Teenager’s Bible Sharing
Adapted fromJunior Sunday-school, Deeper Christian
Life Ministry
Topic: JESUS
Text: John
3:16; Psalm 127:3; Luke 18:17; 19:13; Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16;
The love of God to all boys and girls
is revealed to us through the Bible. The salvation, protection, sanctification,
power, care and love, success and victory that God promised are for children
who obey and follow Him.
Mark 10:14; Luke 18:15; Proverbs 6:22;
Matthew 19:14; Isaiah 8:18; Mark 10:15
The perfect love of God for children
made Him to give charges to parents to train up their children in the way of
God. Parents should teach them (Deuteronomy 6:7), provide for them (2 Corinthians
12:14); nurture them in the way of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), control them (1
Timothy 3:4) and love them (Titus 2:4). Jesus made it clear to the elders and
priests of old that the best praise was from the mouth of children (Matthew
21:15-16). In Luke 18:15-17, Jesus rebuked the disciples because of children.
Why? Some mothers brought their children
to Jesus to touch and to bless them and His disciples told them to go away.
Jesus showing His love for the children called the children over to Himself. He
said to the disciples “Let the little children come to me, never send them
away, for the kingdom of God belongs to them.” Jesus even told the disciples
that except men or women have the hearts trusting, believing, obeying and in
humility like little children, they cannot get to the kingdom of God. So
children, God has revealed His love to you. In return, you should love Him with
all of your being.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18; John
3:3; Romans 3:23; I John 3:7-9; I John 1:6-10; Romans 10:9-10,13
The love of God for all boys and girls
is so much that no man can imagine how great it is. It was love that made Jesus
to die at Calvary for all our sins to be taken away. For any boy or girl to
enjoy the love of God, he or she must have accepted the gift of God, which is
His son Jesus Christ, (Romans 6:23). There is need or Salvation. This is done
when we confess our sins to God and forsake all evil and bad ways. We must then
live a holy life. There must no longer be fighting, lying, stealing, cursing,
disobeying but living to please the Lord. You must also give your time to
studying the Bible, which helps one to grow in the knowledge of God. Pray and
give thanks always to God. Pray that God will help you and other believers to save
other sinners. You must occupy for Jesus till He comes, preaching unto sinners
to repent and be converted. You should be regular in the fellowship so that
Jesus can meet you at His service when He comes. Children who love God should
encourage other Christians to be ready to meet the Lord at His coming. Be
prepared, for His coming will not be long.
Habakkuk 9: 12-15; Psalm 9:17; 7:11
The Bible tells us of the great
punishment that will come upon disobedient children. When God says woe to any
person, it means trouble, pain, sorrow, grief, calamities, afflictions, death,
crying and every other punishment you can think of. There is also everlasting
punishment in hell fire. Children, do you want all these to come unto you?
No! Why then will you remain in your
sins? Do not remain in sin, escape for your life right now and be saved.
1. Name four charges God gives to our
parents concerning us children.
2. Whom did Jesus rebuke in the passage we
read about children?
3. Who is to enjoy the love of God?
4. What will be the end of all sinner boys
and girls who refuse to repent?
5. How can we save our friends from the
judgement and anger of God?
What will you do for Jesus who loves
you so much? This should be discussed in the classroom with every child
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