Sunday 29 December 2019


CALVARY HOUR (12/4/2016) 
TEXT: 1 KINGS 11:1-14; PSA. 78:1-8, 37; NUM. 14:21-28; TITUS 3:1-4; JAMES 1:26; ISA. 14:12-14
This message will be coming under three points;
·         Who is an enemy? Or Enemy defined.
·         You are your greatest enemy
·         How to conquer your greatest enemy always
1.         WHO IS AN ENEMY?
An enemy is a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or to something. An enemy is one who harms or weakens something. An enemy is somebody or something that wants to kill, destroy and waste you.
Note: Satan or human beings are not your greatest enemy but you are your greatest enemy, self, ego, don’t treat me and talk to me the way you like.
A man said Forgive many things in others but nothing in yourself”. That means; do not pamper or pet yourself.  Tell yourself the hard truth and deal with yourself more than you deal with satan. Satan is not your greatest enemy because Jesus conquered 2, 000 years ago.
Ø  No human being or power is your greatest enemy according to Isa. 54:17
Ø  Your greatest enemies are the following;
·         Emotions; that your strong feeling or how you regards that insult, criticizing that person.
·         Your body; you dress, rob, paint your body, takes care of it but your Spirit is hungry for God
·         Your appetite; food
·         Your mouth; James 1:26
·         Your character; stubborn, rebellious, arrogant character
·         Your temper; Psa. 119:69, 23
·         Your ear; you want to listen everything and hear everything
·         Your heart and mind; Prov. 4:23
·         Your thoughts; Evil imagination and thoughts against your brother
·         Your activities; what you are busy doing
·         Your company;  those you love to work with and what they tell you
Note: Solomon hindered his glory by loving and living with strange women who had other gods. Don’t hinder your prayer or breakthrough by your bitterness Heb. 12:15, unforgiving spirit, murmuring, complaining, murmuring against your husband, wife, pastor, sister or brothers, against God, yourself, speaking against the authority in the church – brother/sister, Deal with the devil you know, Yourself.
Nobody knows you, except you and God. Laziness, not reading or studying the bible will ruin yourself. Don’t base your faith on the prophecy or vision or dreams of others. Rather, prophecy, see vision and dream your own. Let change start from you.
Ø  Handle your body; that sleeping habbits, handle your eating, watching of television/movies, talking and discussion habits.
Ø  Curtail worldly activities; friend of the world, club, village meeting, social gatherings.
Ø  90% of your problems are caused by your thoughts; little thing, you fuel it.
Ø  Not paying your tithes, slow down your blessings
Ø  Your negative confession is your enemy
N/B; You can be your best friend – how? see below;
Ø  Set your heart and thoughts aright; Psa. 78:8,37; Prov. 4:23; James 1:26; Titus 3:1-3;;
Ø  Don’t blame others but blame yourself, don’t always see faults in others, see in yourself, don’t accuse that sister/brother rather accuse yourself, don’t answer or meditate on what they call you rather medidate on what God and you yourself call yourself. If you don’t sell yourself, nobody will buy you. Don’t listen to evil report about yourself from anybody, both, they will kill you. Speak of no man.
Ø  Don’t admit a defeat; accept correction, discipline, rebuke. Don’t say that they are using me to preach. Rather, pray that they use you to preach. Never hate yourself. Tell yourself, if I fall, I will rise, confess positive, speak well of others.
Ø  Create room for offence, mockery. Accept open rebuke whether before your equal or above your equal.
Ø  Carry your dustbin always
Ø  Don’t come to work for man but for God.
Ø  Humble yourself always, it pays
Ø  Submit and listen to others even your junior or children. Let others teach you what you know. Have listening ears, Don’t be a friend of a gossip or listen to gossips.
Ø  Be obedient
Ø  Study to be quiet
Ø  Don’t always teach others, let them teach you even what you know
Ø  Create listening ears
Ø  Don’t follow the multitudes to commit sin
Ø  Don’t open your mouth wide, choose your words
Ø  Tell yourself, I will conquer them all
Ø  List your faults and go to your pastor to pray with you
Ø  Go for deliverance and counseling always
Ø  Love and speak well of everybody even when spoken against you.
Ø  Don’t revenge, allow God to do it
Ø  Always see the glory of God upon you – you are special
Ø  You are a small god; talk, walk, behave, see and act like God.
You are elephant not dog.
N/B: If you conquer yourself which is your greatest enemy, the world will celebrate you and bow before you. Visit others
Tell yourself, “I am the greatest enemy of myself”
but O – James (put your name), I will conquer…
O enemy, I will conquer you…
N/B: If you are looking for a change, change must start with you first.
Prayer Points
·         O Lord, create in me a clean Spirit and heart
·         O Lord I repent and refused to stand on my way of progress from this day in Jesus name.
·         O Lord, I refuse to spend my life answering questions, I refuse to murmur and complain against any person
·         O Lord, I shall not be numbered among wasted life In Jesus name.
·         O Lord, cause me to love myself, brother, sister, accept corrections and rebuke.
·         O Lord, give me another Spirit you gave Joshua and Caleb
·         O Lord, Let me know that I am working for you, I didn’t come to help and work for myself or anybody but you only.
·         Lord, deal with my mouth, eyes, ears, hearts and Spirits.
·         Begin to confess all the things you have spoken against everybody in this church

CALVARY HOUR (24/1/2017)
TEXT: LUKE 5:1-11
N/B: Introduction of the chapter;
Apostle Peter marveled when he saw the great fishes He caught. You will marvel if you do likewise
·        Why did Apostle Peter toiled all night without catching anything? He toiled without God, he didn’t make room for God. Not until he allowed Jesus used his boat; Doors opened.
In like manner, If you allow God to make use of your life, money, talent, prayer, house, car, time, business, first fruits, etc. Doors will open. Explain First fruits more; Prov. 3:9-10.
·        John 4:1-26; Jesus told the Samaritan woman to give Him water to drink.
·        I gave you power to make wealth; Isa. 48:17
·        This year, is a year of your Increase. Ask God of Cyrus to prosper you, Isa. 45:1-6, 11
N/B: Your sacrifice determines your blessings
·        This year, try God and see…like Abraham, Jacob, Hannah and Peter.
·        Pay your tithes regularly, pay your seed faith, covenant vows, thanksgiving offering.
·        Vow and pay, don’t murmur rather, rejoice that God counted you worthy.
·        Give always, don’t withhold, don’t allow God’s work to suffer in your hands
·        Before we pray; consider this; curse you Meroz; Judges 5:23
·        Conditions for the abundance; Deut. 28:1-14

Prayer points
·        Pray for business people and the works of our hands
·        Prayer for government workers
·        Prayer for those sponsoring servants of God and his house
·        Prayer for those in school and training
·        Prayer for the jobless
·        Prayers for servants of God for anointing upon them


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