Questions to ponder over: What place do you give food in your life and your consideration?


    Our recent free seminar/workshop was on saturday 8th July, 2017 on website/blog design.


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    Daddy James Onuoha is a father in deed and God sent.


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    Photocall of some of the youth leaders


    2018 Marriage and relationship seminar with Dr. Hope


    Award/Gift presentation by Youth president during the youth week 2019


    Academic seminar with Dr. (Mrs) Ezeani during the youth week 2018


    Quiz competition during the youth week 2018

Sunday, 23 July 2017


 His Sleeping Habit

i. Jesus slept whenever there was time and opportunity. Mk. 4:35-38; Mk. 1:35
He slept inside the boat while travelling across the sea; He slept after a hard day’s labour, having attended to everyone who came to Him for help. Sleep brings physical refreshing to the body; so He slept when He could.

But He gave no priority to sleep. To Him, sleep is secondary even in the face of tiredness, if there was something to be done for God. He was not controlled by sleep. He controlled His sleep MK. 1:32-35, Lk. 22:46; Prov. 20:13

When there is a burden to pray or a service to render to God, Jesus pushed off sleep.

Jesus recognized divine timing even for sleeping: a time to sleep and a time to wake up and work. Mk. 14:37-41; Mk. 1:35; 1 Thess. 5:7; Prov. 10:5

Anyone who desires to follow Jesus and fulfil God’s purpose for His life must recognize divine timing for him to sleep and the time to wake up and work. A man who sleeps at a time the heavens expect him to work will soon come to poverty and be put to shame. Peter slept when he was supposed to pray; no wonder he entered into temptation and fell, denying Jesus three times.

He rebuked His disciples for sleeping when they were supposed to pray Lk. 9:32-35; Matt. 26:40-41

So will He rebuke you if you sleep when He expects you to do something else? Sleep must not become an idol in your heart, taking priority of your time and attention.

Further Biblical instructions about sleep. Psa. 127:2; Eccl. 5:12; Prov. 24:30-34. What lessons can you learn from these?

It is the Lord that gives sleep. But He gives sleep only to His beloved. When you are a lover of God, you don’t struggle to sleep. He gives you sound mind and sound sleep. But when you are a lover of something else: a lover of money, riches, popularity, position etc, sleep becomes difficult to find.

Now look at the definite effect of lack of self control over the affairs of those who love excessive sleep. It brings shame and poverty. Their works is always undone or halfway done. They do incomplete jobs, which often spoil and bring them to physical or spiritual poverty. Self control is part of the fruit of the Spirit. There is need to insist on controlling your sleep and not allow sleep to control you.


When Jesus said “…and follow me” It means putting your feet where He puts His own, treading the path He has trod. Even if you do not understand what Christian life is all about, if you simply pattern your life after His own and imitate His lifestyle, you will not be wrong at all. He himself is the way – the right way of life.
Examine yourself and your habits and lifestyle in the light of His own. How do you fair on this heavenly scale?


1. How can a believer deny himself from sleep for the work of God sake? Explain.

2. What are the consequences of sleeping in excess?

3. How can one become both spiritually and physically poor by too much sleep? Explain

4. Give various instances of how sleep can become your idol?

5. Differentiate from our study the kind of sleep obtainable in the life of a believer and an unbelievable?

Worship with us on 
Sundays by 8:00am - Sunday special service,
Tuesdays by 5:00pm - Revival Hour
Thursdays by 5:00pm - Bible study

Friday, 21 July 2017


His Eating Lifestyle (His attitude towards food)

i. Jesus knew the right use and value of food Mk. 6:31; Jn 21:9-13; 1 Cor. 6:13b

Food is important for the body and the Lord Jesus Christ arranged often times for His disciples to eat when there is time and opportunity, but not at the expense of fulfilling God’s call on His life.

o He used food but never allowed food to use Him. Not controlled by food. Jn. 4:31-34; Matt. 4:4; Rom. 14:17; Eccl. 10:17; Jn 6:27

 Though hungry and tired, He suspended food in order to save the Samaritan woman. When He was faced with a choice to choose between eating and ministering to a soul in need, He choose the later. To Him, food was secondary. Food must be eaten for strength and not for gluttony (pleasure). The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost

