Sunday 29 December 2019


Teenager’s Bible Sharing (17/3/2019)

TEXT:           1 Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:9-10; Deut.                         22:5; Matt. 5:14-16

Memory Verse:
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  (1 Cor. 6:19)

Christian dressing is a vital aspect for any child of God. The world promotes immodesty and self-expressions. The Word calls Christians to dress in a way that reflects their striving for purity and holiness. Our dressing as children of God should please God and be different from others who are not children of the kingdom. We should live our lives as unto the Lord not because of our friends, parents and family members but, recognize that we are the light that will show others how to live.
We live to please God and therefore any dressing that God hates should be hated by us also. We shall be discussing various sub-headings in this teaching. Listen and follow accordingly.

1. What is an Ideal Christian Dressing? It means the acceptable dress code that every child of God should dress to cover his/her nakedness. Our body is precious and therefore God do not expect His children to expose it or dress in a worldly manner.

2. The Origin of Dressing?
When God created man and the woman in Gen. 1:26-27; God created them without clothing (naked) but after they have disobeyed Him, they became ashamed and made leaves to cover their bodies because they knew they were naked (Gen. 3:7-11) until God Himself that know the importance of clothing; made cloth with animal skin to cover their nakedness Gen. 3:21.

Our dress is very important in covering sensitive part of our bodies. Our genitals, armpits and laps (for girls) should be covered always to avoid indecent appearance or offence to God.
When you don’t dress very well as a girl, boys can get attracted to you and rape you. Tight cloths should also be avoided not to show your buttocks and expose your bodies

3. Consequences of not dressing well:
·         It is a sin to God
·         You can be raped by boys as a girl
·         You cannot be decent before people
·         People can lust over you (Matt. 5:28)

a. According to this verse (1 Cor. 6:19) is your body your own?  Yes / No
b. What is your body described as in the same verse?
c. According to this verse, (1 Cor. 6:20) we are to do what with our bodies?
d. Who does our body belong to according to the same verse?
e. It says we were bought with a price, in your own words, what does this mean? (see 1 Peter 1:18,19 if needed)  
f. How should a child of God dress?


Teenager’s Bible Sharing (24/3/2019)
TEXT:                        1 Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:9-10; Deut.                   22:5; Matt. 5:14-16
Memory Verse:
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  (1 Cor. 6:19)
The Wickedness of Exposing your Body
When the first couple, Adam and Eve, became sinners, what was the first thing God did for their appearance? Genesis 3:21. As earlier studied; God made apron to cover their nakedness which gave us the understanding of God’s intention that our body should not be exposed.
Exposing our body makes God angry because it can cause others to defile you body which is the temple of God. We shall see examples in the bible of the consequences of admiring nakedness;
·         In Exodus 32, 3000 men died in one day from God's judgement. Moses, their leader, also got very angry. What were some of the things that angered Moses? (see Exodus 32:19 and 25)
·         Noah's son Ham had a curse put on his descendants (Canaan). What did Ham do that caused this curse? (see Genesis 9:22-25)

·         Read Leviticus 18:6-17. In every case, except one, the Lord is saying, thou shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman or a man?
            How many different cases can you find?

·          The last word in Leviticus 18:17 calls uncovering a ladies nakedness what?
·         In 2 Chronicles 28:19, why did God bring the tribe of Judah low? 
·         When Peter was fishing one day, what strange thing did he do before jumping into the water? (See John 21:7)
            Why did he do this? 
·         What is the Christian supposed to do when they see the naked? Compare Isaiah 58:7 and Matthew 25:36 for your answer.  

·         In Revelation 3:18, nakedness is called a _____________.

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (31/3/2019)
TEXT:            1 Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:9-10; Deut. 22:5; Matt.             5:14-16
Memory Verse:
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  (1 Cor. 6:19)
Nature of a Christian Dressing 1
We have established in the first two lessons how holy God considers both the male and female body. Also, we have seen how unholy nakedness is. Now let's see some instructions regarding proper dress.
Note: Nudity is nakedness, but nakedness is not necessarily nudity. By that we mean it is possible to be dressed, but improperly. Areas of your body that should not be exposed can be. This should be corrected. You can have some clothes on and still expose what God calls nakedness.  
1. Kinds of clothing for men and women:
The type of cloths boys and girls who are children of God is very important. God needed to give a commandment to the children of Israel through Moses in Deut. 22:5 that women should not put on whatever apparel made for men and likewise men putting on that which is made for the women. I suppose that the bible understood that there must be a different apparel for both sexes and abuse of that is not obedient to the Lord’s commandment.
2. Type of Women clothing:
A woman that puts on the female type of clothing can still be committing sin: How? The way the cloth appears on the body can cause it to be unacceptable by the Lord. Ladies, your clothes are talking. Proverbs 7:10 says, "And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtil of heart." Quite simply, a harlot wears clothing that purposely draws attention to her body, especially certain areas of her body -bust, legs and backside. Therefore, dresses that exposes your body shape so tightly and harlot kind of dressing is an abomination to the Lord.
1st Timothy 2:9a says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel." These two verses represent two extremes-the immodest woman wearing the attire of the harlot and the modestly-dressed lady. I looked up the word "modest," and it means "decorous" or "moderate." Of course, the woman dressed in modest apparel would not draw attention to her body.
We should be careful because our friends, parents and the world has a way of creeping in and influencing the way even Christian women appear. Our cloths give out message and we should be aware of it. You want to be sure it is not the same message a harlot's attire would give. A Christian dressing makes anyone to see you as a Christian at first instance.
1. What does the dictionary say an "abomination" is?
2. In Deuteronomy 22:5, what is it that is an abomination for a woman to do?
3. Give examples of the kinds of dressing you see the women put on that God hates?
4. What word is used in 1st Timothy 2:9 to describe the type of apparel (clothing) a woman should wear? Explain the meaning.
5. Mention some of the dressing a Christian should put on?

