Wednesday 16 August 2017


TEXT:  ROMANS 12:1-2; 1 COR. 10:31; AMOS 3:3; JER. 48:10; 2 CHRON. 25:1-2.

This is a very important bible sharing. And by God grace, we are going to share three vital points that is affecting Christiandom today namely;
  1. Salvation before service
  2. Living for God
  3. Working and walking with God

People all over the world, men and women, boys and girls are getting involved in the work of the Lord, such as singing in the choir, participating in drama and organizing various church programmes, in an attempt to please the Lord. Very often, they forget that the Lord is more interest in the salvation of their souls. That is a welcome development. While the Lord does not despise your pious activities, it is to be noted that He is more interested in you than your religious activities.

Your one holy service is the presentation of your body as a holy temple to the Lord for His habitation. The Lord our God does not want you to use your bodies for anything unholy. If you serve Him in unrighteousness like Ananias and Sapphira, there will be no reward. You must ensure that your bodies are not messed up with immorality, alcohol and harmful drugs as this greatly displeases the Lord. Are you living holy for the Lord?

2. LIVING FOR THE LORD – 1 COR. 10:31-33;

The shortness and uncertainty of life make one wonders why youths wait for so long before the start living to please God. David Livingstone, though a medical doctor from England once prayed, “God send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to yours.” Now, the question is what are you dedicating this short life to achieving? The above scripture declares clearly that you should do all things to please the Lord.

In your thoughts, words and actions, you must deliberately think, speak or act to ensure that you do not grieve the heart of God. Avoid exam malpractices, immoral conduct, repulsive attitude, foolish dressing and foul language, for the do not please God. Also, avoid evil companions and ungodly assemblies. Spend ample time daily in meditating on God’s word and seeking more ways to please Him.

3. WORKING AND WALKING WITH GOD; - AMOS 3:3; JER. 48:10; 2 CHRON. 25:1-2; LK. 1:41-51
Everybody, including the youths, do you desire a fruitful and close walk with the Lord? This is a good desire and pleasing in the sight of God. However, it is worthy of note that God has a nature which you must be in agreement with before you can walk with Him. The Bible tells us that God is holy and all those that come close to Him must be willing to live holy (Lev. 19:2). Enoch, Noah and Abraham walked with God in righteousness all the days of their lives. You too can please God today.

Many people, including youths are scared by the word “holiness”, they see it as an unattainable lofty state. Holiness is not to be attained by sheer human efforts. There is a divine enablement available to everyone that makes up his mind to walk with God. Therefore, you need not to be scared of or see the call as too difficult to attain. All you need to do is to submit yourself to His gracious care and willingly follow all His instructions. He is willing and can make you holy and acceptable before Him.

1. What is salvation? Discuss.

2. Why salvation before service? Discuss.

3. What is the meaning of holy service? Discuss.

4. Living for the Lord, how do we live for the Lord, both in and out? Discuss.

5. What lessons do we learn from David Livingstone’s decision or vow? Discuss.

6. How do we work and walk with God? Discuss.

7. Can somebody work and not walking with God? Discuss.

8. Is it possible to do the work of God deceitfully? Discuss.

9. As children of God, do we do every work in the name of God? Discuss.

10. What lessons do we learn from 2 Chron. 25:1-2; Jer. 48:10? Discuss.

11. Why is the Lord interested in your soul than in your service?




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