Sunday 29 December 2019




TEXT:            Matt. 7:15

Our Lord, in preparing his disciples for in the kingdom, foresaw a dangerous trap that would swallow up many and derail several well-meaning Christian both then and now. Other apostles also warned of these dangers of the end-time: false prophets, false, and fake apostles; messengers of Satan but in the disguise of angels, wolves but in sheep skin.
Miracles, sign and wonders are good but are not adequate tests for identifying these false teachers that have arisen even in our own time. Several of “the very elect” have been deceived and lured away after other gods than the God of heaven, the maker of heaven and earth.
It is in the light of this that we cannot brush aside the great warnings from the mouth of our Lord, the author and finisher of our faith. All wayfaring Christians must take heed to this and study carefully what has already been provided as our guideposts in scriptures.
As we study, please be prayerful. Look before you leap. Wonderful preachers are on the wayside today due to this same issue. Beware! Watch and pray. 
In this study let us see what Beware means; To beware means to be aware….to watch out, and to be very careful. Do not be unsuspecting. Look well and examine carefully. Why? Because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world (1 Jn.4:1-2).
We shall see this study in two broad sub-headings;
·         Who are the false prophets
·         What must a child of God look for in men and women who claim leadership in the body of Christ?
What are their traits by which we can identify them? How do they operate? Where are they?
(a)        False prophets could work off signs and wonders but introduce and emphasize some other means or other Gods. Deut. 13:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:13-15
Please note that the false prophets that are in the world are not very far from us. They are all around us. We are trusting God that you are not already one of them. They perform miracles, they prophesy and it comes to pass but they do all these to turn people’s hearts after other gods. They are capable of transforming themselves, disguising and masquerading as ministers of Christ but their lives do not resemble that of Christ.
What are the other ‘gods’ of our time that false prophets point men to today? Some use candles, blessed hankies, ‘anointing oil” holy water, blessed stone, etc. in ministering and praying for people. These divert people’s hearts from trusting God. These little ‘gods’ become the objects of their trust and they are not able to trust God except these material things are used. They therefore do not differ in any way from the gods of animists and idol worshipers.
Examine your life. Are you involved in such practices? Do you prescribe these ‘gods’ for others? Watch out! You are beginning to fit into the Bible’s description of false prophets.
(b) False Prophets……
-Release ‘Profaneness’ into the body of Christ,
-Speak ‘visions’ of their own hearts (personal Ambition, etc),
-Assure sinners and compromisers of peace and prosperity.
Jer. 23:15 – 17, 25 - 28, 31-32.
False prophets pronounce blessing on disobedient people; they tell dreams and visions of their own hearts and ambitions. They fill people with false hopes. Imagine someone asking you to give so that they will pray for you and that in three months, you will become a millionaire! He does not bother to check whether you are dubious, whether you are hardworking or not, or even not working at all. Such is a false prophet who promises peace to those who despise the lord in their lives.
They hardly every preach repentance from sin. False prophets place an undue emphasis on dreams and revelations rather than God’s word. They deceive people by their light-heartedness. They exhibit lightness (no weight or gravity, no seriousness) in the way they handle God’s word.
This is a scriptural description of false prophets. You may please check yourself. Are you already like that? Maybe you ignorantly followed a senior false prophet and he “trained” you into becoming one yourself. There is a space for you to repent. This study is actually God’s love to reclaim you from perdition, if you respond to him.
On the other hand, are you one of those that have already been deceived by false prophets? Why not deliver yourself like a deer from the hand of these wolves hunting for your soul?
(c)  False prophets can be very zealous and active, often sounding loud and bogus.
Jer. 23:21-22; 1  Kings. 22:6, 10-12,21-24.
You will discover from these scriptures that false prophets are so zealous that they often run any message from God. They are like soothsayers almost always with a positive message for people. Their messages hardly ever confront men with the truth and so never change people’s lives.
False prophet seen to be in the majority and often, they do not contradict one another. The help to sustain each other’s deceitful acts. They corroborate lies, so that the other can corroborate them too. They esteem men above God’s word.
When you see a preacher fighting the truth and threatening people, he is a false prophet. When you see a preacher who cannot bear people asking for scriptural basis from the word of God before they obey , he is a false prophet.
Again, would you please check yourself? Do you preach what you do not receive from God? Do you preach to soothe people and promise them peace when God is saying something contrary? Maybe you are becoming a false prophet. There is only a step between life and death. You need to watch out.
False prophets tell people what they want to hear instead of what God wants to say to them. They are often loud and bogus, wanting to be quickly noticed. They are often found in loitering the corridors of power, around ‘big man’. Beware!
(d) False prophets do not stand in the counsel of God (i.e. the whole counsel of the scriptures) they pick few words here and there mainly from second- hand sources
Jer.23:18, 22, 28-30;Acts 20:27-30; Lk. 7:30
Note that he is a false prophet who carves out an empire for himself (even in the body of Christ) and draws disciples after himself rather than after Christ. They do not spare the flock as long as they can get their selfish gain. They often arise from among the believers. They sometimes collect information from ‘around’ not from above, but they come and speak it to the brethren as if it is from the lord. Examine your  heart again and again. Are you a false prophet and you do not know it? If you are, then be honest with God and with yourself; acknowledge it and repent! A little more delay any be dangerous. Watch it!