 Questions to ponder over: What place do you give food in your life and your consideration? Are you addicted to any particular kind of food that you find difficult to stop? Do you eat for pleasure? Do you found yourself putting priority on food and your stomach when there is a work to do for God? Is food quietly becoming an idol in your heart?

o Here is a divine opportunity to change your attitude towards food and make your life right. And now is the time, as you stand before the mirror (God’s word)

ii. He knew and followed divine timing for eating Lk. 5:33-35

There is a time to eat and a time to fast. Jesus followed divine timing for eating. We must also follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in this regard.

iii. His eating does not always agree with tradition of men Matt. 12:1-7; 15:2,20

Where possible and when not contrary to God’s will, Jesus followed traditions in eating (Lk. 7:36). But they did not Him. He was not bound by the philosophies of men concerning food. When possible, He washed hands before eating but where not possible, he was not bound.

Norms and traditions are made for man; man is not made for them. Read Col. 2:8, 20-22

iv. He ate with different kinds of people: the rich, the poor, sinners and saints Lk. 7:36; Mk 2:15-16; Jn. 12:1-2
Are you class conscious in selecting the people you eat with? Some will not eat with the poor, dirty, village people, while others are too timid to eat with the rich. For Jesus, He could eat with anybody especially for the sake of the gospel. We must follow in His steps.

v. He had liberty to eat anything set before Him and taught us to do the same. Lk 10:7-8; Mk. 16:18; 1 Cor.10:25-29

Questions to ponder over: Discuss the implication of this in our lives as we seek to please the Lord and preach the gospel. Do you have exceptions concerning the kind of food or meat you eat? How will you not have conflicts in preaching the gospel if you continue that way? Will you not surrender your taste and appetite for the sake of following the Lord and for the sake of the gospel? After all even if you eat anything poisonous, it will not harm you. Christ left us an example that we should follow in His steps.

vi. He used invitations to eat as opportunities to preach. Lk. 7:34-37;, 40-43; Jn. 12:1-9; Mk. 2:15-17

What about you? Have you been wasting divine opportunities of preaching that comes to you in form of invitations for a meal?

vii. He used food to restore fellowship and foster relationships. Lk. 24:36-43; Jn. 12:1-2

Food must be eaten not for the sake of eating but for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

viii. He never laboured to look for food to eat. He rather labored to fulfill His call and He did not lack food to eat. Lk. 10:7; Matt. 16:6-11; Jn. 6:27; Jn. 21:5, 9; Lk 12:23

Look at how Jesus handed the matter of food. He knew how valuable He is to God, and did not use His precious life to look for good. He knew God’s provision to meet our feeding needs. We must have this same mind which was in Christ Jesus. To labour in life in order to get food to eat is a misuse of our lives and a diversion of divine resources.

Jesus laid clear examples for us even in His eating habit. His life is clear enough for us to know how God wants us to handle food. It is your responsibility to walk in His footsteps.


1. As Christians, how can we be controlled by food as we have studied?

2. Discuss the life of Christ as regard to His eating habit?

3. Is it bad not to eat always? How can we take food as pleasure in our various lives?

4. What is Christ injunction towards our eating lifestyle as children of God?

5. What does it mean by following divine timing for eating?


Tuesday, 18 July 2017




Pastor&Mrs Ifeanyi, The youths and the new guest

Onuchukwu and the new guest

Bro. Onyekachi (Presido)

Onuchukwu, Chikwado and the new guest

Pastor&Mrs Ifeanyi, The youths and the new guest

The youths and the new guest


Necessity of Knowing God (Continuation)


Knowing God is the only needful thing for Christian service; Lk. 10:38-42; Mk. 3:13-15; Hos. 6:6.
It is the basis of effective and lasting service in the kingdom of God. Knowing God comes by revelation. It enables one to know what to do in serving God at any particular point in time as it happened to Mary of Bethany. Our Lord Jesus Christ rebuked Martha for placing service over and above this one thing that is needful, but commended Mary for choosing it. That later became the springboard of Mary’s spiritual breakthrough and her influence for all the years.

2. ELIJAH – 1 Kings 17:1; 18:15.

Elijah’s authority and power was a direct result of his intimate, functional relationship with the Lord. “As the Lord lives, before Whom I stand...” was always his declaration. Looking through the scriptures, Elisha and Micaiah took after his steps in this regard. (1 Kings 22:14).

