Sunday 29 December 2019

Youth week 2019 Booklet



(Seeing God and becoming like Him)

FOCUS: Making them “Spiritual Suicide Bombers for Christ”



Seeing God and becoming like Him

(Thurs. 10th to Sun. 13th Oct. 2018)

Text: Gen. 32:30; 22-32; Jn. 17:18; Lk. 14:26, 33; Matt. 10:32-42

It is a great thing that God has brought us into another dynamic theme of this special youth week 2019. The Lord lead us in 2013, considering a theme “A vibrant youth as an agent of change”. In 2017, we saw “A transformed life”; and finally saw in 2018 “An uncommon youth – an end time Army”. These programs has a lasting effect in the lives of the youths now and then; as a seed planted takes long to become a tree, so these program produces seeds that has been planted in our lives which effect will be seen both presently and later in the future. Seeds need to be watered so that it can grow, less it becomes stunted and can wither away. In the same vein, there is intense need to keep watering all the seed planted by these programs with continually praying, studying of God’s word, believing and applying all that the Lord has exposed us to by them Jam. 1:25.
Last year, 2018; the Lord lead us through Jn. 17:16 where Jesus spoke that we should not be of this world even as He is not of this world. We were made to be an uncommon youth who is different from the corruptions of this world. The need to be a valiant army of the Lord was raised as an army adorn with spiritual beauty and tallness prepared to show God’s glory at all times and becoming Christ replica in the world, free from the mundane things of this world and separated from the moral decadence experienced in the society.

Therefore, it will please the Lord having prepared our hearts to be exceptional and different reflecting Christ image to understand another dimension of our calling on earth. Jesus further prayed Jn. 17:18 that “He has sent us out as God sent Him also” which is a divine assignment that portrays our mission on earth. In the light of this, we shall be focusing on the need to become the Lord’s suicide bombers – men/women who have laid their life on the altar of sacrifice and asking the Lord What He will want them do as apostle Paul asked (Lk. 14:25-35). This can only be possible after being changed and having a genuine encounter as Jacob did Gen. 32:21-30 which will be the focus of this year- 2019 Youth week; titled PENIEL 2019; where we shall see and experience God to become a useful vessel for Him having laid our lives for Him and ready to do as He has commanded.

Furthermore, being a suicide bomber for Christ refers to as Christ disciples having being raised, then, considering themselves as dead for Christ not minding the persecution, families, pressures, pleasures, affluence etc and what they are to face. It entails a life that has given in; surrendering his entirety and services for Christ sake. Jesus needed to express such followers as one who do not care for his own life (Lk. 14:26c, 33) for the sake of being His disciples.

Literary, a suicide bomber is one who hides a bomb on their body and explodes it in a public place with the aim of killing and destroying lives and properties in that environment and kills himself as a result. Of great importance is that before the event, he/she has considered himself to be dead which gives him the motivation of taking his life in achieving the assignment. There is always a motivation, price and focus that will ginger such to carry on this deadly assignment. Therefore, God wants us to raise youths as His disciples who has given up their lives irrespective of whatever to affect the lives of others through the gospel which is God’s instrument in changing men (lives) no matter the consequence. Definitely there is always a price for such persons as Christ will not be ashamed with them in His father’s kingdom (Matt. 7:21; 10:33; Mrk. 8:38).

Their objectives are aligned according to the sender- our mater Jesus Christ. Their understanding makes them know they are on a mission which involves focus and yielding until the mission is accomplished. These objectives are summarized thus;
·         To become the salt of the world anywhere to deal with its decay at all times and place;  Matt. 5:13
·         To become light that will remove  every darkness anywhere he is found Matt. 5:14; 9:5; Lk. 11:33-36
·         To possess the gate of his enemies (the devil and his activities) Matt. 16:16-19; Gen. 22:17
One being ignorant of his identity makes him act out of place and direction. His value and purpose will not be understood. Our savour as salt should be felt and functional in the society for if the salt have lost it’s savour where with shall it be seasoned explain the importance of its usefulness being experienced in one’s life. Any salt that its taste is not felt is not relevant and thus cannot be useful in any sense (Lk. 14:35). Such shall be cast out and term unproductive.
As spoken by Isaiah the prophet (Isa. 42:1, 6-7) on this servant whom God will put His Spirit upon to bring judgment to the Gentiles. God has called us in righteousness to become a light to sinners. A man that is set aside to open the eyes of sinners to the glorious light of our Lord Jesus through the gospel. Also, bringing out the prisoners from the prisons of iniquities and transgressions and delivering the captives from the hands of the enemy who has captivated them (Isa. 49:24-26)
Examples of men that stood out in this mission are evident from the scriptures;
·         Peter was ready to die and not minding the warnings not to preach the gospel and threats to be put inside the prison
Mordecai stood as a gateman with a mission mindset not giving into distractions by Naaman. He had the opportunity to be promoted, which was not his concern. Esther can work him into higher office but for Mordecai, he focused on his mission that brought deliverance to the Jews.
Daniel was a terror and the decree against praying did not affect him. The lion’s den was not an issue for him. When you want to see the power of God at work, we are to go to the gate. That is where the Holy Ghost is willing to show His power. Goliath will surely fall down. The gate signifies the place of mission, where sinners are found and places of concern in all ramifications for soul winning.

