Sunday 29 December 2019


Teenager’s Bible Sharing
Adapted fromJunior Sunday-school, Deeper Christian Life Ministry


Text:                Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 55:7; Acts 2:38; 3:19; Hebrews 11:1

We have an important lesson before us today. The key words that appear in our topic are Repentance and Faith. To begin the journey as a Christian, we must repent of our sins. To end our journey successfully, we must have faith in every bit of God’s word.

WHAT IS REPENTANCE?   1 Corinthians 7:10; Acts 2:38; Proverbs 28:13
Repentance takes a very important place in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the turning away from sin unto God. When we have sincere and honest sorrow for our sins, we are expected to turn away from them. It is only then that we can truly believe in Jesus with saving faith. Repentance is turning away from Satan unto the living God. It is a complete turning away from evils such as disobedience to parents and elders, lying, fighting, stealing, cursing, etc, unto a life like that of Jesus Christ. An example of someone who repented was Zachaeus. He repented of all his evil ways unto God and at the same time he made all the necessary restitution. He was pardoned because he was sincere.

WHAT IS FAITH?   Hebrews 1:1,6
We get our Christian experiences and other blessings from God through faith. Faith is the link between a boy or a girl and God. The good kind of faith makes all things possible. Faith together with prayer is the key that opens every door. It is our belief in God that makes us get all that we ask God.  To have faith is to take the word of God as true, trust it and act on it. If God commands that you should repent, you take it so and repent. Saving faith is to believe that Jesus died for you and God will forgive your sins because of Jesus. When you are sick, faith in you will pray on the promise of God for healing and trust God for the healing. A person with faith does not doubt or have unbelief, he or she is patient and trusts totally in the word of God.

REWARD OF REPENTANCE AND FAITH   John 3:10; Luke 1; 74,75
God will greatly bless boys and girls who repent and wholly trust in His word. Abraham believed in God and he got his promised blessing in Isaac. His children entered into the Promised Land as God promised him. You will have God’s protection from the devil when you repent. He will give you victory everywhere and great success in your school work (Joshua 1:8). He will give you peace in this world. Lastly, He will take you to heaven into his mansions.


1.       What is Faith?
2.       What is Repentance?
3.       What is faith not?
4.       How can you have faith?
5.       Name two people who received their blessings through faith.
6.       Whose example should we follow in repentance?
7.       How can a sinner boy or girl manifest faith?


Write out five names of people that received God’s reward because of their faith.


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