TEXT:            Matt. 7:15

(e) False prophet cause divisions and offense contrary to scriptures
Rom.16:17-18; Acts 20:30
False prophets are often good speakers; they excel in speaking flatteries. They speak to deceive the simple hearted Christians who cannot see through their flatteries. They are not serving Christ but their own ambitions. Watch out for such men and women. Avoid them like you would avoid plague.
(f) False prophets are false teachers bringing in heresies into the church.
2 Pet. 2:1-3 (LB)
Discuss their common methods. Have you encountered any in your walk with the lord? 2 Pet.2:1-3 (LB)
“But there were false prophets, too in those days, just as there will be false teachers among you.    They will cleverly tell lies about God, turning against even their master who bought them; but theirs will be a swift and terrible end.
Many will follow their evil teaching that there is nothing wrong with sexual sin. And because of      them, Christ and his way will be scoffed at.
These teachers in their greed will tell you anything to get hold of your money. But God condemned             them long ago and their destruction is on the way.”
This scripture is very clear. Are you sure you have not become a false prophet, or fallen prey into the hands of one? Watch out!
Many false prophets do not begin as false prophets. They start as any normal Christian but only BECOME false prophets, they either ignorantly or by willfully turning against the Lord their master who brought them up. Except you watch your life and stay on track with Jesus and his lifestyle, you may inadvertently become a false prophet. Take heed to your life.
(g) False prophets are greedy, feeding on the flock.
Mic.3:5 (NAV, LB); Isa.56:10-12; Matt.7:15b.
A false prophet is one who is greedy for gain, always wanting more, never having enough. He feeds ‘on’ the flock instead of feeding the flock. You must not be ignorant. Watch!
Are you a preacher who is greedy for gain? Do you labor over the souls of men to shepherd them properly for the Lord, giving them their portion of meat in due season? Or do you feed ‘on’ them instead of feeding them?
Beware! The chief shepherd, our bewared is coming. He will reward every one according to his deeds.  



TEXT:            Matt. 7:15

Matt: 7:16-20; Rom 14:17
(a)     Look for ‘fruits’ in their lives rather than ‘gifts’.
Discuss ‘fruits’ as the mark of a man’s inner life and identity rather than gifts and works. Gal.15:22-23; 1 Cor.13: 1-3
Fruit is an excellent pointer to the nature, the species, and the kind of a tree. Gifts do not portray a man’s true life. A gift can be imparted even when a man does not merit it. It is actually a gift. Fruits take time to grow. They do not grow overnight. No tree bears fruit in a day. The fruit is the identity of the tree itself. The fruit (character) of a man shows the kind of life he has inside.
The Corinthian church was known to be carnal and unspiritual so much that someone among them was sleeping with his father’s wife. There in their midst, a Christian brother took another brother to court. Yet they were very rich in manifesting spiritual gifts. Gifts are gifts irrespective of the real situation of the person manifesting them. But you cannot bear a different kind of fruit other than the kind of person you are inside.
Every tree is identified by its fruits. So also is the false prophet; for thought he may be performing wonders, the fruits he brings forth will be carnal fruits. His character (his behavior) will show who he is, not his charisma.
(b)     Leaders ought to be placed over God’s flock based on the fuit of their lives rather than their charismatic gifts and works. Exo. 18:21; Acts 6:3; 1 Tim. 3:1-8; Titus 1:6-9
To select leaders, we must make a search from among the people even if it is just or select a leader over tens. Fruit is emphasized in scriptures as a necessary pre-condition for leadership. Such people must to full of the Holy Spirit, capable for such service (inner strength) and must fear God.
A recent must not be made a leader. He may have great gifts operating through him but this does not speak of his spiritual maturity. The fruit of the spirit is a good sign of maturity because it is born of long continuance in the discipline of God’s word. Novices are not to be made leaders no matter their gifts, paper qualification, and social status. Otherwise they may fall into the snare of the devil as their character will soon show their immaturity and carnality; and it may lead them to end up as false prophets.
Therefore as a person, you must grow, not only to be able to recognize false prophets and avoid them (Eph.4:14) but also in order not to become one.



