Tuesday 31 December 2019


BIBLE SHARING (11/03/2018)

Having understood what devotion means, we saw that the disciples of old first devoted themselves unto the Lord, and that made them to experience God the way they did. As a result of their devotion to God they also devoted themselves to prayer and fasting as a means of communing with God and walking with Him. God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. As a result of their devotion to the Lord and to prayer, God walked with them and worked through them so much that there was revival and transformation of lives and communities in their time. The manifestation of Gods power and glory is scarce in our time because people who are devoted to Him are scarce. If we also desire to experience God in such a way in our time, we need to apply our hearts unto these devotions which the disciples of old applied their hearts unto.
In this chapter, we shall consider the devotion of the disciples of old to the word of God. We trust God to impact your personal life, cause you to become committed to God’s word and give you a divine push into these devotions that produced the “Acts of the Apostles” in Jesus Name, Amen.
1.     What does it mean to be devoted to the Word of God?
Jh. 6:63; Psalm 119:9-12, 15-16, 105, 130
From the meaning of the word ‘devotion’ that we studied earlier on, to be devoted to the Word of God mean to have constant, strong love for the word of God; to be committed and dedicated to the Word of God. It means to be eager to spend time on God’s word and pay close attention to it. It also means to be loyal to God’s Word.
What will be the implication of this to you? Explain in detail.
1.     Explain what it means to devote oneself to the Word of God?
2.     How can one be devoted to the Word of God?

BIBLE SHARING (18/03/2018)

2. Their devotion to God’s word was shown by their delight in, and their unbendable       love for the word of God
Ezra 7:10; Psa. 1199-11, 35-36, 40, 47-48, 72. 105, 127-128; Jer. 15:16; Acts 1:15-16; 20: 32
 What does it mean to love God’s word? How will you prove that you love the word of God?
Because of their love for the word of God, they were devoted to it. One indication of love for the word of God is to always look for it, study it, meditate on it, seek to understand it, hide it in your heart and obey it at all times. These disciples of old experienced the word of God in its nature and integrity. So they loved it. If you have come to the point where you love the word of God, you will also love to obey it. Like David, you will consider God’s word concerning everything to be right. Bitter or sweet, it will be the delight of your soul. Obedience to the word of God is a crucial step in proving your love for God’s word.
3. Their Devotion to God’s word made them to study it regularly
Ezra 7:10; Acts 2:42; 6:4-7; 17:10-12; Joshua 1:8; Psa.1:1-3
Ezra sought the law of the Lord. The disciples in the New Testament also devoted quality time to study it. And they did so, not for ordinary head knowledge, but for the purpose of putting it to practice and teaching it. You cannot be devoted to the word of God that you do not know. And it will not jump into your heart unless you study it. Actually the more you get discoveries of the treasures in God’s word, the more you will love to study it. It is the ‘safe’ in which our inheritance in Christ Jesus is kept. There is a lot in God’s word for you. Learn to spend quality time to study it.
1. How can we prove that we love the word of God?
2. Can one love the word of God and not obey it? Explain
3. Why must we study the word of God?

BIBLE SHARING (25/03/2018)

3. Their Devotion to God’s word made them to study it regularly
a) What was the effect of consistent study of God’s word on their lives and in their midst? Acts 2:42-47; Acts 6:2-7; 2Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2; Acts 4:13; Ps. 19:7-11; 2Tim. 3:16-17; Ps. 119:105.
As the disciple constantly devoted themselves to the word of God, there was a continuous transformation of their lives, Greed, lack of contentment and other vices disappeared. There was genuine fellowship between them. They ate their bread with gladness of heart. They had light and direction and there was boldness to preach the word of God. And the word of God increased and number of disciples multiplied greatly. We cannot be less in our devotion to the study of God’s word and expect to experience what they experienced. How devoted are you to the word of God, to study it and to obey it?
b) What should your attitude be toward God’s word if you desire to experience these and more of its effect?
 Josh. 1:8; Psa. 1:1-3; Prov. 2:1-7; Lk. 8:11; Jas. 1:21-25; Jn 14:21.
Let your delight be in the word of God. Learn to meditate on it day and night. To have and to obey God’s word is an indication that you love Jesus and God will manifest Himself to you. The word of God is the seed for kingdom life and for anything of the kingdom to be manifested. If you need a change in your life or you are looking for personal revival, start planting the word of God in your life today. God’s word is a treasure above all else. Your attitude to it must prove that it is a treasure to you. Look for it as you would for silver and gold. Devote your time, prayer, attention, money and everything else to get it. Be committed unto obeying it. Then you will experience the grace and power of God which the disciple of old experienced in Christ.
1. What are the effects of the Word of God on a man’s life that is always devoted to it?
2. What is an indication that anyone loves the Word of God?
3. How can one experience God through His Word as discussed from our teaching?