They were men who always stood before the presence of the Lord. When you pursue the knowledge of God, you have access into God’s message for men. The knowledge of God brings authority into a man’s life and through him; it brings punishment upon backsliding people around. Boldness also comes through the knowledge of the Lord.

3. JOHN THE BAPTIST – Lk. 1:80; Lk. 3:1-2.

John lived thirty years and six months altogether on earth and He spent the first thirty out of those years seeking the Lord and waiting on Him.

The only six months he spent in public ministry turned his own generation upside right for the Lord. What a thing to consider as servants of God in these days of hustling and bustling with activities.

It is a man who knows God that God will use. Living a “desert life” as Moses and John did in pursuit of God will enhance our knowledge of God. The knowledge of God in turns brings revival in a short time. The need for revival in our lives and society should compel us to seek to know Him.


Before conclusion, Read KNOWING GOD PART 1 HERE
                               Read KNOWING GOD PART 2 HERE
                               Read KNOWING GOD PART 3 HERE

We must seek the Lord first for our own lives. Knowing Him and becoming intimate with Him will give to us all we need to prosper in life and in the work of the ministry. The knowledge of God is the channel through which we receive all things that pertain to life and godliness. Peace of life, protection and divine favour (grace) also comes through this channel. In Christ is hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Knowing Him progressively and deeply will release all these things.

The worth of knowing God is simply unquantifiable. Paul discovered this and threw away all things that were gain to him in order to be empty and free enough to pursue the knowledge of the Lord. Our power and effectiveness in ministry depends solely on how much of God we know. The scripture assures us that “then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord.” (Hos. 6:3). Our boast must not be in the Jebusites, the Amorites we pushed down in our ministries, the prosperity message that is working for us, or the great crowd that attend our meetings. The only true parameter of measuring any man’s life in his personal knowledge of the Lord (Jer. 9:23-24). May you not be found wanting in this one thing that is needful.


1. What do you understand by the phrase “Knowing God comes by revelation” as it concerns our teaching?

2. What was the remarkable attitude Jesus commended Mary of Bethany in the spiritual sense against her sister Martha attitude. Relate this to our individual lives.

3. For one to possess authority and power from God, what are the essential things to be done with Elijah as an example?

4. Does being used by God depend on your activities in the church or ones consecration to God first as John the Baptist did? Answer yes or No and discuss your answer.

5. What are our lessons towards this teaching of knowing God from part 1 till part 4?

N/B: Teachers should endeavor to make sure that the people can explain all the understood in our previous classes on this topic.



Necessity of Knowing God (Continuation) 
1. DAVID – Ps. 27:4-5; 42:1; 63:1-8

David declared his ultimate desire for the presence of God in his life as if all depended on it.

He did not even seek to be king but the only one thing that was his pursuit in life was to know God. He realized that knowing God has supreme advantages;

a) God would hide you in His pavilion in time of trouble. It is a proper insurance in time of trouble.

b) Knowing God would afford you the opportunity to enquire in His temple and to dwell there.

c) Knowing God is the only thing that satisfies the soul.

d) God shall set you upon a rock higher than all else when your singular pursuit in life is to know Him.

           Read KNOWING GOD PART 2 HERE

2. SOLOMON – 1 Chr. 28:8; 1 Kings 3:5-12; Prov. 9:10.

Solomon sought this one thing at the commencement of his reign. He knew that this was the only thing that would answer every quest of his heart both for that time and eternity. David his father actually made that the first item on his final charge to him. Solomon disdained whatever knowledge he had of God before and asked for this one thing, to know God. That singular request pleased God. If you too will please God, that must be the only quest of your heart at all times. All other things shall be added unto you. However when Solomon stopped pressing to know God, he missed it. He lost all.


The pursuit of the knowledge of God is His answer for the end time pollution and backsliding.

Dan, 11:31-32; Hos. 4:6; 2 Cor. 2:13-15; Isa. 5:13-14.

Knowing God makes us to always triumph. You will do exploits even in time of trouble, despite all the corruption and pollution all around you if you know Him. It delivers from the languishing and perishing that comes as a result of lack of knowledge. It enhances one’s ability to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit.