TEXT:            Matt. 7:15

Our Lord, in preparing his disciples for in the kingdom, foresaw a dangerous trap that would swallow up many and derail several well-meaning Christian both then and now. Other apostles also warned of these dangers of the end-time: false prophets, false, and fake apostles; messengers of Satan but in the disguise of angels, wolves but in sheep skin.
Miracles, sign and wonders are good but are not adequate tests for identifying these false teachers that have arisen even in our own time. Several of “the very elect” have been deceived and lured away after other gods than the God of heaven, the maker of heaven and earth.
It is in the light of this that we cannot brush aside the great warnings from the mouth of our Lord, the author and finisher of our faith. All wayfaring Christians must take heed to this and study carefully what has already been provided as our guideposts in scriptures.
As we study, please be prayerful. Look before you leap. Wonderful preachers are on the wayside today due to this same issue. Beware! Watch and pray. 
In this study let us see what Beware means; To beware means to be aware….to watch out, and to be very careful. Do not be unsuspecting. Look well and examine carefully. Why? Because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world (1 Jn.4:1-2).
We shall be considering the last part of this message continuing on what we as a child of God must look for in men and women who claim leadership in the body of Christ.
 (c) Active obedience to God’s word; deliberate following of God’s will rather than mere loud and “bogus” profession of his lordship, is God’s priority for us. Matt.7:21; 1 Sam. 15:22-23; Mk. 7:6-8
Do you discover your behavior running contrary to what you say about God and to God? Watch your life. When your life contradicts what you preach, it is a sign that you are not far from becoming a false prophet.
God’s expectation is that our lives will becomes Epistles that confirm the reality and power of God’s word, epistles that men can read and become persuaded to follow Jesus. And when the life and character of a leader contradict the gospel of Christ, watch out. He may be a false prophet.
(d) Fruit is God’s basis of evaluation and judgment of our lives. Matt. 7:19; Jn.15:2-8, 16; Lk. 13:6-9.
Ordinary lip proclamation of the lordship of Jesus Christ does not move God. He delights in the fruit of Christ-life that we bear, for that is what determines our length of stay here on earth and our eventual placement in eternity.
God prefers that every tree that does not bear fruit be cut down rather than to allow it to continue living and wasting divine resources. And it will not only be cut down but also cast into fire.
The same end awaits trees that bear fruit but not good fruit (Matt.7:19). This calls for us to be sober at this point and examine our hearts.
Are you bearing fruit for Jesus? If so, what kind? By their ‘fruits’ you shall know them, says the Lord.

Several men have shifted their emphasis from the lord Jesus to mere things. Others have been lured away into error- the Lord is more concerned about the fruit of righteousness in all our lives and labours.
      What is the fruit of your life? Even if you do mighty works and speak loud of your service in the kingdom, what counts before God is the kind of fruit you bear with your life. While you must watch out for false prophets, false teachers, and false leaders who creep in unnoticed all around us, the best way is to take heed to yourself. Your heart condition, your character, and your activity.
Keep a keen eye on your life….keep your focus on Jesus and his counsel for your life. Be careful that, “you are not that ‘false prophet”!, as prophet Nathan told king David bluntly after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, killed her husband, Uriah, ad took her to be his wife.
1.   “Beware of false prophets examine your heart.
Please share with us your personal encounters with false prophets and false prophecies.
How did to escape the snare or are you still deeply involved with them and entangled in their snares?
2.   What are the attractions false prophets play upon to lure men? Share with us your own personal experience in this. What burden do you now bear for God’s people as a result?


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