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (7/4/2019)
TOPIC:                THE IDEAL CHRISTIAN DRESSING                PART 4
TEXT:                  1 Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:9-10; Deut.                                       22:5; Matt. 5:14-16
Memory Verse:
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  (1 Cor. 6:19)

Nature of a Christian Dressing 2
From our last study we saw the kinds of dressing that a Christian Brother or sister should put on and the type of attire that our sisters should appear on which defines modesty as the bible spake in 2 Tim. 2:9. To elaborate more on this; we shall be looking at the different aspect of clothing that can appear modesty and immodesty to properly address the nature of clothing obtainable to a genuine child of God. It can be seen that too many Christian women bring criticism to Christianity because they look sloppy in their appearance. When they dress this way frequently, they are giving off the message-"I don't care how I look." Of course, as daughters of the King, we want to look our best. Our look tells others what we have inside and should reflect Christ glory.

1.         The immodestly dressed woman
 The different immodest appearance we should be very careful about includes:

a. The tight-fitting garment.
If your garment cups under the bustline or around the bustline, it is too tight. You can test this in any full-length mirror. If your garment cups your bustline as described, you are giving off this message-"Look at my bust." Also, for the men, tight body fitted cloths  and jeans should be avoided.

b. The too-sheer garment.
The way to know if your garment is too sheer is to see if your undergarment straps (bra and slip straps) can be seen through your outer garments. If they are visible, this could cause thoughts in the mind of a man that you really do not intend. The message your clothes are giving if too sheer is-"Look at my undergarments." This problem can be remedied by acquiring a camisole with wide straps or even cutting off the sleeves of an old white t-shirt and wearing it as a covering for your undergarments.

c. The skirt or dress with a slit.
We all know there is rarely a time when we can purchase a garment with a slit and find that it is already sewn for us to meet our Christian standards. A good rule is that your slit should be no higher than two inches from the floor when in an upright kneeling position. Anything higher than that reveals your thigh. Remember, the harlot reveals her merchandise to drum up business. If your slit is higher than the standard given above, you are giving off this message-"Look at my legs."
1. Which areas did men and women need to look into in covering their bodies to dress well?
2. What did Rebecca do when being approached by a man? (see Genesis 24:65)
3. Why wouldn't the Lord allow people to climb up steps to His altar according to Exodus 20:26?
4. When the priests' garments were made, what two parts of the body did the Lord want covered? (see Exodus 28:42)
This was to "cover their _________________."
Note: The loins (hips, buttocks) and the thighs (from the loins to the knees) are to be covered. And priests were men! How much more important it is for women to obey this rule.  

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (14/4/2019)
TEXT:                        1 Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:9-10; Deut.                                           22:5; Matt. 5:14-16
Memory Verse:
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  (1 Cor. 6:19)

Nature of a Christian Dressing 2
We have come to the last segment of the nature of a Christian dressing woman aimed at presenting a glorious church prepared and ready to be rapture by Christ (Eph. 5:27). We shall be continuing on the immodestly appeared woman and men and end with the modestly appeared women and men

d. The too-low neckline.
So, many times we settle for what the stores have to offer because we want to stay in style. We can be in style in a modest way without lowering ourselves to the world's standards. Find the "U" right below your neck and at the top middle of your collar bone. Now, place your four fingers closed together at the bottom of your "U." If skin is showing below your four fingers, your garment is too low. Anything worn with a low neckline draws attention to your chest area. Just remember this: "The lower the neckline, the more curious a man gets." Surely we do not want to put men in that position. I believe many Christian women are ignorantly doing this. When your neckline is too low, you are giving off this message-"Look at my bust."

e. The tight skirt or tight-fitting part of a dress below the waist.
The following test will determine if your garment fits too tightly below the waist. Stand in front of a full-length mirror. If your skirt cups under your backside or abdomen, it is too tight. One thing I have seen that is a turn-off and quite unbecoming is panty lines showing through a skirt. If the skirt would have been looser, I would not have had to view this, and neither would our Christian men who are trying hard to keep their minds clean. Also, we want to avoid being sensuous. When your skirt is too tight, you are giving off this message-"Look at my backside."
In conclusion, women do not think through how they look each day in front of a full-length mirror. They should take a few seconds each morning to quickly check the bustline, backside, slits, etc.
Also, Women are now aware of the messages they give when they wear certain types of garments or wear them are an immodest way. Some women continue to wear immodest apparel or try to hide behind excuses or simply know better but do it anyway. They need to be reminded that the harlot was "subtil of heart." "Subtil" means "cunning" or "clever." In other words, she knew exactly what she was doing. Christian women need not be "subtil of heart."
James 4:17 teaches, "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." Before you read this, you possibly did not know better.