Necessity of Knowing God (Continuation) 

1. PAUL - Phil. 3:7-11 (KJV, AMP) 1 Cor. 13:12

a) It is necessary to know God so that we may not be found having our own righteousness but that which is God.

It is as we know Him that His righteousness will not only be imparted to us but will also be our life experience from day to day.

b) Paul pursued the knowledge of God so that he might attain the resurrection that lifts him out from among the dead.

As we make progress in knowing God, the resurrection life and lifestyle will become our daily (not occasional) experience. This makes us stand out clearly from among the dead; it differentiates us from natural people.

Some things though advantageous to us may be a hindrance to our pursuit of the knowledge of God. If we must progressively know Him, we must let go of such things as Paul did. The reason why Paul endured suffering and loss of all things was to know God. He discovered the supreme advantage and the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. When you discover the surpassing worth and the supreme advantage of knowing Him, you would be willing to loose all things for the knowledge of the Lord.


It is important to note that whatever knowledge we have of the Lord now here on earth, it is just in part. Yet we must press on to know Him more and more so as to grow on in our salvation. Our spiritual growth depends on our knowledge of the Lord 2 Peter 3:18.

2. MOSES – Exo. 33:2-3, 12-17

Moses preferred a personal intimate knowledge of God in his life above the miracles of pushing out the Canaanites, Jebusites, Hivites and even above the miracle of getting into the land of plenty, the land flowing with milk and honey. He knew that all these will be useless and unfruitful without the presence of the Lord in his life. Miracles are good but they are just fall - outs from our knowledge of God. What to pursue is therefore not miracles but the knowledge of the Lord. Then miracles will become our daily experience.

Though Moses knew God before, his cry here was still to know Him. He knew God before as the “I AM” in Exo. 3, but he would not have known the meaning of that name if not for his desire to know God more (Vs. 19). Knowing God makes us to find grace (supernatural enablement) in His sight. Knowing God is however in stages. It does not come all at once and we cannot even know Him enough.


Necessity of Knowing God 
In this study, we shall look at what elders of God did in their pursuit of God and the premium early men of God placed on the knowledge of God above all their efforts in ministry.


Jn 17:3, Phil. 3:10, 2 Pet. 1:2-3 (KJV, AMP)

Read each of these in other versions you may have, but study it in amplified version quoted hereunder:
“And this is eternal life; (it means) to know (to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with, and understand) You, the only true and real God, and (likewise) to know Him, Jesus (as the) Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah), whom you have sent” (John 17:3 AMP).
“(For my determined purpose is) that I may know Him (that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly)”... (Phil. 3:10 AMP).
“May grace (God’s favour) and peace (which is perfect well being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in (the full, personal, precise, and correct) knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Pet. 12 AMP).
Discuss each of the words used in the amplified version to explain the essence of Knowing God. Knowing God means more than knowing about Him. It means a deep and intimate acquaintance with Him. It involves being able to perceive, recognize and understand the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly. Knowing God is not a “once and for all” issue. It must be progressive. This in essence is eternal life.


We shall examine the lives of elders gone before us to discover the necessity they placed on the matter of knowing God.

1. Jesus Christ, our Lord

a) Knowing God is eternal life… Jn. 17:3, 2 Cor. 3:18, Jn. 8:55. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself declares that eternal life means knowing God and He confessed that He knows God. The matter of knowing God is of primary importance in walking with Him.
It is our first encounter with the Lord in knowing Him and what He did for us on the cross of Calvary that brings us into the experience of the new birth. That is what launches us into life, abundant and everlasting life in Christ Jesus. No one can be safe except by a definite knowledge of the saviour (1 Jn. 3:6). You may know about Him but if you don’t know Him, you will not have eternal life.

Everyone who experienced the new life must thereafter continue to know the Lord more and more 2 Pet. 3:18.

b) Knowing God is the way into abundance of grace and peace. 2 Pet. 1:2-4, (KJV, LB, AMP)

When you grow in your knowledge of God, grace and peace will be multiplied to you.

“Do you want more and more of God’s kindness and peace? Then learn to know Him better and better” 2 Pet. 1:2 LB.

In addition, all that pertains to life and godliness come to us through our knowledge of God. This knowledge must however be a two - way knowing: We knowing Him and He Knowing us. None of the two must be assumed, lest on the last day the Lord says to you, “I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity,” Matt. 7:23.