Being Christ disciples entails leaving all and following God Lk. 12:49-53. Jesus clearly laid emphasis on the mindset and separation that is laid upon anyone that has chosen to be on this mission. He should shun any encumbrances, family distraction and ties that will inhibit the flow of God in such lives. Misunderstanding, hatred, neglect and mockery shall set in because of your chosen life. Jesus said “I have come to send fire on the earth, what will I, if it be already kindled?” It is not a pleasant statement of following the detects of the world system. He had stated in the scriptures of the hatred that we shall face as His disciples.

In being a suicide bomber for the Lord, your life and its entirety has been surrendered on the altar of sacrifice; living the life of Christ and giving a life of service to him according to Jesus terms.
Before them, there might have been a preparation through a process of discipleship to really become an agent of change.

A suicide bomber is not ashamed, afraid or changes his decision at the point of battle due to selfish interest, external influences, favoritism or self pity. He only understands best approaches to complete his mission. The battle field always has its peculiar challenges. Many surrender to the enemy because of many factors 2 Tim. 2:3-4. Enticement will come, pleasures and deceit will set in, money, fame, affluence, career, etc can be attracting being strategies of the enemy to make you reconsider your decision. Paul warn Timothy of his disposition as a soldier of Christ “endurance is a key as a good soldier of Christ” for no man that is in warfare entangleth himself with affairs of life because they bring distractions to not please Him who has chosen us to be a soldier.
Genuine power is released in time of need, challenges and troubles i. e. when you go to the place of assignment to possess the gate of the enemy. A suicide bomber doesn’t get distracted on his way to the point of assignment. He focuses on its target and becomes relevant only if the target is achieved. The manifestation of God’s power in us is of utmost relevance in the gates of our enemies. Our target (sinners) should feel the power of the gospel that can change their lives to serve the Lord almighty.

To properly fit into this divine calling and assignment, you shall not remain in the market place anymore. God in making us a suicide bomber for his work, considerations are essential;
·         The kingdom is prepared and equipped but those that it is meant for are idle, wasted, engaged in the market place.
·         The persistent, preserving and passionate heart of God to relocate men from the market place. This implies the unquenchable desire God has to change your location to where you can see the glory of God for your live.
·         Many are called but few are chosen.

The grace of God is always available to you no matter the wastage you have suffered in life since you say “YES” to Jesus. If you are not in Christ, you are in crises/
When a man is not where God wants him to be to fulfill destiny, heaven still sees such a man as standing idle. The labourer answered “because no man has hired us (Matt. 20:7) when the master gave them a divine query on why they are standing idle in the market place.
There is provision on every age of your life to go in to the vineyard and the master shall give you what is good. A big question is what type of your life will eternity rewards.
God’s call for us into this vineyard is irrespective of people already there. Ye also is involved and qualified to be on the rail for the Lord. What others have done does not exclude what you can do. Understand that my mission in the world is to seek the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth using every opportunity he has only as a platform.

Gen. 32:22-32

Jacob lived a life of deception, selfishness and troubles. This made him to take the birth right if his elder brother – Esau. The turmoil he passed through after running away to Laban house from his brother made him to be in despair. In his deception, he took his master’s flocks until he suspected the his master has known it and may have a bad countenance towards him. However, the Lord spoke to him about returning to his father’s land to possess his inheritance. Jacob was troubled in his lifestyle and needed a change as time goes on. The Esau he could not deal with in his life was a treat even after 20 years had gone. Until when he encountered the angel of the Lord who changed his name and ugly situation of deception for he then said – for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. No one will ever see God’s face and he is not changes. Transformation and change is a mark of encountering God at any point. But, a work is needed to be done. Jacob had separated himself from all after he had prayed in Gen. 32:9-11, being left alone Vs. 24 might be communing and communicating to the Lord to deliver him and change his story, he was indeed waiting for the Lord whom he trusted can change his condition after his wisdom of dividing his household into droves failed and sending gifts to Esau. In great expectation to see the mercy of the Lord and deliverance, he had an encounter with the angel of the Lord whom he wrestled with. He needed to wrestle all night because there was an uncomfortable situation that confronted him that needed urgent attention, it was not just God leading him to his journey as he has always said in his previous encounter (Gen. 28:10-22; 32:1-2), he knew there was a root origin of his problem that needed to be addressed except for which he cannot be victorious in his ministry, career and divine assignment no matter the extent of growth he had attended. Remember, he had numerous possessions but that was not his concern, something was wrong. Jacob wrestled until there was a response to his plea even his thigh hollow was out of joint yet, no discouragement, influence, secular pressures, pains, relenting etc. He knew he wanted a change and persevered until his problems were attended to. There is always a call to remedy our situation. This program brings a re-awakening and knowledge of persevering that we should follow and pursue until God change our lives. No man can see god’s face and return without his touch. The right mindset and doggedness in believing and tarrying in the place of prayer, study of His word and total surrendering until we become His image showing forth His glory. Family ties, discouraging friends, laziness, injuries, unanswered prayers etc can stand to hinder our transformation. Remember Vs. 25 And when He saw that he prevailed, he touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint as he wrestled with Him. We need wrestling to get what we want. Until we prevailed, we cannot get our expectations. Even at the point of prevailing, the hollow of our thigh can be removed should we stop? No… It is a time of further pursing until the master will say please let me go; you shall reply “I will not l et you go unless (except) thou bless me” as Jacob said. Our perseverance should reach to a point that the master will say please it is enough, leave me to go; you shall reply with your needs.
For the master who knows your situation will surely ask you your name – meaning what you want Him to do, the issues you want Him to settle in your life, your problems and troubles surrounding, the spiritual height and breakthroughs you are expecting in all ramifications etc. Always be faithful enough to release the right answer. Don’t be in a haste. it is an open cheque where you open up your rottenness and definitely you shall see the master act on those issues of concern.

