’ victory over the devil is a proof that you also can overcome the devil when you are tempted. Sinners do not need to be specially tempted by Satan, as they are already his children; they are already in his cage (John 8:44). Temptations are for the friends of Jesus.

STRENGTH IN TEMPTATION   Luke 4:4,8,12; Psalm 1:1; Hebrews 10:25; Jeremiah 35:6-10
Do not play with your salvation. To overcome temptation, stay close to God’s word. Read it, memorise it, study it, keep it in your heart, meditate on it day and night and let it not depart from your heart. Do not run away from attending fellowships (Sunday Worship Service, Bible Study, Prayer Meeting and any other programmes of the church). You must also separate yourself from evil children who have no fear of God in their hearts. Tell them about the love of God and all the blessings they will have if they if they believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Put all your needs before God in prayer, He hears and answers prayers. He is faithful and He will bless you as He has promised.

God is faithful. He will do all that He has promised concerning you. Put your trust in Him. He said in His word, “Do not be afraid.” He will help you, guide you, protect you, keep you safe, deliver you and bless you. He is able to keep you from all evil. In whatever situation you find yourself in, tell it all to God. He will not forsake you nor will He forget you. Temptations will surely come, but God will help you out of them. He will not leave you alone. He will carry you through all your life. Just trust in Him. Believe the gospel and stand by it. Forget not to run away from any appearance of evil. God has already stretched His hands to safeguard you and He will not forget you.


1.       What is the source of temptation?
2.        Who gives victory to Christians?
3.       Can a sinner overcome temptation?
4.       Mention four sources of strength to believers.
5.       What blessing do you receive from God when you obey?
6.       How can a sinner child have victory?


Write out five names of people in the Bible that overcame temptation.
Write two names of people that did not overcome temptation.


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