BIBLE SHARING (8/04/2018)

4. The disciples of old experienced the power and integrity of God’s word in their personal lives
Lk. 5:4-7; Matt. 17:24-27; Lk. 19:29-32; Mk. 11:12-14, 21; 1 Jn. 1:1; Acts 9:1-9
a.      What do you think was the effect of these experiences on their personal commitment to God’s word?
b.      Discuss your personal experience of God’s word.
c.       What should your attitude be towards God’s word in order to enhance your experience in it and commitment to it?
As each disciple obeyed God, he experienced God and what He has promised. And the more they experienced God’s faithfulness to His word, the more their experience makes them to be committed to His word. Your progressive knowledge of God’s word and your obedience to it is what will help you to be more devoted to the word of God.
5. As part of their devotion to God’s word, they allowed the word of God to become their lifestyle
They obeyed and lived by God’s word. They were loyal to it. Discuss this from the following scriptures.
Lk. 4:4; Ezra 7:10; Josh. 1:7; Lk. 24:49; Act 2:1-4; 1:15-16; 4:18-20
The Lord Jesus Christ lived by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God and the will of God prospered in His hands. Ezra did the same and there was revival in his time. The Disciples of Christ also obeyed His words of instruction at every point, even when obedience meant suffering. They lived by the word of God. It was their lifestyle in the midst of a world that was contrary. As a result, the Holy Ghost came down mightily upon them and great works were done by their hands, which became the Acts of the Apostles.
God is not partial. He is not a respecter of persons. If you get committed to the word of God as they did and you live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God, He will also be committed to you and manifest Himself in you.

1. How can anyone experience the power of God’ word in his/her lives.
2. In what ways does our experience to the word of God affects our commitment to it?
3. Explain how the word of God can become our lifestyle?

BIBLE SHARING (22/04/2018)

6. They were devoted to the teaching and spreading of God’s word
Acts 6:3-4, 7; 4:31-33; 5:17-21; 18:24-28; 20:27-32; 2 Tim. 4:2
a)    Highlight the outcome of their obedience to the word of God as well as their devotion unto teaching it.
b)   What must we do with the word of God committed into our hands in order to also experience God’s move in our time, in our lives and communities as they did?
As a result of their devotion to obeying and teaching the word of God, great grace was upon them all. Grace and truth go together as twins. When you receive the truth (God’s word), the grace of God comes upon your life to obey it. Not only was great grace upon them all, the word of God multiplied. The understanding of God’s word increased in the land and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. Even many priests became disciples in their time. If we become committed unto obeying what God says and unto teaching it, we will also experience such a great move of God in our generation as they experienced.
1. What should be our attitude towards the word of God committed into our hands when we have received it?
2. What were the outcomes of obeying and teaching the word of God in the lives and midst of the disciples from our teaching?
3. How can our communities, families and the society receive the word of God in other to change their lives?

BIBLE SHARING (29/04/2018)

7. Examine the devotion of our Lord Jesus Christ to God’s word
Lk. 2:41-43, 46-47; 4:1-4, 16-21; 6:1-4; Mt. 19:3-5; 21:1-5; Lk. 24:25-27; Jn. 1:14; 15:10; 17:8
What lessons can we learn from His devotion to the word of God?
Throughout His life here on earth, the Lord Jesus Christ was committed to the word of God. He read and studied it and He lived by it. He used it to fight against the devil and to overcome temptations. He walked according to scriptures every step of the way. In Him the word of God became flesh. His life became the visible evidence of the invisible word of God. He taught and expounded the scriptures to His disciples. He challenged the scribes and the Pharisee of His time to read the scriptures. He obeyed God’s word even when obedience meant suffering. And He died according to what was written in the word of God concerning Him.
Therefore He is bringing many sons to glory.
Do you desire to experience God and His power? Do you desire to fulfill the purpose of God for your life? Is it in your heart to be used of God to bring many sons to glory? They follow in the steps of the Lord Jesus Christ even in His unwavering commitment to the word of God.
There is integrity and potency in God’s word. By it, God does all His works. By His word, God makes and equips its vessels. The disciples of old personally and individually obeyed and experienced God’s word and this enhanced their commitment to it. Are you committed to obeying the word of God? Have you particularly experienced the power of God’s word before? If not, begin now to seek such an experience from God.
The disciples were so committed to the word of God that they gave priority of time and attention to study, obey and teach it and the result was very clear. The word of God increased and prevailed and there was revival. Disciples multiplied greatly in the land.
            “All flesh is grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass.
            The grass withers, and its flowers falls away, but the word of the Lord endures      forever”
            (1 Pet. 1:24-25).
 The Lord Jesus Christ left us an example in His unswerving devotion to God’s word. In Him the word became flesh and lived among men. The disciples of old followed in His footsteps and they experienced the power of God’s word. Revival will only come as we seek, receive and obey God’s word even when obedience means suffering. Are you so devoted to God’s word?
1.      How did our Lord Jesus used and apply the word of God as a lifestyle?
2.      Explain what it meant by In Him (Jesus) the word of God became flesh. His life became the visible evidence of the invisible word of God.
3.      How can we experience the integrity of God’s word as Job did (Job 2:3c)
4.      From all our teaching what are they ways to personally experience God through His word?


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