“Thy name shall be called no more …………….” (Vs. 28) that your bad lives and sinful nature; but, you shall become a prince having power with God to prevail among men. At this time, you shall say my live is preserved. God want us to encounter Him in the same manner Jacob did as we shall be seeing His face in this mountain, we will definitely become like Him. Peter experienced this in the mount of transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-4), his story and confession changed. Solomon drew the heart of God to ask Him what he wanted and God did more than Solomon had asked from Him (2 Chron. 1:8-12).
In this program, God had said ask what you will want me to do for you; He will definitely reveal Himself to us as we shall as prayerfully and according to His will and answering rightly.

When we have been transformed in this mountain, it is for a purpose of giving our time and self for His work and total surrendering of our lives in His vineyard. This is because He has called us to be His representatives on earth.



I welcome you all to another Youth Week In Jesus name. The Lord lead us in 2013 on “A vibrant youth as an Agent of change” aimed at raising young men and women who will cause a change in our rotten society of sin. By 2017, we considered a theme on “A transformed life” lunching us to a transformation that Christ brings to anyone that embraced Him from glory to glory in all ramifications reflecting His image (2 Cor. 3:18). Last year 2018, we were made An Uncommon youth (an endtime army of the Lord) adorn with all the spiritual beauty and tallness that makes us different from the world prepared to show God’s glory at all times and becoming Christ replica in the world (Jn. 17:16). It is a dynamic encounter with the Lord as there were testimonies abounding in the programme as the Lord opened our eyes in diverse ways to understand mysteries of His kingdom and to live a victorious life.

This year we shall move a little further to Jn. 17:18 on a divine assignment God has called us into in considering a theme: Making them Spiritual Suicide Bombers for Christ. This explains a life that has given himself for Christ and His services Lk. 14:25-35. Before then, the Lord will be encountering our lives on the mountain as He will change our name as He did the same to Jacob in Gen. 32:25-32. We shall be seeing the Lord’s face in the programme as it happened at Peniel from the scriptures, Jacob felt the presence of God and his situation was changed. We shall be experiencing God in like manner who will then launch us to be His representatives on earth having giving us His seal of service and being sold out for His use alone.
The program will expose us to a three (3) fold issues that the Lord will be accomplishing in our lives; first, encountering Him as Jacob did – Gen. 32:21-30, secondly, The encounter will make us to become His useful chosen with eternal value – 2 Tim. 2:20; and finally, becoming sold out as His Suicide bombers irrespective of any entanglement – Lk. 14:26c, 33.

Our church presently is filled with youths who have no eternal focus. They moved by funfair, and enjoyment at the present with no conscientious effort to really know if they are on the right track Lk. 13:24. They become choristers, ushers, and ministers and doing other form of services in the house of God but the power to become God’s children are lacking. Many denominations accommodate them and welcome their zealous service painting a mindset of an easy work with the Lord no matter how you are outwardly. Some engage in maliciousness, manifest spiritual gifts but have a leakage in righteousness Psalm 118:19. The Lord wants to use this program to refine us a He is a refiner, purge our lives and produce useful vessels in His vineyard that are His real children that will not be destroyed at eternity.

More also, the vineyard is vast and the fields are white already for harvest. The challenges we see in our world and in this generation are all the challenges of the wasting harvest. All the youthful restiveness and the various forms of false doctrines flying about in the land are all indication for the waiting but wasting harvest. The Lord (householder) has come forth again and has seen so many hands and lives standing idle all their days in the marketplace of this world. Some seemingly busy, fusing up and down are engaged in futile ventures that bears no eternal value and God is asking why are you standing here idle all day?

While several youths have burnt their lives on the altar of sacrifice serving the Lord and have pushed the kingdom of God a distance in their own generation, the householder is out again seeking to call men into His vineyard. People that will stand as Christ representatives in the midst of rejections and turbulence of their respective environments. There are catalogues of men and women who rose to the help of the Lord against the mighty. They did several things and labored in several aspects of the vineyard as they were assigned of the Lord, but the questions come to you again this day; Why stand you here idle? Why are you not taking your place in this glorious service for which you were born and born again?

These questions which will be answered but in a practical way of commitment and consecration as we shall ponder over in our hearts as we shall be fulfilling God’s intention for our lives through this programme in answering all these questions.

The programme shall be featuring diverse monumental activities that will affect our lives spiritually, physically, health wise, academically and mentally. There shall be worship experience, salvation, deliverance, discovery of purpose, breakthroughs, seminars, drama presentations and lots more. All these will be aimed at causing a metamorphosis that will be seen and felt with positive outcomes.

We therefore beseech you to warmly sit with great expectations and with an open heart to receive maximally from the Lord as he will come as a refining fire and a purifier to purge us and make us fit to offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness Mal. 3:2-3.

