Tuesday, 18 July 2017


Having character is one thing BUT possessing a "GODLY CHARACTER" is another thing.

READ 1 PETER 3:1-7


1. Separate from people who will cause you to gossip, find fault.
2. Develop your character through the following.
3. By being teachable By being leadable.
4. By being directable By being humble .
5. By being obedient.
6. Be a friend or staying with people or somebody who will build you life for life. They will not give you chance to do contrary so that you can become strong.
7. Don’t follow somebody who has bad character. Nothing corrupt destiny like bad character. Keep friends who will rebuke you, criticize you, refuse you and who will not praise you always.
v  Character is develop when you have connection with God always by asking how do God feel about me in prayer, because the more you pray, the more humble you become.
v  Bible reading, how to talk and relating with people at home.
v  Character is developing when you easily admit your fault, mistake, error.
N/B: Beauty without character can only attract they eyes but cannot attract the heart.What involve God cannot fail. A man or woman of purpose cannot fail. God created you for a purpose that is to prosper.


1 Peter 3:1-7 reads “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conservation of the wives; while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear…But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a weak and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price… Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord …Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
You will notice that the focus of this passage is the family. From the very first sentence, the Spirit of God, through the author, directly and clearly addresses the wife. He tells her what she must do to win her husband to herself and to the Lord, if he is yet to surrender his life to Him. He then turns to the husband in the seventh verse, telling him also what he must do to win his wife over. The implication of this set of instructions issued to each of the couple is to make them work at making their union what God intends it to be – a representation of the unity that exists in the Godhead.

The Winsome Conduct of a Christian Wife.

A Christian wife is a woman who has turned away from sin, received Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour, and consequently lives a new life in Him (2 Cor. 5:17). The husband of a Christian wife may be a non-Christian or unbeliever, referred to by a writer as “a beloved unbeliever”. If this is the case, the question then is, how does the Christian wife win her non - Christian husband to the Lord? The beginning of 1 Peter 3 reveals several ways she can do this.
1.      Submit herself to her husband (Verse 1). Submission to your husband as a Christian wife is necessary because you are a child of God, He commands you to do so, and obeying Him is advantageous to you. Submission is winsome. If you desire your husband’s conversion, you must learn to submit to him.
2.      Have open conversation with her husband (Verse 1). Conversation in this context means the manner in which you speak to your husband. The way you talk to your husband can draw him closer to you and to God. If, however, you bully, nag or lord it over him, you will definitely repel him. By your conversation, you can win him to the Lord, or drive him far from Him.
3.      Honour and respect her husband (Verse 2). The word “fear” as used in this verse is not slavish fear, but honour and respect for your husband. To honour your husband is not necessarily bowing, genuflecting, or kneeling before him, whatever the sign of respect for the man may be in your culture, but your attitude, disposition, carriage, response, or reaction to what he says or does goes go a long way to show whether you honour and respect him or not. Your “chaste conversation coupled with fear” is definitely a way to win your husband.
4.      Dress neatly, decently and moderately before her husband (verse 3). You should not look slovenly or unkempt before your husband. What attracts a man to his wife is her neat, elegant and smart appearance aside her godly character.
5.      Be meek and humble to her husband (verse 4). The scripture affirms that this meek and quiet spirit of a godly wife is of great worth. In as much as the Word of God is true, this virtue effectively wins a man over.
6.      Trust God for her husband (verse 5). Don’t be worried or discuss your husband’s spiritual state with people, but rather pray and trust God for his conversion.
7.      Reverence and be good to her husband (verse 6). When you truly reverence your husband and do good to him, he will be attracted to you and of course to the Lord.
N/B: The only way you will win her heart to you and the Lord is to see her exactly the same way God sees her – a beloved woman, foe whose soul He sacrificed His only begotten son.
Let us rephrase all we have just said about the winsome conduct of a Christian wife. Salvation attracts, sin repels; submission attracts, stubbornness repels; softness attracts, sharpness repels; simplicity attracts, selfishness repels; spirituality attracts, sorcery repels; support attracts, self-centeredness repels; sanctification attracts, shabbiness repels.
Of all the winsome virtues of the Christian wife mentioned here, submission is the most potent. Apostle Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote to the Christian wives at Ephesus, and by extension those of us today,
 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22).
Many women today see submission to their husbands as a big deal, but a careful consideration of the subject matter will reveal that it is not as difficult as they think. You naturally and willingly submit to other authorities – your parents, boss, the government, a law enforcement agent, a doctor or an older sibling without any qualm. Yes, you may obey them because something is at stake. If your doctor instructs you to do something concerning your health, for instance, you will obey because your life is at stake. You will also obey the flight attendant when he instructs you to fasten your seat belt because your life is involved. But the bottom line is whether something is at stake or not, you naturally and willingly submit to these authorities without any difficulty. Therefore, if submission to these authorities is more or less something natural for you, why is submission to your husband a difficult thing? The truth is submission to your husband is advantageous to you in all ways-spiritually and otherwise. But if you don’t submit to him, you stand at a great disadvantage.



Much has been said already about the conducts of the Christian wife that will win the husband’s heart and draw him to the Lord, so that their marriage will be blissful. But a happy marriage is not all the making of the wife. The husband also has a vital role to play in making the relationship work. Just as the wife, he needs to fulfill his responsibility in wining the wife to himself and to the Lord, if she is not yet a Christian. And how does a Christian husband win his non-Christian wife to the Lord? “Likewise, ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
Here is the counsel for the husband: he must live with his wife, no matter how cantankerous or evil she is. As a husband, you are not to divorce your wife or send her away from her matrimonial home. Rather, you should considerably live with her. Don’t be ashamed when she follows you to church in her makeup and worldly attires. Be proud of her. Though she’s not born again, she’s still part of you. Sooner, your love and tolerance will win her to the Lord.
Show your wife some understanding. As the scripture enjoins above, live with her “according to knowledge.” First, live with her according to the knowledge of God’s word. The bible commands the husband to love his wife unconditionally. Second, live with her according to the knowledge of her femininity. A woman is different from a man; hence, her needs are peculiar. You must understand this, and relate with her with the knowledge of those peculiar needs.
You must also “(give) honour unto the wife.” Deliberately honour and respect her. You know it is possible for a man to be neutral in this regard. He doesn’t ill-treat, insult, assault or humiliate his wife; yet, he doesn’t respect her views, decisions, judgments and concerns. He just chooses the middle ground; that is being neutral. Actually, In God’s economy, there is no middle ground. You must honour your wife deliberately and consistently. Let her know you really appreciate her.  Honour and respect her “as unto the weaker vessel.” She is feebler or weaker than you are. Know her weaknesses – physical, emotional, or spiritual weaknesses – and be considerate of her feelings and inabilities.
Moreover, relate with her as a person who is “heirs together of the grace of life” with you. No matter the depth of her sinful life, remember that the grace of salvation, sanctification, service to the Lord is available to her just as it is to you. You will never win her if you look down on her. The only way you will win her heart to you and the Lord is to see her exactly the same way God sees her – a beloved woman, for whose soul He sacrificed His only begotten son.
Now that you know that the conscious effort of both spouses to make their relationship work is the recipe for a blissful and blossoming marriage, begin to imbibe the winsome attitudes of a wife and a husband discussed above, so that you can enjoy a home that is heaven on earth, and the envy of many.



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