Sunday 29 December 2019


Teenager’s Bible Sharing (18/8/2019)

TOPIC:         RESTITUTION      (Part 1)
TEXT:           Matt. 5:23, 24; Lk. 19:8, 9
Memory Verse:     Matt. 5:24

Mitt was a very stubborn and bad boy when he was young. He always cheated in his school work. He did this until it was time to write his final school certificate examinations. He got somebody to write the examination for him. When the result was released, he passed all his subjects with distinction. With this certificate, he gained admission into the university to study accounting. One day, in his first year, somebody invited him to the university campus fellowship. He attended reluctantly. At the fellowship, he heard the word of God and He decided to repent and give his life to Jesus. From that moment, Mitt forsook all his bad ways and friends.
During fellowship, he heard the word of God on restitution. He was sorry for all the wrong things that he had done, especially the false certificate which he used to gain admission into the university. He prayed for God’s guidance and asked for advice from his Bible teachers. Then he wrote a letter to the university authority that he would like to withdraw from the university. He then went back to sit for the G. C. E., passed very well and went back to the university and came out with a very good result. This is restitution.
This study is divided into three parts;
Matt. 5:23, 24; Lev. 6:1-7; Lk. 19:8
Restitution comes from the word restore. To restore is to give back something to the rightful owner or to return to its original state. In the Bible; restitution is an act of making right the wrong(s) done against others; returning stolen things to their rightful owners; making confession to those you have offended and saying sorry to the people you have done wrong things to. This will make a Christian to have a heart free of offence towards God and man.
Restitution is a command in the Bible to all friends of Jesus. We must be obedient to the command. We receive forgiveness when we confess and forsake our sins. Then we are cleansed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. To show forth the fruit of true repentance, we must make peace with others around us. We can do this through restitution.
1.         What is restitution?
2.         What are the things we should do restitution for?
3.         Why must we do restitution as children of god?
4.         Are children of God suppose to do restitution?
5.         How did Mitt make his restitution?

·         Go and do your restitution where necessary.
·         Find the meaning of ; Restitution, Reluctantly, authority, Tax collector, Peace

BIBLE READING:          
Mon:  Exo. 22:1-3                Wed    Exo. 22:6-9                            Fri.:    2 Kings 8:4-6           
Tue:    Exo. 22:4-5                Thur:  2 Kings 8:1-3                                    Sat:     Phil. 2:14-16
Sun:    Heb. 12:12-14


Teenager’s Bible Sharing (25/8/2019)

TOPIC:         RESTITUTION      (Part 2)
TEXT:           Matt. 5:23, 24; Lk. 19:8, 9
Memory Verse:     Matt. 5:24

Acts 23:1-5; 24:16; Lk. 19:8-10; Gen. 20:1-8
Restitution and repentance goes together. Right from the time that Adam and Eve sinned, the call of God has been for everyone to repent and make their ways right. The practice of restitution started from the time of the Old Testament.
·         King Abimelech who wrongly took the wife of Abraham returned her when he was warned in the dream Gen. 20:1-8, 14
·         The children of Israel were commanded by the Law to do restitution Lev. 6:1-7
·         Zacchaeus, a tax collector and sinner, when he met with Christ received pardon for his sins. He also did his restitution Lk. 19:8-10
·         Apostle Paul said sorry to the high priest for saying bad things about him Acts 23:1-5

Are you a friend of Jesus? Then God expects you to make your way right at all times. Return all things, such as pens, pencils, cleaners, books, bibles and anything that you have stolen ir taken in exchange for your lost items. Tell your parents and family members all the things you have stolen from the house. Say sorry to all you have abused or told lies against. Make peace with those that you have quarreled with in the past. Prayerfully do all these and God will be happy with you. Any restitution that will put another person in trouble must be done with much prayers and counseling from your godly teachers and parents.

N/B:  When you do restitution, you are obeying God. You will have peace of mind and freedom from God’s punishment
1.         What is restitution?
2.         Mention three people in the Bible who did their restitution?
3.         What steps must a sinful child take with regards to restitution?
4.         Mention the different forms of restitution we are to make?
5.         How many people did their restitution after the last teaching?
6.         Go and do all your restitution and tell us next Sunday?

·         I will do my restitution
·         Restitution brings one into sweet fellowship with God and peace with others

·         Sinners should be led to make definite decision to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour
·         Friends of Jesus should be led to pray for grace and commitment to do whatever restitution they have to make

BIBLE READING:          
Mon:  Gen. 20:1-3               Wed    Gen. 20:6-9                           Fri.:    Gen 20:13-15           
Tue:    Gen. 20:4-5               Thur:  Gen. 20:10-12                       Sat:     Gen. 20:16-18
Sun:    Luke. 19:1-9

Teenager’s Bible Sharing (22/9/2019)

TOPIC:         RESTITUTION      (Part 3)
TEXT:           Matt. 5:23, 24; Lk. 19:8, 9
Memory Verse:     Matt. 5:24

Deut. 28:1-13; Rom. 8:1-2
Whenever we do the will of God, He will bless us. There is much profit in obeying God’s command on restitution.
(a) You have peace with God and man. You are free from troubles Heb. 12:14a
(b) You have a clear conscience; Satan can never accuse you of any wrong doing
(c) It keeps you blameless and ready for the rapture
(d) You will have victory Satan and his temptations
(e) Your life will be a testimony that bring others to believe in God
(f) You can pray freely and receive answers
(g) You will make spiritual progress in your Christian life Rom. 8:1-2

A sinner cannot receive grace to make restitution. Repentance comes first before restitution. Turn away from your bad ways, ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Make Jesus your Saviour and Friend. He will then give you the power and wisdom to do your restitution and make your way right.

N/B:  When you do restitution, you are obeying God. You will have peace of mind and freedom from God’s punishment. Zacchaeus realized his sinful life. He accepted Jesus into his life, then he decided to do his restitution
1.         What is restitution?
2.         Why is restitution necessary for all believers?
3.         Name the restitutions that you need to make personally?
4.         What are the profits of making restitution?
5.         Tell me your experience after doing your own restitution?

·         God help me to identify all the  things I have done that requires restitution?
·         I will not engage myself in any sinful pleasure or cause pain to others again

·         Go and do your restitution where necessary

BIBLE READING:          
Mon:  Col. 2:2-6                   Wed    Col. 1:12-14                Fri.:    Col. 1:18-23  
Tue:    Col. 2:7-10                 Thur:  Col. 1:15-17                Sat:     John 12:30-32
Sun:    John 15:7-9


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