Thank you and God bless.

Your Brother,
Williams Onyekachi


·         Teachings
·         Revival/charismatic/deliverance session
·         Marriage/relationship seminars
·         Picnic/get together party
·         Quiz
·         Praise night/worship experience
·         Academic seminar
·         Health seminar
·         panel discussions
·         Bible challenges
·         Special presentations
·         Drama
·         Birthday celebrations

Life in the camp
You are welcome to this youth week 2019 in Jesus name. We give thanks and praise to the Almighty God who has graciously gathered us together to be refreshed in His presence. For us to receive from the Lord as we except, we should take note of the following;
1.      That our God is here with great blessings for all, and therefore we should be highly expectant
2.      That God answers and visit those that call upon Him in truth and Faith; therefore we should give ourselves to prayers (Psa. 102:17).
3.      That the Lord unto whom we have gather is a Holy God; therefore Holiness must be our watch word (1 Pet. 1:15)
4.      That the Lord God is walking in our mist to deliver our enemies unto us, but will turn away if He sees any uncleanness. Therefore our nakedness must not  be seen (exposed) Deut. 23:14
5.       That God hears every conservation, therefore nobody should speak any idle word or jest Eph. 4:1-3
6.      That God pours out His blessing where there is unity and oneness; Therefore we should endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the blood of peace (Ps. 133; Eph. 4:1-3)
7.      That our God is a God of principles, rules and orderliness; therefore we must walk by the same rule doing all things decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40; Phil. 3:16) if we walk by these rules, our God unto whom we have gathered will bless us greatly.


4:30am to 6:00am is morning wash; 6:00- 7:00am is Devotion and 7:00am – 8:00am is clean up/sanitation


10:10 – 11:20am
11:30 – 1:00pm
1:00 – 4:00pm
4:00 – 5:30pm
5:40 – 7:00pm
7:10 – 8:30pm
8:30pm – 4:30am
Arrival and Registration
Opening Charge
Night rest

Worship, Praises and prayers
Message 1
Message 2
Health Seminar
(1:00pm to 2pm)
Academic Seminar
(2:00pm to 3pm)

Worship, Praises and prayers
Message 3
Get together (featuring; Business seminar dinner, quiz, talk show, riddles and questions/answers)
Revival Hour
Night rest


Sunday Order of Service
·         Award
·         Choir Ministration
·         Message/blessing of the church  by our daddy
·         Birthday
·         Second offering
·         offering of the youth
·         appreciation/Announcement
·         Closing prayer

Opening prayer
·         Worship and Praises
·         Intercessory prayers
·         Hymns
·         Testimonies
·         Tithe/Seed of faith/Vows/Offering
·         Welcoming of invitees
·         Youth Parliament
·         Knowing your spouse/child
·         Egg of life
·         Recitation
·         Drama

Opening charge –
The Necessary preparation and infilling to become God’s chosen vessel
Bro. Charles
10TH  By 6:00pm


Message 1:
How to become God’s chosen vessel Pt. 1

Evangelist I. K
11th by 9:00am
Message 2:
How to become God’s chosen vessel Pt. 2
11th by 10:30am

Academic Seminar
(What “NEXT” as a graduate to survive in a poor economy and still doing exploits for Christ)
Sis. Gloria Ashiegbu
11th by 2:00pm
(Maintaining and sustaining your faith with Christ and yet achieving excellence on Campus)
Dr. Mrs Ezeani
11th by 2:00pm
Secondary school
(Need for Academic excellence in a society as ours and yet, reflecting the image of Christ)
11th by 2:00pm
Health Seminar
(Living healthy)
Dr. Joseph
11th by 1:00pm
(Living healthy and combating female health challenges)
Dr. Chinwe
11th by 1:00pm
Praise Night
(Why we have too many Christian youths that are not God’s chosen vessel)
Dr. Hope
11th by 10:00pm


Message 3:
A Vessel Prepared for the Master’s Use
12th by 10:30am

(The Ideal Christian Relationship with the opposite sex and all around to reflect the image of Christ)

Bro. Chijioke

12th by 11:30am
Singles/Adult youths
(Chosen a life partner to reflect God’s will)
12th by 11:30am

C-Net Communication
12th by 3:30pm
Dr. Hope,
Dr. Chinwe
Dr. (Mrs) Ezeani
Sis. Gloria
12th by 4:30pm
Revival Hour
(Receiving the fire by the Holy Ghost to be sent as God’s vessel)
Evangelist I.K
12th by 7:30pm

