SUNDAY SERVICE (14/12/2019)
TEXT: Gen. 39:20-23; Jer. 1:9-12
As we prepare to move into the New Year, resolve to dream big
dreams, to stretch your faith and to do great things for God. There are two
things you must never forget;
is not a function of what you have around you but rather of what you have
within you. In other words, you cannot be limited by lack of money, people or
resources. Those are things around you. The only things that can limit you are
internal things; Your attitude, your faith, your discipline and many more. That
is why as the year ends, you must invest more time in developing and building
up your inner man. The second thing is this;
It is not what happens to you but what happens in you that wins. Don’t let
the disappointing situations of life reach into you and turn off your switch of
victory. No matter how 2019 has been, refuse to give up. Accept what you cannot change. Change what you cannot accept. Yes!
You can’t change some things that have happened this year! But you can decide
to stay positive even though you feel disappointed or you feel like everything
is crushing you. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself or letting your emotions
control you, you can decide to LOOK up to the God who knows your future – 2020!
It’s easy to get worked up and create an even worse situation for yourself. But
the only thing you have control over is how you react to the battles
confronting you! Choose to end 2019 in
Hope and refuse regrets. Refuse to be a quitter! Refuse to sniff life out of
your God-given dreams. 2020 will be
your elevation season. Refuse depression!
If God could not forsake Joseph in PIT and in the PRISON, He will not forsake
you. No matter how deep life pushes you,
God will go down with you to Take you to the Top; Higher and higher than
everyone and Everything that pushed you down. Hold on and hold out! You
will get there.
This message is coming under three sub-headings;
1. Distract
your distraction
2. Secret
of a liberal soul
3. I will
end this year well
Hilary Duff was right when
she said It’s hard to stay true to yourself and what you want in life when there
are so many distractions and so much craziness going on around you. You
cannot do big things if you are distracted by small things. Work is hard!
Distractions are plentiful and time is short. As 2019 ends, Satan will do all
he can to distract you. In fact, each time you are NEAR your BREAKTHROUGH
point, DISTRACTION will be sent to stop or slow you down. Distractions come in
ways you can never imagine. They come to confuse you, lure you, invite you to
beautiful destinations and they tempt you to think that one day wont change
anything. But a distraction is still a distraction. That is why you must be
vigilant. There are seasons when your social media, facebook, instagram etc are
satanic distractions. There are times when even the tV or newspaper is your
distraction agent. And yet there are times when your friends or family members
can become the voice of distraction. But with self control and discipline, you
can say NO to distractions, so that you can say YES to your destiny. I decree
over you today as I am commanded: Every arrow of distraction from the pit of
hell designed to change the course of your STORY to GLORY journey, is destroyed
now by the fire of Holy Ghost. Distractions stopped ORPAH from seeing
the good things that heaven had in store for her. Ruth became an eternal star
with a DIVINE ATOMIC ENERGY, while ORPAH disappeared from destiny’s roundtable.
Oh hear Henry Ford; Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
off your goal. Starve your distractions and feed your focus! Peace!
9:6-11; Prov. 11:24-26
The scriptural reference here
share one of the most powerful and well known principles of life; your
current harvest in life is a function of your past seeds What you sow
now determines what you will reap tomorrow. Also the QUANTITY you sow
determines the QUANTITY you will reap. This principle affects every area of
life including finances and your daily actions. No wonder King Solomon said
many centuries ago, by the spirit of wisdom that God blessed him with, that There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth
and there is that witholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The
liberal soul shall be made fat. Note Made fat. The Amplified bible puts
it this way; There are those who (generously) scatter abroad, and yet increase
more; there are those who withhold more than is fitting or what is justly due,
but it results only in want. The liberal person shall be enriched and
who waters shall himself be watered. You will be enriched and watered. Enrich
means Evergreen. Watered means whatever you lay your hands to do cannot
wither or dry up. Wow! Determine to be a More Liberal Soul – a person that
gives freely. But here is the secret. If you look at the size of your wallet or
bank account before you give, you may never give. There is giving fatigue in
the church today due to unfaithful people and pastors. Others keep thinking
within themselves when I become a
millionaire, I will start giving. When I get promotion and they increase my
salary, I will have enough to give or pay my tithes. But, note this What
you do now is what you will be doing when you start earning more money. If you have not been giving your tithes now
(with little you are earning), if your income increases, the distractions that
are now stopping you from giving your tithe will also increase later. You may
not be able to do great things now, you may not be able to give great and large
gifts now, but, when you wrap that little
gift with love and you release it, God’s rich hands of Grace will see it that
you are enriched with more and more. It is a universal law of the universe.
Determine to end the year
well no matter the pressure here and there. Attack here and there, confusion
here and there, noise here and there; clear all you are owing God; tithes,
vows, pledges, testimony. Determine to end the year with prayer, fasting, peace
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