Having character is one thing BUT possessing a "GODLY CHARACTER" is another thing.

READ 1 PETER 3:1-7


1. Separate from people who will cause you to gossip, find fault.
2. Develop your character through the following.
3. By being teachable By being leadable.
4. By being directable By being humble .
5. By being obedient.
6. Be a friend or staying with people or somebody who will build you life for life. They will not give you chance to do contrary so that you can become strong.
7. Don’t follow somebody who has bad character. Nothing corrupt destiny like bad character. Keep friends who will rebuke you, criticize you, refuse you and who will not praise you always.
v  Character is develop when you have connection with God always by asking how do God feel about me in prayer, because the more you pray, the more humble you become.
v  Bible reading, how to talk and relating with people at home.
v  Character is developing when you easily admit your fault, mistake, error.
N/B: Beauty without character can only attract they eyes but cannot attract the heart.What involve God cannot fail. A man or woman of purpose cannot fail. God created you for a purpose that is to prosper.


1 Peter 3:1-7 reads “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conservation of the wives; while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear…But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a weak and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price… Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord …Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
You will notice that the focus of this passage is the family. From the very first sentence, the Spirit of God, through the author, directly and clearly addresses the wife. He tells her what she must do to win her husband to herself and to the Lord, if he is yet to surrender his life to Him. He then turns to the husband in the seventh verse, telling him also what he must do to win his wife over. The implication of this set of instructions issued to each of the couple is to make them work at making their union what God intends it to be – a representation of the unity that exists in the Godhead.

The Winsome Conduct of a Christian Wife.

A Christian wife is a woman who has turned away from sin, received Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour, and consequently lives a new life in Him (2 Cor. 5:17). The husband of a Christian wife may be a non-Christian or unbeliever, referred to by a writer as “a beloved unbeliever”. If this is the case, the question then is, how does the Christian wife win her non - Christian husband to the Lord? The beginning of 1 Peter 3 reveals several ways she can do this.
1.      Submit herself to her husband (Verse 1). Submission to your husband as a Christian wife is necessary because you are a child of God, He commands you to do so, and obeying Him is advantageous to you. Submission is winsome. If you desire your husband’s conversion, you must learn to submit to him.
2.      Have open conversation with her husband (Verse 1). Conversation in this context means the manner in which you speak to your husband. The way you talk to your husband can draw him closer to you and to God. If, however, you bully, nag or lord it over him, you will definitely repel him. By your conversation, you can win him to the Lord, or drive him far from Him.
3.      Honour and respect her husband (Verse 2). The word “fear” as used in this verse is not slavish fear, but honour and respect for your husband. To honour your husband is not necessarily bowing, genuflecting, or kneeling before him, whatever the sign of respect for the man may be in your culture, but your attitude, disposition, carriage, response, or reaction to what he says or does goes go a long way to show whether you honour and respect him or not. Your “chaste conversation coupled with fear” is definitely a way to win your husband.
4.      Dress neatly, decently and moderately before her husband (verse 3). You should not look slovenly or unkempt before your husband. What attracts a man to his wife is her neat, elegant and smart appearance aside her godly character.
5.      Be meek and humble to her husband (verse 4). The scripture affirms that this meek and quiet spirit of a godly wife is of great worth. In as much as the Word of God is true, this virtue effectively wins a man over.
6.      Trust God for her husband (verse 5). Don’t be worried or discuss your husband’s spiritual state with people, but rather pray and trust God for his conversion.
7.      Reverence and be good to her husband (verse 6). When you truly reverence your husband and do good to him, he will be attracted to you and of course to the Lord.
N/B: The only way you will win her heart to you and the Lord is to see her exactly the same way God sees her – a beloved woman, foe whose soul He sacrificed His only begotten son.
Let us rephrase all we have just said about the winsome conduct of a Christian wife. Salvation attracts, sin repels; submission attracts, stubbornness repels; softness attracts, sharpness repels; simplicity attracts, selfishness repels; spirituality attracts, sorcery repels; support attracts, self-centeredness repels; sanctification attracts, shabbiness repels.
Of all the winsome virtues of the Christian wife mentioned here, submission is the most potent. Apostle Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote to the Christian wives at Ephesus, and by extension those of us today,
 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22).
Many women today see submission to their husbands as a big deal, but a careful consideration of the subject matter will reveal that it is not as difficult as they think. You naturally and willingly submit to other authorities – your parents, boss, the government, a law enforcement agent, a doctor or an older sibling without any qualm. Yes, you may obey them because something is at stake. If your doctor instructs you to do something concerning your health, for instance, you will obey because your life is at stake. You will also obey the flight attendant when he instructs you to fasten your seat belt because your life is involved. But the bottom line is whether something is at stake or not, you naturally and willingly submit to these authorities without any difficulty. Therefore, if submission to these authorities is more or less something natural for you, why is submission to your husband a difficult thing? The truth is submission to your husband is advantageous to you in all ways-spiritually and otherwise. But if you don’t submit to him, you stand at a great disadvantage.