Definition of terms:
Information:  Information is simply referred to  as facts provided or learned about something or someone. It also can be referred to as knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction.
Communication: This means a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviour. In other words, communication is the process of transmitting or exchanging information.
Technology:  According to Mirriam Webster dictionary, technology is the practical application of knowledge in a particular manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge.
In a further expansion of these meanings, we can define technology as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It could also be said to be a machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
In educational field, technology is the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT):  Having established the meanings of the three major words that formed ICT, we can grab the meaning of ICT maybe by joining the meanings of the three words. But in a comprehensive manner, Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technologies used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.
 In a nutshell, Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications  and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audiovisual systems, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.
 The term ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of audiovisual and telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives to merge the telephone network with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution, and management. ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and appliance with them such as video conferencing and distance learning.
ICT is a broad subject and the concepts are evolving.  It covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form (e.g., personal computers, digital television, email, or robots). For clarity, Zuppo provided an ICT hierarchy where all levels of the hierarchy "contain some degree of commonality in that they are related to technologies that facilitate the transfer of information and various types of electronically mediated communications".  Theoretical differences between interpersonal-communication technologies and mass-communication technologies have been identified by the philosopher Piyush Mathur. Skills Framework for the Information Age is one of many models for describing and managing competencies for ICT professionals for the 21st century.
Etymology (The Origin of ICT)
The phrase "information and communication technologies" has been used by academic researchers since the 1980s. The abbreviation "ICT" became popular after it was used in a report to the UK government by Dennis Stevenson in 1997 and then in the revised National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2000. However, in 2012, the Royal Society recommended that the use of the term "ICT" should be discontinued in British schools "as it has attracted too many negative connotations". From 2014 the National Curriculum has used the word computing, which reflects the addition of computer programming into the curriculum.
Variations of the phrase have spread worldwide. The United Nations has created a "United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force" and an internal "Office of Information and Communications Technology
It is very vital to know that there is no how we can talk about ICT without having COMPUTER at the heart of it, and for this reason of its vitality, we must discuss computer. There are like 5 & 6 – you know that 5 and 6 are the nearest neighbours, if you don’t know before, get me a snack for telling you.
What is this computer?
       In a simple term, a computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates (processes) it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.
Complex computers include the means for storing data (including the program, which is also a form of data) for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and built into the computer hardware (and called logic circuitry as it is on  microprocessors)  or different programs may be provided to the computer (loaded into its storage and then started by an administrator or user). Today's computers have both kinds of programming.

Brief history of computer:
Everything under the sun has a history of how it existed (started). In some cases, the history of some certain things may not be known or documented but that doesn’t make it exceptional. So we must know at least little history of computer.
     Most histories of the modern computer begin with the Analytical Engine envisioned by Charles Babbage following the mathematical ideas of George Boole, the mathematician who first stated the principles of logic inherent in today's digital computer. Babbage's assistant and collaborator, Ada Lovelace, is said to have introduced the ideas of program loops and subroutines and is sometimes considered the first programmer. Apart from mechanical calculators, the first really useable computers began with the vacuum tube, accelerated with the invention of the transistor, which then became embedded in large numbers in integrated circuits, ultimately making possible the relatively low-cost personal computer.
Modern computers inherently follow the ideas of the stored program laid out by John von Neumann in 1945. Essentially, the program is read by the computer one instruction at a time, an operation is performed, and the computer then reads the next instruction.
Generations of Computer
From the mid-1900s to the present, the advancement of computers is divided into five generations. While the year span for each generation varies depending on the reference source, the most recognized generational timeline is below;

1st Generation (1940 to 1956)

First generation computers were room-sized machines that used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for limited internal storage. These machines used punched cards for data input and a binary machine code (language). Examples of first generation computers include the ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer), Colossus, IBM 650 and the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer).


2nd Generation Computer (1956 to 1963)

Second generation computers replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, used magnetic tape storage for increased storage capacity, used BAL (basic assembler language) and continued to use punched cards for input. Transistors drew less power and generated less heat than vacuum tubes. Examples of second-generation computers include the IBM 7090, IBM 7094, IBM 1400, and the UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer).


3rd Generation Computer (1964 to 1971)

Third generation computers used ICs (integrated circuits) with several transistors and MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) memory. Smaller, cheaper and faster than their predecessors, these computers used keyboards for input, monitors for output, and employed programming languages such as FORTRAN (Formula Translation), COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) and C-Language. Examples of third generation computers include the IBM 360 and IBM 370 series.

4th Generation Computer (1972 to 2010)

Fourth generation computers used integrated circuits and microprocessors with VLSI (very large scale integration), RAM (random access memory), ROM (read-only memory), and high-level programming languages including C and C++. The creation and expansion of the World Wide Web and cloud computing (the ability to deliver hosted services using the Internet) significantly enhanced computing capabilities during this period. Examples of fourth generation computers include Apple's Macintosh and IBM's PC. The introduction of the 4th generation computers brought about much gain in space and in energy consumption.


5th Generation Computer (2010 and beyond)

Fifth generation computers are based on AI (artificial intelligence), use large scale integrated chips and more than one CPU (processor). Fifth generation computers respond to natural language input, solve highly complex problems, make decisions through logical (human-like) reasoning and use quantum computing and nanotechnology (molecular manufacturing). Fifth generation computers and programs allow multiple programs (and computers) to work on the same problem at the same time in parallel.

The advent of the Internet, cloud computing, and high bandwidth data transmission enables programs and data to be distributed over a network quickly and efficiently, while application programs and software make computers the tools of choice for such things as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, presentations, ERP (enterprise resource planning), simulations, education, CMS (content management systems), gaming and engineering. 


