Discuss the devotion of the disciples to oneness among them.

Acts.1:12-14; 2:1-4, 42-47; 4:24,32-37; 5:12-16; 6:1-7; 12:1-11.
What was the effect of their oneness on their lives and on the work of God in their time?
Note the repeated use of the phrases, ‘one accord’ in the above scriptures. They did not allow any disagreement into their hearts and into their midst. As they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers, they become one in their understanding of scriptures. They believed alike, understood alike and become one even in their material possessions and they devoted themselves unto keeping that unity. Every trace of disunity that tried to creep in among them was promptly, scripturally and effectively handled. The result was that great grace was upon them all. The word of God increased, disciples multiplied and a great number of priest became obedient to the faith. God did great miracles among them and His work progressed rapidly among them. Indeed how blessed it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! For there, God commands His blessings. The scarcity of the word of God and abundance of errors in our time is an indication of disunity in the Body of Christ in our nation and in the nations. Genuine move of the Holy Spirit and His miraculous manifestation are very scarce. Disciples indeed are not many in our time and the Church and the Name of the Lord is being greatly reproached, all because of disunity in the Body of Christ. This house of God is fragmented; so the church is exposed to lot of hardship from the scorching heat of the sun, storms and the attacks of the enemy who takes advantages of the gaps in our midst. The serpent creeps in without any hindrance. If this situation will be reversed, for us to experience revival, we must get committed to the unity of the Body of Christ even in our locality and allow nothing and no man to divide us. As a person it is important for you to commit yourself to this as a devotion.
1. Examine again Phi. 2:1-5 quoted in the study from the message version, and look deeply within you, with whom should you agree quickly and become deep spirited friends in your locality or workplace or even in the Church or fellowship you attend? Act right away.
Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME: 8:00 AM prompt.
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