For the men these should be avoided;
·         Sagging, Body hock, Titght fitted jeans, Jewelries Etc.

2. The modestly dressed woman and men.
She wears an outfit with a high neckline that is loose-fitting around the bust and backside, yet flattering and pretty, under which are the proper undergarments for those sheer areas of the outer garment. The slit is properly sewn or nonexistent. Our attention would seem to be drawn to only one part of her body-her face. Her clothes are worn in such a way that she has made her acquaintance look her in the eye and see her for the lady that she is. When a woman dresses in such a way, she is giving off the message-"Look at my face." This should be the only area men want to look at when they see us; however, we determine that.
She doesn’t dress like an harlot but watch herself carefully not to send an evil message through her dressing. Also, men are to gentle and not flamboyant in their dressing to connote modesty.
1. Explain different ways a man or woman can dress in a modest way?
2. List any immodest dressing of men and women?
3. Notice the word "breeches" in Exodus 28:42, 39:27-28; Leviticus 6:10; 16:4; Ezekiel 44:17-18. In these verses, does the word "breeches" refer to the attire of a man or a woman? _________________
Look up the word "breeches" in a dictionary. What are they?
4.  In Isaiah 47:1-3, in a figurative way, God compares the nation of Babylon to a virgin daughter. He tells of His judgement on this land, that they will be humbled. He says their nakedness shall be uncovered.
What did this mean specifically in verse 2?
Note: Bare legs and uncovered thighs are nakedness.

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (12/5/2019)
TEXT:                        1 Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:20; 2 Tim. 2:9-10; Deut.                                           22:5; Matt. 5:14-16
There has been a lot of understanding and perspective of making up in the life of Christians. It is therefore very necessary that we the children of God to know the ideal and acceptable life and pattern of appearance the Lord expect from us. Modesty is a standard of measurement in appearance though shabby, immoral and flamboyant outlooks and dressing is not acceptable before God. Modest appearance entails coordinated and presentable appearance that does not makes one lust after you or address you with immoral expectations, proud look or extravagant lifestyle. It portrays simplicity, decency with spiritual connotation on the life of Christ. Jesus has nothing to be desired of Him (Phil. 2:7a) rather was clothed in humility and simplicity. Being Bogus can induce arrogancy and do not show a true test of Christ humility and riches in glory. But, that can show pride and sinful quest of covetousness. It is then necessary that we understand bible\cal stand on makeup’s and appearance.
1.         What is Make Up:
According to the dictionary; Make up is any substance you put/apply on your face/body to make it look better or differently. This includes the lipstick, pan cake, powder, foundations, Mary kee, eye lashes etc. All these are artificially produced to make one look as prescribed or based on his/her taste. The scriptures pointed out that we are created for God’s purpose and will (Rev. 4:11) and if we live, we are living for the Lord (Rom. 14:8). Therefore, our appearance should be according to the Lord. It then means anything thing we apply to make ourselves different from what God has created in us is not acceptable. Also, any appearance that can induce lusting or immoral pressure is not an attitude of modesty (1 Tim. 2:9).
2.         What should be our reaction to Making up
The scriptures condemned Jezebel, the wife of Ahab (king of Israel) for her idolatry and evil seen as godliness generally in the scriptures (1 Kings 21:1-15; 2 Kings. 9:34; 2 Kings 9:22, 30). No one can like to be called Jezebel as her name because of the attributes and lifestyle of her, therefore, it is important we do not emulate her lifestyle else we become like her and may face the wrath of God. Harlot use markup to disguise themselves for their evil deeds (Lev. 21:9)
Concerning jewelries, they are mark and identification of slaves which the children of Israelites used for bond slaves in the land (Exo. 21:1-6; Deut. 15:12-17). The ornaments were used for idolatry in the wilderness when they Israelites requested Aaron to build an idol for them (Exo. 32:1-4). When the Lord came down against them, He made them to understand through Moses the need to remove such ornaments (Exo. 33:5-6). Jacob needed also to consecrate his household when they were going to meet God in His presence Gen. 35:2-4). Also, tattoos are not attributes of the children of God (Lev. 19:28).
It is seen that beauty is not makeup and as carriers of Christ image we are beautifully made by God and no artificial substance can make anyone beautiful rather, can remove our focus on pursuit of holiness and righteousness (1 Pet. 3:1-6). An internal beauty is of importance to produce a gentle and quiet spirit that is imperishable and distinct. We should love the Lord which should be our focus above everything else (1 Jh. 15-16)
1.         What is Makeup?
2.         What kind of beauty is God interested from our lives?
3.         What makes a child of God beautiful?
4.         Should a child of God carried away with makeup and Jewelries; Why?
5.         Mention some of the attires of a harlot?
6.         What does modest dressing and appearance mean?


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