It would interest you to know that the mobile phone you are using is a computer and not just a computer but a 5th generation computer.
Merits of Computer:
Merits of computer and ICT are numerous and could even be uncountable but here are few of them:
1.      It enhances communication and availability of information.
2.      Speed – saves time
3.       Accuracy
4.      Stores huge amount of data
5.      Online trading

6.      Online education | Distance Learning
7.      Power hub of Research
8.      Forecasting weather, and predicting earthquakes ,volcano eruptions
9.      Produce Employments
10.  It brought about Internet
11.  It is very useful in Business
12. It enhances security – (e.g. CCTV)
13. It enhances transportation.
14. Reduces workload
Demerits of Computer:
In the presence of merits, demerits are highly inevitable. The following are demerits of computer
1.      Spread of pornography
2.      Virus and hacking attacks
3.      NO IQ - Computer cannot take their own decision
4.      Negative effect on Environment – ( Ballistic Missiles)
5.      Crashed networks – it can crash anytime.
6.      High dependency - Computer cannot work on itself
7.      Spread of violence, hatred
8.      Online Cyber Crimes – Yahoo Yahoo
9.      Data and Information violation.
10.  Takes people’s job – ( Robots do human jobs and leaves them jobless)
11.  Helps in spreading of fake news and gossips.
12.  Loss of data – Complete loss of data if the hard drive crashes.
Job Opportunities in ICT
Have you noticed that nowadays even a sales person in an average store is required to possess some computer knowledge? This is to say that having computer knowledge is an advantage over your competitor as the case may be.
Just as the advantages of Computer/ICT are unsearchable, so are the opportunities.
However, the following are some of the job opportunities in ICT:
Analyst Programmer: Write, test, design and develop computer software and programs.
Chief Information Officer: Watch over organisations’ IT and telecommunication systems
IT Manager: Organise and run IT departments in companies and organisations.
IT Trainer: Plan and conduct IT training programmes, and writes user manuals for clients.
Database and Systems Administrator and ICT Security: Maintain and operate databases, computer systems, IT security systems and networks.
AV Technician: Provide technical support for the production, recording, and broadcasting of media.
IT Sales Assistant: Sell computers and telecommunications products and services in retail or wholesale institutions.
Roles of a Christian Youth in ICT
Having established the origin and importance of ICT to the society and the world at present; its usefulness in all ramifications of life cannot be over emphasized. In the midst of it being an avenue for pornography, crimes and other demonic and bad ideas accomplished through ICT, it is a great tool for Christian to function in spreading the gospel and witnessing Christ around the globe. This usefulness is summarized thus;
·        Evangelism becomes easier to reach out to the world faster and efficiently; many people cannot be reached personally due to their busy schedule and social class; the media being an indispensible tool for communication are essential to catch such categories of people.
·        Knowledge is power and the bourgeois may discriminate people who are myopic in certain knowledge, thus the only medium to reach out to the nobles is to be knowledgeable as they are so that platform can be created to reach out to them.
·        Certain countries and environment need ICT to communicate effectively making its knowledge a tool of communication and to reach out to such
·        Social media being a platform for different evil are good channels to spread the gospel as the increase of traffic is alarming in it and numerous souls can be reached through such. Inspirational messages, bible passages, bible chatting, audio and video messages etc are helpful in these platforms.
REASONS for failure by Sis. Okoli Chidera
Failure comes when the needful is not done. Many have different perspective and certain principles that govern them yet, failure comes out of negligence and poor perspective of life and right attitude to work. There is still hope in the Lord Jesus Christ to rise for any who has failed.
There are so many reasons why people fail; the two broad categories are laziness and procrastination.
·        Laziness includes; the mental laziness, spiritual laziness, physical laziness etc. All these are peculiar to the failure associated to such individual. Failure in academics is as a result of mental laziness, poor study habit, lack of understanding concept etc
·        Procrastination is another success killer as it delay task and make one incompetent even when he has the technical power for the work to be done. It brings unseriousness and lack of trust in given assignment and makes work not done at when due. Imagine a student that procrastinate to study for his exams; eventually will fail even if he reads after the exam. Success goes with timing and one can delay his/success per time if procrastination gets in. A father the eventually passes his SSCE examinations at the age of 40 will be traceable of his unserious study life he cultivated in his early age as a student (his 20’s). Yes the success came but it was late and can delay achievements and growth in a sphere of life endeavour.
Other reason why failure comes includes;
·        Negative influence from peer groups: Peer pressure is a vital aspect of encouraging one in any success rate. Tell me your friend and I will define you. This is a practical explanation of influence that can be gotten from friends. They occupy your leisure’s, form your opinion and can affect your life if not taken with conscious approach and defining your goals.
·        Lack of vision: The bible says in Hosea 4:6 “my people perish for lack of knowledge” Ones vision directs him to certain knowledge he needs to actualize such vision. Vision defines a man’s direction and refocuses his life for great achievements. Distractions and influence abound in life journey but vision creates a pathway to one’s life (Willy bless). Vision is very essential in any success achievement, less failure sets in.
·        Lack of focus: It take one to have a vision and another is to have a focus in actualizing that vision. So, vision drives focus.