Much has been said already about the conducts of the Christian wife that will win the husband’s heart and draw him to the Lord, so that their marriage will be blissful. But a happy marriage is not all the making of the wife. The husband also has a vital role to play in making the relationship work. Just as the wife, he needs to fulfill his responsibility in wining the wife to himself and to the Lord, if she is not yet a Christian. And how does a Christian husband win his non-Christian wife to the Lord? “Likewise, ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
Here is the counsel for the husband: he must live with his wife, no matter how cantankerous or evil she is. As a husband, you are not to divorce your wife or send her away from her matrimonial home. Rather, you should considerably live with her. Don’t be ashamed when she follows you to church in her makeup and worldly attires. Be proud of her. Though she’s not born again, she’s still part of you. Sooner, your love and tolerance will win her to the Lord.
Show your wife some understanding. As the scripture enjoins above, live with her “according to knowledge.” First, live with her according to the knowledge of God’s word. The bible commands the husband to love his wife unconditionally. Second, live with her according to the knowledge of her femininity. A woman is different from a man; hence, her needs are peculiar. You must understand this, and relate with her with the knowledge of those peculiar needs.
You must also “(give) honour unto the wife.” Deliberately honour and respect her. You know it is possible for a man to be neutral in this regard. He doesn’t ill-treat, insult, assault or humiliate his wife; yet, he doesn’t respect her views, decisions, judgments and concerns. He just chooses the middle ground; that is being neutral. Actually, In God’s economy, there is no middle ground. You must honour your wife deliberately and consistently. Let her know you really appreciate her.  Honour and respect her “as unto the weaker vessel.” She is feebler or weaker than you are. Know her weaknesses – physical, emotional, or spiritual weaknesses – and be considerate of her feelings and inabilities.
Moreover, relate with her as a person who is “heirs together of the grace of life” with you. No matter the depth of her sinful life, remember that the grace of salvation, sanctification, service to the Lord is available to her just as it is to you. You will never win her if you look down on her. The only way you will win her heart to you and the Lord is to see her exactly the same way God sees her – a beloved woman, for whose soul He sacrificed His only begotten son.
Now that you know that the conscious effort of both spouses to make their relationship work is the recipe for a blissful and blossoming marriage, begin to imbibe the winsome attitudes of a wife and a husband discussed above, so that you can enjoy a home that is heaven on earth, and the envy of many.



The following are the steps through which a christian can change his/her story for good.

PRAYER: - Psa. 55:16-17; 18, 22; 53:4; 50:15; Isa. 50:10; 41:10; Ezek. 22:30; Joel 2:32; Mk. 1:35; Lk. 3:21-22; 11:1; 18:1; 1 Tim. 2:8.

GIVING : - Lk. 6:38

RIGHT LIVING – separation:- 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Isa. 33:15-17; Isa. 54:14

FORGIVENESS : - Mark 11:25

SOWING : - Eccl. 11:1-6; Isa. 32:20

- 1 Chron. 29:

N/B: Take time to give God thanks, sing praises with your mouth unto Him. Psa, 119:164.





N/B: Life is full of battle – you must fight in other to survive. Rev. 12:

Sunday, 16 July 2017



     The devotions of the disciples of the old have been quite a great a challenge. They devoted themselves to the Lord, to prayer and to God’s word. They were committed to fellowship and to the oneness of the Body of Christ. This brought them into so much intimacy with God and unity among them that they experienced a move of the Spirit of God that brought transformation to many lives and communities. Today God is speaking expressly that He is about to move in His power again. If God’ visitation will be sustained in our time and beyond it, we must also cultivate these devotions both as individuals and corporately as God’s people.
We shall press on today in these series by studying their devotion to the discipleship process. Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to you beyond the letter of the scriptures in Jesus name. Amen.


