His Eating Lifestyle (His attitude towards food)
i. Jesus knew the right use and value of food Mk. 6:31; Jn 21:9-13; 1 Cor. 6:13bFood is important for the body and the Lord Jesus Christ arranged often times for His disciples to eat when there is time and opportunity, but not at the expense of fulfilling God’s call on His life.
o He used food but never allowed food to use Him. Not controlled by food. Jn. 4:31-34; Matt. 4:4; Rom. 14:17; Eccl. 10:17; Jn 6:27
Though hungry and tired, He suspended food in order to save the Samaritan woman. When He was faced with a choice to choose between eating and ministering to a soul in need, He choose the later. To Him, food was secondary. Food must be eaten for strength and not for gluttony (pleasure). The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost
Questions to ponder over: What place do you give food in your life and your consideration? Are you addicted to any particular kind of food that you find difficult to stop? Do you eat for pleasure? Do you found yourself putting priority on food and your stomach when there is a work to do for God? Is food quietly becoming an idol in your heart?
o Here is a divine opportunity to change your attitude towards food and make your life right. And now is the time, as you stand before the mirror (God’s word)
ii. He knew and followed divine timing for eating Lk. 5:33-35
There is a time to eat and a time to fast. Jesus followed divine timing for eating. We must also follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in this regard.
iii. His eating does not always agree with tradition of men Matt. 12:1-7; 15:2,20
Where possible and when not contrary to God’s will, Jesus followed traditions in eating (Lk. 7:36). But they did not Him. He was not bound by the philosophies of men concerning food. When possible, He washed hands before eating but where not possible, he was not bound.
Norms and traditions are made for man; man is not made for them. Read Col. 2:8, 20-22
iv. He ate with different kinds of people: the rich, the poor, sinners and saints Lk. 7:36; Mk 2:15-16; Jn. 12:1-2
Are you class conscious in selecting the people you eat with? Some will not eat with the poor, dirty, village people, while others are too timid to eat with the rich. For Jesus, He could eat with anybody especially for the sake of the gospel. We must follow in His steps.
v. He had liberty to eat anything set before Him and taught us to do the same. Lk 10:7-8; Mk. 16:18; 1 Cor.10:25-29
Questions to ponder over: Discuss the implication of this in our lives as we seek to please the Lord and preach the gospel. Do you have exceptions concerning the kind of food or meat you eat? How will you not have conflicts in preaching the gospel if you continue that way? Will you not surrender your taste and appetite for the sake of following the Lord and for the sake of the gospel? After all even if you eat anything poisonous, it will not harm you. Christ left us an example that we should follow in His steps.
vi. He used invitations to eat as opportunities to preach. Lk. 7:34-37;, 40-43; Jn. 12:1-9; Mk. 2:15-17
What about you? Have you been wasting divine opportunities of preaching that comes to you in form of invitations for a meal?
vii. He used food to restore fellowship and foster relationships. Lk. 24:36-43; Jn. 12:1-2
Food must be eaten not for the sake of eating but for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.
viii. He never laboured to look for food to eat. He rather labored to fulfill His call and He did not lack food to eat. Lk. 10:7; Matt. 16:6-11; Jn. 6:27; Jn. 21:5, 9; Lk 12:23
Look at how Jesus handed the matter of food. He knew how valuable He is to God, and did not use His precious life to look for good. He knew God’s provision to meet our feeding needs. We must have this same mind which was in Christ Jesus. To labour in life in order to get food to eat is a misuse of our lives and a diversion of divine resources.
Jesus laid clear examples for us even in His eating habit. His life is clear enough for us to know how God wants us to handle food. It is your responsibility to walk in His footsteps.
1. As Christians, how can we be controlled by food as we have studied?
2. Discuss the life of Christ as regard to His eating habit?
3. Is it bad not to eat always? How can we take food as pleasure in our various lives?
4. What is Christ injunction towards our eating lifestyle as children of God?
5. What does it mean by following divine timing for eating?
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