The Power of Priority
Priority can be said to as doing something first you think more important than other things. It is the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others. Choosing from a rank of high importance.
It can also be said to be a preferential rating. Something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives. Many people have been by their priority which can also generate a vision to oneself. Digging deep into concepts can also be achieved through priority. Therefore, setting our priority right is very necessary to affect our entire lives and determines our achievements also. It tells us the level of time or energy you give to a particular task..
Priority is looking at all that is supposed to be done spiritually, physically, academically and engagement. This allocate the extent of responsibilities you give it. When your priority are set in a wrong approach, you suffer it. It makes one suffer unnecessary loss if not put in place
Reasons for right priority
·        Time: where we lay our treasures matters and determine your priority. There is always the most important factor that brings other things into place that is God Matt. 6:33; Lk. 10:38-42; 12:31. Many give excuses if they don’t want to do God’s will; saying; I don’t have time, I am very busy. But, when adverse situations comes like death which has an amazing power to alter your priorities; you see the person will run to God, making time for bible, church etc
Make time for what is important and don’t have time for what is not important.
·        The evil days not to come
In all, priority makes one not to mingle with destiny killers and unnecessary friends with unlike minds. You avoid frivolities
Keys to Academic Success by Bro. Okoli Kaosi
Success depends on how one wish to define it. Some define success as being wealthy while others see it as achieving a particular objective.
Academic success can be said to be giving your best effort every time. Simply put, finding the best person you can be and becoming more like that person every day. It is challenging yourself, challenging your mind to do more you thought you could do. It is not about stereotype or superiority. It is not even about being a nerd. Also, it entails having a well built study habit that produces positive results in examinations and academic excellence.
To cut the story short, there are many keys to success but few will be under listed.
7 Keys to success
Ø  Have a positive mind: How do you behave towards success? Your attitude towards success determines whether you succeed or not
Ø  Believe in yourself: Believe you can make it against odds. Believing yourself generates an inner energy that propels you to achieving greatness.
Ø  Build positive habit: Note habit is different from attitude. Habit can be learnt and unlearnt in matter of time. Most people have negative habit towards success. You can unlearn such habit, make positivity part of you and if so, you can’t cease receiving positive result.
Ø  Make wise choice: Learn the dramatic relationship between your current circumstances and choice that created such circumstances. Develop a personal proactive plan for desired outcome through conscious wise choices.
Ø  Set and achieve goals: Try to differentiate between wish and goal. Make commitment plan and take action prayerfully and recognize completion.
Ø  Use your creative imagination: Imagination is one great, undiscovered key to success. Know that whatever you can imagine can be achieved.
Ø  Persistency: Never lose hope. Hold on to whatever you want. Winner’s dont quit; quitters never win. Persistency is one greatest key to success.
Also have in mind that behind every success story; there must have been failures. Anyone who is afraid of failure has never tried anything new. It is only a stepping stone to success.
In what might be at once the most discouraging statement and worst teaching practice at all-time. Thomas Edison was told by his teachers he was too stupid to learn anything, Edison went onto holding 1000 parent including the phonograph and practical electric lamp but death most likely spared his teachers the ignominy of their incorrect assessment.
Albert Einstein – A man whom I look up to scientifically. As a child never spoke until he was four, reading until he was seven and was thought to be mentally handicapped but won a Nobel Prize and altered the world’s approach to physics.
Other success people include Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Walt Disney, Bill Gate, Mark Zuckaberg and whole lot of others have their success stories to tell.
In conclusion, success is bent on positivity. Be positive, confess it, work towards it and watch your success speak.

PROFESSIONAL LIFE by Sis. Amarachi Charles
Professional life can be said to be business life, it is also the particular occupation for which you are trained into.
Building a successful professional life
·        Success is the most important thing of every professional decision you make
·        There are lot of information that aims to educate and inspire people on how to achieve a successful life
·        People often overlook the most important thing about building a successful professional life; their mentality
·        If your mentality is set on achievement and career advancement know that you are half way there.
How to Build a Successful Professional Life
Steps to build a successful professional life include;
·        People you need in your life
One of the most important steps towards achieving financial success is surrounding yourself with “can do” and “go-getter” people. Spending time with anyone other than that may have you going backward. People you interact with the most play a large impact on your personal and entrepreneurial decision.
Professional people are self-driven by positive attitude that focuses on accepting challenges and overcoming comfort zones. By associating yourself with individuals who understand what it takes to thrive in today’s business world, you will catch their ambitious traits yourself. 
·        Building a Successful Career
This is exciting because it provided an opportunity to shape your life in the way you want. But it is scary when you do not know what it is that you want to do when you are not sure how you can make a living.
Ten (10) tips to help move you forward as you create your career;
1.      Know Your Value
The place to start building career is yourself. Values are the core principles that run your life. The more your career aligns with and honours your value, the deeper the sense of satisfaction you will derive from what you do.
2.      Play to Your Strength
It is easier and a lot fun to play to your strength than to compensate for weaknesses. Carrying out a personal SWOT analysis on yourself is one of the great resources for identifying your strength. SWOT is an acronym for
      S – Strength
      W –Weaknesses
      O – Opportunities
      T – Threats
Ø  Strength is what you know you can do better than anybody or things you can do. They are skills that set you apart from others.
Ø  Weaknesses examine the areas in which you need to improve and the things that will set you back in your career. Questions to consider include;
o   What are your negative work habit and traits?
o   Does any part of your education or training needs improving?
o   What would other people see as your weaknesses?
Ø  Opportunities looks at the external factors you can take advantage of to pursue a promotion find a new job or determine a career direction.
Ø  Threats accounts for the factors that could hurt your chances to attain your goal.
3.      Live Your Passion
Passions are often buried by belief systems and judgments that convince you that what you love is not capable of sustaining you in a career. If that is your situation, think back to those childhood passion and see what it would take to introduce more of those things into your life right now.
4.      Use Your Favorite Skill Sets
Pick your favourite skill and see how you can apply them in your career.
5.      Figure Out How Much Money You Need to Make
If you are thinking about a career or entering a job market, take a long hard look at your finances. Do a budget, think about how much money you need to support yourself in that lifestyle.
6.      Have a Plan
After you’ve answered all the foregoing questions, do some research into different career scenarios that combine your values, strength, passions and favourite skill sets and provide you with money that you need to make. Make a long range plan for your career search and set daily, monthly, weekly smart goals.  
7.      Stay Flexible
There are probably a number of different areas that you could see yourself working in. experiment and see what you like best.
8.      Network
Here is the real secret of career building; the best jobs come up because someone who knows you would be the right person for the job. So networking is a critical piece of career success
9.      Get Support
Seek out people who understand your situation or are a positive influence.
10. Be Good to Yourself
Building a good career can be tricky, so be good to yourself. Create a nourishment menu of fun free things to do that make you feel great. Keep success journals documenting all the things that you do well? If negative self-talk is holding you back, come up with affirmation that can remind you of yourself at your best. Make these practices a habit throughout your life.
·        Balancing Personal And Professional Needs
Most people believe that their personal and professional lives have nothing to do with one another, but each one belongs to a different circle and require a different set of rule.
Having a successful career will not ensure a fulfilling personal life, just as much as you cannot have a happy home without a successful profession. This is why it is important to make your relationships as healthy and nourishing as possible whether at home or in the office.
In order to succeed, you need to broaden your social circle and connect with like-minded people in respectful and enthusiastic manner.
Finally, in all for a successful professional life, you must be rooted in Christ. Your professions are instrumental in serving the Lord. In summary it entails;
·        Using your professional as a means of evangelism
·        Using your fund in serving the Lord
·        Relating with others in your professions not to be deceived by them but a medium of impacting Christ in their lives
·        Not following any professional ethics and rules that will affect your relationship with Christ
·        Profession without Christ is confusion and vanity.
·        Be open as you rise in cadre to people for the gospel
·        Build a friendly and spiritual relationship with your subordinates