1.      It is important here again to recall the definition of the word ‘‘devotion’’.

a)      Looking at the scriptures below, what does it mean to be devoted to the Lord? Act.2:42-43, 6:3-4, Ruth. 1:16-18, Lk. 10:27-28.

To be devoted to the Lord means to have a constant, consistence and strong love for the Lord so much that you are loyal to Him no matter the cost. It involves spending a lot of time or energy on being with Him, learning of Him and obeying Him. The disciples left all other things and devoted themselves to the Lord and to His teachings, to prayer and fellowship. It was not as if they had nothing to do; but because of their strong love and devotion to the Lord, they were committed to Him and to everything that will enhance their relationship with God. Ruth also demonstrated devotion in her relationship with Naomi and her God. She left her nation, her people and indeed her all, in order to follow Naomi and her God. To be devoted to the Lord means to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. To be devoted to the Lord demands our all.
In order to further bring out the meaning of devotion, give examples of people and things secular or sacred, that people are usually devoted to.

 Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.




They devoted themselves to prayer.

Discuss the devotion of the disciples to prayer in the scriptures below.

Act.1:12-14; 2:1-4; Act.2:41-43; 4:23-24, 29-31; 6:1-4; Dan.6:10; Ex.33:11; Num.27:16-19.

You will notice that for these disciples, their devotion to the Lord was what made them to be devoted to prayer. For them, prayer was a means of walking closely to the Lord; it was not for material gain or miracles they needed. To you, what is prayer all about? Are you devoted to prayer?

i. Note that no special prayer committee or prayer contractors were employed. Instead, each of these, and indeed, all these continued in prayer in one accord. What were the results of this devotion as they walked closely with the Lord in prayers?
The Holy Ghost came down mightily upon the disciples of the old as a result of their selfless commitment to prayer. Disciples multiplied and God wrought great wanders among them. Even in the Old Testament, disciples like Mosses and Daniel devoted themselves to prayer and God manifested himself to each of them and through them. The truth is that if you desire to experience God as they did, your devotion to prayer cannot be less than theirs. You must also be selfless in your commitment to prayer.
ii. Discuss what our prayer lives must be like, if we must get the kind of result that the disciples of the old got.

b   Fasting (along with prayer) was a regular practice among them as well.

Act.13:1-3, 14:23, Note Matt.9:14-15.
They were willing to fore-go food in order to concentrate in the place of prayer. It is a further sign of their commitment to prayer in their walk with the Lord.
Looking at the above scriptures as well as Isa.58:6-7, Lk4:1-2, what are we to use prayer and fasting achieve?
It is clear that fasting has its place in the life of a disciple of Christ especially now that the Bridegroom (the Lord Jesus Christ) has been taken away from us. Fasting is a means to an end; it is not an end in itself. Even though we now have access to the father by the blood of Jesus, fasting is meant to help us downplay our appetite and put our body under. it help us to connect more easily with God so as to let the power of God flow through us to loose the bounds of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, provide bread for the hungry and do other great works in the name of the Lord and to the glory of God.
In order to achieve result, note what the heathen also do in the area of fasting.Act.23:12,1Kg.21:9-13.
 It is clear that part of the devotion of the disciples of the old was prayer and fasting and God moved with them. Even evil men know the value of fasting to achieve their purpose. Are you so devoted to the Lord?

   How did our Lord Jesus Christ handle their aspect of devotion in his life?

Matt.4:1-2; Matt.14:21-23, Mk.1:32-36, Lk11:1-2, 22:39-40, Matt.17:18-21.
What lessons can we learn from His devotion to prayer and fasting?
It is important to note that even our Lord Jesus Christ devoted Himself to prayer and sometimes with fasting. Even though He is God in every sense and does not need to fast, yet because He took upon Himself the human form, He subjected Himself to the discipline of fasting. He subjected Himself to fasting and prayers to show us how to live and walk with God as human beings. If The Lord Jesus Christ devoted Himself to these, we must do so much more. We should follow in His steps.

Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.




What does the word, ‘devotion’ means?
Act, 2:42-43, 6:3-4, Ruth. 1:16-18, Luke. 10:7-28
From the dictionary, the word, ‘Devotion’ means constant strong love for something or somebody; or loyalty and commitment to somebody or something. This lead to the action of spending a lot of time or energy on that thing or with that person. The scripture above shows us the devotion of the disciples of old and what they devoted themselves to, which made God to walk with them and work in their lives. Ruth was so devoted, committed and loyal to Naomi and her God that she left all to follow her. The early disciples were also devoted to the Lord so much that they left all and devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. Their devotion to the Lord and therefore to this act made them to spend most of their time with the Lord and whatever He hold them to do. And God use the devotion of the early church to achieve much in their lives communities. What you spend your time, money and indeed your life upon, is a very crucial indication of what and who you are devoted to. Examine yourself on this. What and who are you devoted to?
We shall now examine what these disciples devoted themselves to, which so pleased the Lord as to show Himself mighty amidst them.
       The disciples devoted themselves unto the Lord.(Mk.10:28-31; Acts 4:19-20; 20:19-25, 21:13; Phil. 3:7-8; Dan. 3:14-18.

a)      Discuss what it means to devote one’s life to the Lord from the above scriptures.
b)      Analyze the implication of their devotion to the Lord on their lives from the scriptures above. What does it mean for us today if we also will be said to be devoted to the Lord?
From the above noted scriptures, their first devotion was unto the Lord. It was the Lord they responded to; it was the Lord they followed and with Him they spent their lives and time. It was as a result of their devotion or loyalty to the Lord that they went ahead to leave all in order to follow Him; Nothing was too dear to them to forgo in order to follow Him; even their lives were not o dear to them to lay down for the name of the Lord. As a result tot their devotion to the Lord, they were willing to do whatever He told them to do even if it will cost them their very lives. That was devotion indeed.
To devote oneself to the Lord therefore is not an ordinary mouth talk. It start from the heart; it involves personal valuation of the Lord as the treasure above all others as we see it demonstrated in these disciples of old. Whenever this kind of valuation happens to anyone, it will not be difficult to leave all and follow the Lord.
In the light of their devotion, can you truly say therefore that you are devoted to the Lord?

 Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.



Discuss the devotion of the disciples to oneness among them.

What did you discovered?
        Acts.1:12-14; 2:1-4, 42-47; 4:24,32-37; 5:12-16; 6:1-7; 12:1-11.

What was the effect of their oneness on their lives and on the work of God in their time?
  Note the repeated use of the phrases, ‘one accord’ in the above scriptures. They did not allow any disagreement into their hearts and into their midst. As they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers, they become one in their understanding of scriptures. They believed alike, understood alike and become one even in their material possessions and they devoted themselves unto keeping that unity.  Every trace of disunity that tried to creep in among them was promptly, scripturally and effectively handled. The result was that great grace was upon them all. The word of God increased, disciples multiplied and a great number of priest became obedient to the faith. God did great miracles among them and His work progressed rapidly among them. Indeed how blessed it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! For there, God commands His blessings. The scarcity of the word of God and abundance of errors in our time is an indication of disunity in the Body of Christ in our nation and in the nations. Genuine move of the Holy Spirit and His miraculous manifestation are very scarce. Disciples indeed are not many in our time and the Church and the Name of the Lord is being greatly reproached, all because of disunity in the Body of Christ. This house of God is fragmented; so the church is exposed to lot of hardship from the scorching heat of the sun, storms and the attacks of the enemy who takes advantages of the gaps in our midst. The serpent creeps in without any hindrance. If this situation will be reversed, for us to experience revival, we must get committed to the unity of the Body of Christ even in our locality and allow nothing and no man to divide us. As a person it is important for you to commit yourself to this as a devotion.

1.      Examine again Phi. 2:1-5 quoted in the study from the message version, and look deeply within you, with whom should you agree quickly and become deep spirited friends in your locality or workplace or even in the Church or fellowship you attend? Act right away.

 Worship with us on Sundays at Calvary Is Real Bible Church.
VENUE: #13 Ukwansi Street Abakaliki Off Water works Ai
TIME:  8:00 AM prompt.