The devotions of the disciples of the old have been quite a great a challenge. They devoted themselves to the Lord, to prayer and to God’s word. They were committed to fellowship and to the oneness of the Body of Christ. This brought them into so much intimacy with God and unity among them that they experienced a move of the Spirit of God that brought transformation to many lives and communities. Today God is speaking expressly that He is about to move in His power again. If God’ visitation will be sustained in our time and beyond it, we must also cultivate these devotions both as individuals and corporately as God’s people.
We shall press on today in these series by studying their devotion to the discipleship process. Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to you beyond the letter of the scriptures in Jesus name. Amen.
1. It is important here again to recall the definition of the word ‘‘devotion’’.
a) Looking at the scriptures below, what does it mean to be devoted to the Lord? Act.2:42-43, 6:3-4, Ruth. 1:16-18, Lk. 10:27-28.
To be devoted to the Lord means to have a constant, consistence and strong love for the Lord so much that you are loyal to Him no matter the cost. It involves spending a lot of time or energy on being with Him, learning of Him and obeying Him. The disciples left all other things and devoted themselves to the Lord and to His teachings, to prayer and fellowship. It was not as if they had nothing to do; but because of their strong love and devotion to the Lord, they were committed to Him and to everything that will enhance their relationship with God. Ruth also demonstrated devotion in her relationship with Naomi and her God. She left her nation, her people and indeed her all, in order to follow Naomi and her God. To be devoted to the Lord means to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. To be devoted to the Lord demands our all.
In order to further bring out the meaning of devotion, give examples of people and things secular or sacred, that people are usually devoted to.
Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME: 8:00 AM prompt.
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