TIPS FOR A HEALTHY LIVING by Sis. Amarachi Charles
        I.            Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
     II.            Maintain a healthy body weight.
   III.            Avoid processed junk foods, eat real food instead.
  IV.            Don’t fear coffee: coffee is very healthy; it has high antioxidants which help to fight against some diseases. It also helps to reduce the risk of diabetes.
    V.            Get enough sleep.
  VI.            Drink enough water especially before meals.
VII.            Take vitamin D3 if you don’t get much sun exposure; vitamin D3 helps improve bone health, increase strength and reduce symptoms of depression and lowers risk of cancer.
VIII.            Get enough protein; sufficient protein intake helps to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
  IX.            Don’t smoke or do drugs and avoid drinking alcohol.
    X.            Minimize sugar intake; large and high intake of sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and many forms of cancer.
  XI.            Use plenty of herbs and spices; many healthy herbs and spices exits for example ginger and turmeric have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects leading to various health benefits. Garlic also is being said to have anti-infection effect which helps to reduce the risk of infection.
XII.            Daily exercise is also needed.
XIII.            Take care of your relationships. Social relationships are incredibly important not only for your mental well-being but also your physical health. Studies show that people who have close relationship with friends and family are healthier and live longer than those who do not.
Contacting Stds
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are generally acquired by sexual contact. The organism (bacteria, viruses or parasites) that causes STDs may pass from person to person in blood semen or vaginal fluids and other body fluids. Sometimes these infections can be transferred non-sexually such as from mother to infant during pregnancy or child birth or through blood transfusion or shared needles.
STDs can have a range of signs and symptoms including no symptoms. That’s why they may go unnoticed until complications occur or a partner is diagnosed.
Signs and symptoms that might indicate an STD include:
·        Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area.
·        Painful or burning urination
·        Discharge from the penis
·        Unusual or odd smelling vaginal discharge
·        Unusual vaginal bleeding
·        Pain during sex
·        Lower abdominal pain
·        Fever
·        Rash over the trunk, hands or feet
Signs and symptoms may appear a few days after exposure or it may take years before you have any noticeable problems depending on the organism responsible.
STDs can have severe medical consequences including death. Untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease or PID in women which can lead to infertility or chronic pain. PID can also cause ectopic pregnancy with subsequent maternal death. Some STDs such as herpes and syphilis may affect pregnancy outcome causing spontaneous abortion, premature birth and still birth. Gonorrhea and chlamydia can also affect the babies born to infected women causing eye infection and blindness. Syphilis, HIV and herpes can be transmitted to newborn, potentially causing chronic disease and death. In addition, herpes can lead to mental retardation in babies.
Some STDs if untreated in men can lead to infertility or a narrowing of the urethra.
STDs can also have severe social and economic consequences. Women especially in developing countries may be blamed for an STD resulting to infertility may lead to violence, abandonment or divorce.
In General, lack of health can discourage us in having a constant and uninterrupted relationship with God. We should avoid any thing that will affect our communion with God. No matter the pleasure, it is short living and the glory set for us is greater than the little enjoyment on earth which has eternal consequences (1 Pet. 4:13).


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